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This chapter specifies the result of the qualitative analysis as an answer to the following

research questions: What are the lived experiences of frontliners during the COVID-19

pandemic? Can you describe your personal experience as frontliners during the surge of COVID-

19 pandemic? Tell me more about your unforgettable experiences during the performance of

your duties as frontliners? How did pandemic affect your physical health? Can you describe your

feelings when the enhanced community quarantine started? What did you feel for your family,

co-workers and yourself when Covid-19 affected people all over the world? Can you describe the

status of your mental health? How did this pandemic affect your decision-making? How did this

pandemic affect your relationship with your friends, relatives and your loved ones? How did

your family adjust with your work as a frontliner? How did you manage your time with your

family? Can you give some challenges you encountered in managing your time with your family

and your work? How do frontliners cope up with the different challenges? What do you think is

the most effective coping strategy you employed in order to overcome the different challenges

you encountered? What are their insights and realizations in COVID-19 pandemic? What have

you learned having those challenges that you cope up? Can you give some tips on how you

overcome those challenges? Are there anything you want to say more about your experiences as

frontliner in dealing with Covid-19?

Nurses are among the most important people in the community especially during at times

like this where health care service providers are highly needed to attend to all the patients

affected by the pandemic. Despite of all the hard work and sacrifices, they are undercompensated

and underappreciated. We often hear complaints from health care workers regarding their

compensation that does not match their efforts and hard work. The nurses that are interviewed by
the researchers for this study are among of the front liners in our community. They have I parted

their thought, insights, experiences, challenges, tips and stories during this pandemic.

To learn more about the abovementioned ideas, the researchers conducted an in-depth

interview via Zoom to gather significant data. Thus, a deeper understanding would be expected

after the interview regarding the life and experiences of these nurses as front liners during this


(Insert table)

Categorization of the Emergent Themes

The audio recording of the responses were transcribed and translated after the in-depth

interviews were completed, as shown in table 1. The information in the following table was

presented using three classifications: general, typical, and variant.

The first classification is General, which means that at least 50% of respondents

mentioned the item during the interview; the second is Typical, which means that 26–49% of

respondents mentioned the item; and the third is Variant, which means that less than 25% of

respondents mentioned the item.

Table 2. Themes and Core Ideas on the (insert title)

Major Themes Classification Responses

Following Protocol Typical

Self-awareness and Acceptance Typical

Service Before Everything Else Variant

Worry and Fear Variant

Hope and Prayers Variant

In order to come up with a detailed discussion in addressing challenges faced by the

nurse front liners in (insert place), an in-depth interview with the researchers were conducted.

Relevant questions were asked to gather significant information regarding the research topic.

The themes that were developed from their stories include: Following Protocol; Self-

awareness and Acceptance; Service Before Everything Else; Worry and Fear; and Hope and


Following Protocol

Health care service workers are the ones that attend directly to the patients that are either

infected or not. They are the ones who conduct the vaccination, testing, and direct contact to the

patients. Among these healthcare workers are the nurses. They are prone and exposed to the

virus which means they have to be extra careful and more cautious with their PPEs. Just like us,

who are not directly exposed to these patients, nurses are also strictly following protocol. Not

only by washing hands and disinfecting with alcohol, these nurses are covered with PPEs to

protect themselves even more from the deadly virus. Among the responses, here are some

notable statements from the interviewees:

“As for the experience, it was okay because as a nurse you need to know and follow the

protocols to protect yourself. Wear PPE, face shield and mask, that's the number 1 thing to do.

So far, we have not yet encountered a patient that is COVID positive. We only had patients that

are suspected and possible for COVID. In terms of rendering of service especially rendering of

care, history, record and data is number 1. So, it will be hard if we will not take action

urgently.” N1

“During ECQ, it is very crucial as a nurse because first of all, the transportation is our first

concern. And also, PPE, because it is very limited. So, even now it is still difficult because the

stocks are limited. Because of this, we struggle in using the PPE. So, we are very strict on

triaging because the ones we use are those cloth type not the disposable type. Regarding the

patients, there are some that will lie about their travel history. And with the other nurses, there

is a misunderstanding due to the protocols being different from the others. I was an ER nurse

that time, it was very difficult because the protocol should be followed and the others are case to

case basis. On the triage, I'm the one on the ER and also the one that will manage. So, it is very

hard because I have to do everything.” N2

The estimated percentage of the responses that fell under this theme is under 50 but over

26 therefore classified as Typical.

