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In this book Allan Pease shares with us what are

the most relevant characteristics of Network

Increase the income of

He teaches how to your business even if you
With the help of some
weave a network of are not a relationship
techniques and strategies
contacts professional.

Chapter 1 Chapter 3 and 4 Chapter 5

Chapter 2

Key 1: the fundamental basis He talks about how to generate a Rule 1: Talks about body language, and
Rules 1,2,3 Rules 4 Rules 5 is to gain the trust of the guest, positive impact on customers, what is the importance of gestures,
looking for common aspects from how the person should accompanied by the correct words at the
and interests shake hands, to how confidence time of negotiation
can be transmitted through a
• Don't discount To apply the It consists in Key 2: Consists of knowing smile Rule 2: It consists in considering the
potential law of the mean that after you why people buy or do not buy context in which a person is approached,
customers where they know your or what are the reasons that since not all moments are the same nor can
explain the averages and prevent them from joining my Maintain a prudent distance with people react in the same way.
clients so that they do not feel
• Talk about motivation your averages, company
that they are invading their
your business or increase the Rule 3: It consists in recognizing cultural
Key 3: Consists of using the personal territory, without
differences, in contemplating that not all
products to work to be able neglecting that everything enters
need that we generated with the people are the same, and that according to
to improve and through the eyes and clothing is
everyone previous key and seeking to give their culture they must handle different
thus get more a solution to that problem totally important
gestures and words, to achieve closeness
• Try to offer as without offending the client.
Key 4: key prompts us to ask the
many potential client to join the
introductions as business, since at this point it
should not be problematic, we
possible must be relaxed and totally safe

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