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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention :
2. Drugs for Parasitic Infections: The Medical Letter;2013
Introduction Epidemiology Morfologi

Siklus Hidup Gejala Klinis Diagnosis

Terapi Pencegahan
• Amebiasis (amebic dysentery)
→ disebabkan oleh parasit
Entamoeba histolytica→ diare
• Biasanya dialami oleh penduduk yang
hidup di daerah tropis dengan kondisi
sanitasi yang buruk
• E. histolytica infection can occur when
a person:
1. Puts anything into their mouth that has
touched the feces (poop) of a person
who is infected with E.histolytica.
2. Swallows something, such as water or
food, that is contaminated with E.
3. Swallows E. histolytica cysts (eggs)
picked up from contaminated surfaces
or fingers.
Infection is acquired by
ingestion of food or water
containing the cyst form of
the parasite Entamoeba
histolytica → amebic colitis
and liver abscess.
1. Afrika
2. Amerika latin
3. India
4. Asia Tenggara

Amerika Serikat 1-4%

terutama anak
retardasi mental,
homoseks, imigram
• Memiliki 2 stadium yakni:
• Infeksi Non-invasive →
trophozoites terbatas terdapat
pada intestinal lumen →
asimptomatis, carier, terdapat
kista pada fesesnya
• Penyakit Intestinal →
trophozoites memasuki
intestinal mucosa
• Penyakit ekstraintestinal (2-8%)
→ lewat peredaran darah
hingga mencapai
ekstraintestinal mencakup
amebiasis hati, paru, peritonitis,
otak. Jarang : limpa, pancreas,
saluran kemih dengan berbagai
manifestasi klinis
10-20% pasien yang terinfeksi E. histolytica menimbulkan gejala→
timbul dalam kurun waktu 2-4minggu
Symptoms Percentage
1.Diarrhea 100
2.Dysentery 99
3.Abdominal pain 85
4.Fever 68
5.Dehydration 5
• Diagnosis of amebiasis requires the
demonstration of E. histolytica cysts or
trophozoites in feces or tissues
• Stool specimens → preserved + stained →
microscopically examined.
• Cysts → stools and trophozoites → diarrheic
• Sigmoidoscopy → ulcers
• Aspirates or biopsies →
• 70 to 80% patients with
acute invasive colitis or
liver abscesses, and greater
than 90% of the
convalescence patients
→ serum antibodies
against E. histolytica.

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