Self-awareness and Acceptance

For the long time that they had worked in this field, these nurses had already assessed

themselves on how they should prepare themselves and adjust to all the stress and work that they

have or might experience. They had already accepted the fact that as nurses, they should be
physically as well as mentally and physically healthy and stable. It is really hard to render

service when one is also struggling. After assessing the collected responses, here are some that

are included in this theme:

“During code blue, you are saving a life of a person so you are emotional because there are

times that you can’t save the patient’s life. But as cases rise, and also death. You just get used to

it.” N3

“My personal experience in terms in mental status is that sometimes I feel depressed because

there are people that I encounter that are very harsh at frontliners. Though there are some that

are polite, but most of the time the people have a foul mouth. So, patience is really needed.” N6

“For me, as a frontliner. It is difficult because you need to understand not just yourself but also

the patients, especially the ones that are positive. As a frontliner team work and communication

is needed. You also need to explain the situation of the patient to his/her family.” N7

These responses contribute to an estimated percentage of 49 percent of the total responses

therefore are considered are Typical.

Service Before Everything Else

Nurses are highly needed by the community. Since emergencies are not scheduled and

might happen anytime, healthcare service is needed at all times. These workers, especially this

time of crisis, work double time and sacrifice their time with their family and friends to attend to

the needs of their patients. Wherever they go and whenever it is, they will carry the duty and

responsibility of being a nurse. This is the reason why there are times that they would rather

work than spend their time with their family at home. Being a nurse is not only a job but also a

lifetime commitment. Here are some of the responses that fell under this theme:
“They would adjust especially y eldest child. He does not want me to work because he’s afraid I

might get infected so explained to him that mama has to work. There are times that he would cry

because ehe does not understand. It’s hard because you would hesitate to leave. That’s why I

slowly explain to them that when I get home from work, they should not come near me. Also, I

take shower outside until they got used to that routine.” N1

“Yes, it is very exhausting. Why? Because we have to work overtime, 24/7. The reason for that is

every now and then there will be an update from the region. So, from time to time the

information and protocol changes, depending on the arising problem.” N3

“I handle a patient that was positive. I got infected because I work at the ICU. And patients in

ICU have 50/50 chance of living. So, there the patient already has comorbidities. That time, we

knew that the patient was positive, and we had to isolate the patient. I felt sad because we knew

that the patient would have a high chance of dying due to the comorbidities. I lost weight

because of the Lockdown in Kidapawan. We barely went out to unwind after duty. And during

the time that I was COVID positive, I felt hopeless because being quarantined at home was not

an easy thing to do. It affected my appetite.” N5

These responses are classified as Variant since they consist 22 percent of the total number

of responses.

Worry and Fear

Fear is innate to humans and these nurses, although we might say that they are used to

these types of situations, they also feel worry and fear. Before they became nurses and took an

oath to this commitment, they were a friend, a daughter or son, a mother, a family, a person. The
interviewees expressed that they are also worried not only for themselves but mostly for their

families and friends. They might already accept the fact that they will get infected but they

would never want their loved ones to get the virus. That is why constant fear and worry, even a

little, is present in them because getting the virus is very uncertain. The following are some of

the responses that fall under this theme:

“Should I answer in Tagalog or English? Anyway, during that time COVID-19 is new to use. We

were not aware of its impact and also its capability but the anxiety that it brought was high.

Because if one got infected, automatically that person will be quarantined at home. And that

time, as frontliners, it is scary because what if you get infected and stuff. You will carry the virus

and if your immune system is strong, there is a tendency that the symptoms will not show but you

will be COVID positive. The fear I have is not for myself but for the people around me, because

we have senior citizens at home. We really took extra precautions before entering the house.

