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• Define CDC and explain their duties as it relates to immunization: the CDC is the Center of

Disease Control and Prevention . They are the ones that regulates vaccines and approve them as
well as make sure it is safe to use.
• What do the following vaccine abbreviations stand for and in your own words what do they
• Td- Tetanus, diptheria and a cellular pertusisis it. The prevents baterial disease
• MMR- Measles, mumps and rubella . It prevents the upper respiratory infects salivatory
• DTap- diptheria, tetanus and pertusisis (whooping coughing). it prevents the respotory
disease that effects the membrane and affect the nervous system
• Know the Immunization schedules for the following:
• DTap-2month, 4month, 6 month,15–18 months, 4–6 years
• MMR- 2 dose series 12–15 months, 4–6 years
• HIB- ActHIB, Hiberix, or Pentacel 4-dose series at 2, 4, 6, 12–15 months. PedvaxHIB 3-
dose series at 2, 4, 12–15 months
• VAR- 2-dose series at 12–15 months, 4–6 years
• IPV-4-dose series at ages 2, 4, 6–18 months, 4–6 years
• Rotavirus- Rotarix: 2-dose series at 2 and 4 months. RotaTeq: 3-dose series at 2, 4, and 6
• Define and describe the difference between:
• Active acquired immunity- long term immunity
• Passive acquired immunity- short term immunity
• Natural immunity- immuntity that is naturally existing and being in an enviroment that
our body overtime gets used to
• Artificial immunity- something that you are going to get from the doctors office and that
is a man made product
• List the preferred injection site for an infant - vastus lateratis (thigh)
• List the preferred injection side for a child over 2- vastus lateratis and deltiod
• What is the VIS form and what responsibility does the MA have with it? the VIS is a Vaccine
information statement. The responsibility of the MA is to give the paitent the VIS.

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