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LUYEN THI VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN ANH MOCK TEST N g ay: 04/11/2018 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. 01._____ the step when you go in. a. Consider b. mind c.attend d. look 02. John argued: “If you know about a crime but don't report it, you are ___in that crime because you allowed it to happen” a. Acquitted b. steadfast c. complicit d. nullified 03.He has a strong _____to succeed. a. Dream b. priority c. desire d. feeling 04. Being able to afford this luxury car will___getting a better-paying job. a. Maximize b. reiterate c. necessitate d. need 05. Shakespeare, a(n)___writer, entertained audiences by writing many tragic and comic plays. a. Numeric b. dutiful c. generic d. prolific 06.1 had the ___experience of sitting next to an over-talkative Passenger on my flight home from Brussels. a. Satisfactory b. commendable c. galling d. acute 07. The speeding car only missed us by a hair's. a. Width b. high c. breadth d. length 08. Steven is always irresponsibility. about showing ‘up/work because he feels that tardiness is a sign of a. Legible b. tolerable c. punctual d. legal 09.Kim was _____in choosing her friends, so her parties were attended by vastly different and sometimes bizarre personalities. a. Indispensable b. indiscriminate ¢. propulsive d. dispute 10.Withher____ eyesight, Christina spotted a trio of deer in the hillside and she reduced the speed of car. a. Keen b. indiscriminate c. ductile d. bird 11."You Won't get away with this’ the old woman _____angrily. a. Chitped b. chattered c. screeched d. croaked 12,The'project became ___ ina lot of political arguments, which was a great shame. a. Disrupted b. enmeshed c. encroached d. mixed 13. We woke up at the ___of dawn this morning. a. Touch b. turn c. burst d. crack 34. He does elvea___sbout anyone or anything except himself, He's the most sefsh person| now. a. Shit b. howl c. chirp d. twitch 15.The ____section of our supermarket has a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables. Page 1 a. Production b. produce . product d. produces 16.The environment and atmosphere at the spa hotel was ____to total relaxation. It was the most relaxing holiday I've ever had. a. Conducive b. encouraging c. inspiring d. assertive 17.Certain food can _____a sense of calm in a person. a. Reap b. derive c. persuade d. evoke 18. The government has _____the idea until at least next year. a. Stockpiled b. overthrown c. shelved d. disrupted 19. The bank has over 100 branches, a. Each locating b. The location of which in a major urban area. c. And are located d. Each located 20. She has a twelve-year-old and a five-year-old, so | guess | spoke'to the _ two. a. Older one out of b. One who is older than the c. Older of the d. Older than the 21._____That she burst into tears. a. Her anger was such b. So angry she was c. She was so anger d, Such her anger was 22. t's urgent ____of the problem as soon as humanly possible, a. The boss be informed, b. To be informed the boss c. The boss's being informing d._ Informing thé boss 23. "| boughtou some flowers’- "They are beautiful, but you__” a. Shouldn't have ba Néedn’t c. Mustn’t have d. Didn't have 24, Global warming has progressed ___glaciers everywhere are shrinking. a. Too much that b. To such an extent that c. Enough to cause Page 2 d. So great an extent that 25."Do you play an instrument?” - “I have an accordion, but. a. [haven't played it in years b. Ihave years to play it c. Ithas years to play d. Ithasn't played for years 26. It's unlikely that two students would write identical compositions without__ a. One who copies the others b. One to copy the other's c. Each other's copying d. One copying from the other 27.1 hope everything is OK. They __several hours ago. a. Would have called b. Must have called c. Were to have called d. Supposed to call 28. The accountant broke the law, so it would be imesponsible of the firm__ a. Not to fire him b. If they won't fire him c. That hey not fire him d. For not firing him 29.Crazed with thirst, they wildly___. over the rocks to get to the river. a. Scrambled b. stalked c. strolled d. skulled 30. The rain held ____just Jong'enough for us to have our picnic. a. In Bion c. by d. off IL GUIDED CLOZE‘TEST: Choose the word or phrase that best fits each space in the following passage. In 1926;th€'young film director, Alfred Hitchcock, made what is now regarded as his first masterpiece called The Lodger. It was the story of an innocent man wrongly (01) ____ of murder and it established its director as a (02) ____ talent. Although now acknowledged as the best British film of the efa, film distributors at the (03) ___ did not think it worthy of general release. For months itsat on the shelf while its director reflected on the thin line that (04) __ success and failure. That thin line was to haunt him throughout his sixty years of film-making. Ina(05)___ that began with old-fashioned cameras and silent movie