Handwashing and all. Every time that there is a patient with symptoms that will be admitted at

the hospital, we try to avoid having fear if there's a possibility because at that time there are no

rapid tests available and also no swab tests. We only have clinical diagnosis and the symptoms

shown by the patient brings anxiety but thankfully for about 9 to 10 months, there is no patient

that became positive. There is one but it got prevented. After that, the staff got used to it but still

take precaution but at least the fear is lessened. Sometimes we assume that every time someone

coughs, it is COVID but that assumption is gone. Because there are some patients that came out

negative. Then RHU became strict on monitoring and the cases here in Midsayap was not

increasing. So, the status is okay.” N4

“My experience during COVID-19 is, at first, we did not take it seriously. But when the cases in

Kidapawan started to rise we became alarmed. And also, even if a patient undergoes a rapid
test. The rapid test is not 100% accurate, there's still a chance that it the finding is false. The

rise of cases in Kidapawan became very alarming because there is still a chance of getting

infected even if you're careful. Even more if you're working at a hospital like us. Handling

different patients while you are not sure if that patient is positive. And even if you’re a frontliner

it is still scary to become COVID positive because at that time there was no vaccine yet.” N5

“When the cases skyrocketed, I can say that I became depressed and scared at the same time.

Like that time after our quarantine, I am still scared of going near a person. I am scared

because of the thought that I might infect them. When it comes to decision-making, it is

confusing. Because even DOH’s protocol is unsure, their decision-making became affected as

well. I did not get why they had to impose a curfew, because as far as I know COVID does not

pick a time when it infects someone.” N6

“Personally, each and every one is afraid. As for me, I already told my loved on that if I were to

become positive with COVID. I will not go home so that they will not be infected.” N7

These responses are also classified as Variant since only 14 percent of the total responses

are under this theme.

Hope and Prayers

Hope is one of the things that keep us going even without concrete reasons. Praying is

one of the ways to strengthen these hopes and is the greatest and strongest weapon that we can

have at times like this. These nurses are praying and hoping that this whole pandemic will end

not only because of exhaustion but also for everything to go back to normal and live normally.

Like all of us, healthcare workers are also very tired of this current situation and we cannot

blame them if they would demand for a break. Notable responses that are under this theme are

the following:

“They already accepted that I cannot go home frequently. Also, PRAYERS. That is what they can

offer to help me. Since they already adjusted because I work in the medical field, we cannot go

home frequently.” N5

“Self-awareness to protect yourself. Think positive and pray because nothing is impossible with

God. Despite all of these, you need to be strong, God-centered because nothing is impossible if

you are mentally prepared. Be strong, pray always, have unity with your coworkers and also to

have cooperation.” N1

“maybe actually prayer is number 1. also, observe hygeinic measures to keep ourselves safe,

also, do not touch anywhere and anything. always bring alcohol” N4

Roughly five percent of the total responses are under this theme therefore classified are

FM1: The interviewees expressed their insights regarding the importance of following the

protocol that was imposed by the administration and the risks of not following it. Social

distancing, regular disinfection and other protocol should be observed all the times. (Theme 1)

SS: 1,2, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 27, 44, 49, 51-56, 58, 60, 62, 68-70, 77, 86, 89, 92, 103, 109

FM2: The years of work and exposure to this type of set-up had trained all these healthcare

workers to accept the consequences of their occupation. They are already aware of the risks and

have already prepared themselves to all the possibilities. Self-awareness and acceptance had

already developed in them even before getting employed since they are already trained during

their college days. (Theme 2)

SS: 6,7, 10, 18, 21, 25, 28, 31, 33, 37-39, 41, 45, 46, 48, 59, 63, 66, 70, 73, 77, 80, 81, 85, 87-90,

93-95, 96-98, 100, 101, 103, 106-110, 112, 113, 115,116, 117-120

FM3: These nurses have already devoted their life and time to this occupation to the point that

they become selfless. This lifetime commitment to this job made them sacrifice their time even

their leisure time and family time. At times like this where front liners are highly needed, even

their personal time are being compromised. The interviewees shared their experiences where

they spend most of their time at work and barely got time to spend with their loved ones. (Theme


SS: 3, 8,9, 12, 14, 19, 26, 29, 42, 43, 50, 57, 60, 61, 64, 65, 72, 116, 117
FM4: Fear of the virus is not only limited to the common citizens like us. These front liners, who

are highly at risk of getting the virus are also worried not only for themselves but also for their

loved ones. (Theme4)

SS: 4,5, 16, 22-24, 30, 32, 34-36, 40, 47, 69

FM5: Aside from working hard, these nurses also incorporate prayers in their everyday routine.

Their hopes on making the situation better is accompanied by strong prayers and worship. We all

know that the Lord guides us and will always help us for our betterment. (Theme 5)

SS: 61, 85, 97, 104, 107

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