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Based on the great western philosophers reported by the discussant what I really like is the way he

stated his report by having initial background of all the western philosophers. The revealing of images
makes the report interesting. The western philosophers like Soren Kierkegaard, Jean-Paul Satre, Paulo
Freire, Friedrich Nietsche help me discover new things in my teaching and learning process. What I really
also learned are the striking quotable quotes from these western philosophers. Soren Kierkegard
created the philosophy of individualism called Existentialism. The Kierkegaard quotes capture my
attention is that life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived towards, it is important to
look behind us to understand and realize what has happened. Through this understanding, we are then
able to better live as we continue this journey called life. Although not clearly stated, Mr. Kierkegaard is
speaking of the importance of reflection. It is important to reach milestones, look back, and figure out
how you conquered the once seemingly impossible. Jean Paul-Satre best known leading philosophers of
existentialism. Satre quotes I learned is that “The best work is not what is most difficult for you it is what
you do best”. It is important that in every task, activities and challenges you encountered you finished it
by giving all your best to fulfill self-satisfaction and happiness in life. Paulo Freire was a Brazilian
educationalist and philosopher whose radical ideas about pedagogy, learning and knowledge led to the
establishment of the critical pedagogy movement. Freire quotes capture my attention is that “There’s no
such thing as neutral education. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity
or freedom”. Personally, I find this to be a invigorating idea as an educator. Once you understand this,
you can stop the pointless attempt to be completely neutral and unbiased. As educator we should
remove ourselves from the equation and let our students come to their own conclusions, but it’s a
fallacy to think that you can be entirely neutral throughout this process.

If Western Philosophy generally is trying to find out and prove what the “truth” is then the Eastern
philosophy accepts what the “truth” is and is more focused on trying to find a balance in their lives. All in
all, the philosophy of the east, namely Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and to the extent of Zen
Buddhism, they all focus on one’s awareness that everyone is responsible to one another, whatever they
called it, Brahman, perfection, bliss, happiness or heaven, all of it is not about doing good to others so
they can go to heaven that was imposed by most religions, but to experience heaven while they are still
living, for no one truly knows what lies ahead, what future awaits us after we die. By forgetting the
future, and considering the present, and by living today and helping others as we tread in this world of
struggle is the ultimate reality, for what is always important is the here and the now. "The superior man
understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell." Confucius. With this quotation
the superior man is a man that stays true to himself. In that, he develops aspects of himself that cannot
be stolen or sold. The inferior man develops aspects of himself for the sake of image and worldly value.
In staying true to oneself the superior man understands the value of empowerment. The inferior man
only understands control, resulting in abuse of power because of his inferiority.

What I have learned from this report is that most philosophy of the east is concentrated on moral
principle, as a path to enlightenment. Thus, those who attained this certain realization became the
founders of these beliefs, but they all remain intact on the everyday ordinary act of contributing to
social justice, because this is the ultimate reality, realized and determined by man without god, but with
the awareness that there is no sense looking for answers about god, its connections to us, for there is
much more they can contribute to the society by helping others. enturbulence

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