stars and ended with his blockbuster thrillers of the 1950s and 1960s, Hitchcock tasted success and failure in(06)__ equal measure. His subject matter (07) ____ courted controversy and his style alternately baffled and thrilled audiences and critics (08) Although he never received an Oscar, itis generally (09)__ that most Hitchcock films are true (10)____ of art. In retrospect, itis clear that this genius (11) _____ from his natural understanding of the language of film and his ability to exploit the potential of the cinema to the (12)__. For this reason, film theorists praised him and (13) __ him as an “auteur”. The term is designed to (14) that his work was superior to the more ordinary products of Hollywood. As a result, Page3 Hitchcock's celluloid world of glamour, terror, thrills and fear continues to (15) ____ under the scrutiny of academics, film historians and critics. 01: A. accused B. blamed C. condemned D. alleged 02:A. chief B. senior C. major D. main B. event C. moment D.end 04: A. disguises B. decides C. disperses D. divides 05:A. position B. career C. calling D. profession 06:A. slightly B. faintly C. fairly D. hardly 07:A. matter B. element C. substance D. content 08:A. apart B. alone C. aloud D. alike 09:A. noticed B. recognised C. honoured D. respected 10:A. works B. labours C. objects D. pieces 11:A. draws B. rises C. stems D. shoots . B. whole C. total D. full 13:A. denounced B. described C. declared D, diagnosed 14:A. suppose B. advise C. suggest D. advanced 15:A. bring B. come C. take D. get Ill. READING: PASSAGE 1: Read the passage and choose the best answers to thequestions. Jazz has been called “the art of expression set to music’/and “America’s great contribution to music’. It has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of faitly widespread public response, in the “jazz age" of the 1920s, in the “swing era’ of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of modern jazz in the late 1950s, The standard legend about Jazz is that it originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden, a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been the first real Jazz musician, around 1891. What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of improvisation, Jazz displayed a break from traditional music where a composer wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldn't even read music at all. Generally speaking, these early musicians couldn't make very much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living. The second wave of New Orleans Jazz,musicians included such memorable players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. Thes@ifmen formed small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as “hot Jazz” due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive. A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans: He soon grew up to become one of the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, andilater one of the biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music. 1. The Passage answers which of the following questions? ‘A. Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900? B. What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music? C. What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century? Page4 VO@P>rH BOPrxe Of BPH po @>pNn VN PPrNn pO eps ). Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music? . According to the passage, Jazz originated in . Chicago . St. Louis . along the Mississippi river New Orleans . The word “welded” in line 6 is closest in meaning to . squeezed . bound . added . stirred |. Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form ofmusical expression? .. the use of cornets . “hot Jazz” . improvisation New Orleans . The word “skeletal” in line 15 is closest inmeaning to .. framework . musical basic . essential .. Which of the'following can be inferred from the passage? . many early Jazz musicians had poor sight . there is noslow music in Jazz . Manyearly Jazz musicians had little formal musical training, }the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz . The word “menial” in line 18 is closest in meaning to mens. . attractive . degrading . skilled Page 5 8. According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians? A. Louis Armstrong B. Buddy Bolden C. St. Louis D. Joe Oliver . All of the following are true EXCEPT .. the late 1930s was called the “swing era” . “hot Jazz” is rhythmic . Jazz has been said to be America’s greatest contribution to music pO @>ps ). Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician, 10. The word “its” in line 21 refers to A. small bands B. earlier music Cc. men D. earlier musiciansr PASSAGE 2: rearrange the following sentence so that they make a meaningful paragraph Special Reading 1. Yet such techniques are difficult to evaluate 2. Itis hard to ascertain, for examplevhow much rain would have fallen anyway. 3. During a typical storm, a’comparatively small amount of the locked up moisture in each cloud reaches the ground as rain 4. So, despite much “anecdotal evidence of the advantages of cloud seeding, results are still inconclusive. 5. When it rains, it does not always pour. 6. So the idea that human intervention - a rain dance, perhaps- might encourage the sky to give up a little additional water has been around since prehistoric times. 7. Mote rétently, would-be rain makers have used a more direct procedure- that of throwing various.chemicals out of aeroplanes to wring more rain form the clouds, a practice known as “cloud seeding IV. OPEN CLOZE TEST: Supply each blank with one suitable word. PASSAGE 1: The word cyberbullying did not even exist a decade ago,yet the problem has become a pervasive (01) ___ today. Cyberbullies do not have to be strong or fast; they just need access to a cell phone or computer and a (02)____ to terrorize. Anyone can be a cyberbully, and such persons usually have (03) ____ worries about having face-to-face confrontation with their victims. In fact, the anonymity of cyberbullying may cause students who normally would not bully in the tradition-sense to become Page 6 a cyberbully. The double-edged (04) _ of modern technology, continuously balancing between risks and opportunities, manifests itself clearly in an emerging societal problem known (05) __ cyberbullying, More than 97% of youths in the United States are connected (06)___ the Internet in some way. The number of children and teens who use the Internet at home is rapidly (07) __ with now over 66% of fourth to ninth graders able to go online from the comfort of their bedrooms. Children can (08) ____ in numerous Internet-based activities such as game playing, seeking information, and talking with friends. The constellation of benefits, however, has been recently eclipsed by numerous accounts of the Internet's undesirable social implications, (09) _ appear in both scholarly literature and popular media. A fair amount of attention has been given to Internet offenses, including cyberstalking, sexual redation, and cyberbullying, which collectively placesthe safety of children and teens who use the Internet into (10) __. PASSAGE 2: Of the legions (0)___ twentieth century scientists, only a handful won worldwide recognition. Even (1)_____ have won the greatest prize of (2)___, the Nobel Prize, and rarer still.arethose who have ‘one two. So (3) , only three people have succeeded in (4) _____ this, but there is one scientist (5)____ achievements would have merited four at the (5)___ least. (6) |. she died a few years (7) soon to receive the first Nobel Prize, Louis Pasteur is arguably the most (8) ___ of any scientist, his name appearing (9) ___ countless products in homes, shops and supermarkets (10) ____ this day. V. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 01: The presentation of the award was (A) proceeded (B) by,several short speeches in praise of (C) Mss. Harper’s many contributions to (D) the community, 02: The cassowary, a flightless bird capable of running (A),30 miles an hour and equipped with (B) claws the size of daggers, rank (C) among the world’s most dangerous birds 03: Rising above (A) the sound of traditional (B) band instrument, the unexpectedly (C) tapping of pencils on music stands punctuated (D) the new musical composition we heard last night 04: Though generally insecure and excessively (A) deferential to the opinions (B) of others, President Buchanan would sometimesyadhere stubbornly on (C) an ill-advised policy, even in the face of (D) vigorous public criticism 05: Despite her desire to emphasizing (A) the soundness (B) of the car, the seller eventually disclosed the most recent (C) repairs toit,(D) VI. WORD FORMS: Supply 'the appropriate forms of the words in the brackets. 01: The well _ the east Wing of the house. (JOIN) is woven into the national identity. (CLASS) , and was the first person to climb Everest without oxygen. 03: He is the World's greatest living (MOUNTAIN) 04: He has,contributed so much to the company that there is not space to ____ all his works. (NUMBER) OS:It=____ the people and left them powerless to cope with those enemies who, as soon as the iron hand of the Roman legions was removed, came forth from their hiding places to harry the land. (NERVOUS) 06: It wasan___ thing to say. You need to apologize the girl immediately. (PARDON) 07: The web introduced us toa_____ world, which was a very different place. (LINE) 08: As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally __. (SERVE) 09: They don't address the same market, and you simply can't fit numerous albums onto even the most memory card currently on the market. (CAPABLE) Page7 10: A dog which has been will remain very wary of strangers (TREAT)VIl. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word given in brackets for each sentence. 01. His charming manners deceived several people, including me. (TAKEN) |, as well. 02.As | listened to the music on repeated occasions, my respect for the composer increased. (RESPECTFUL) The more _ 03.1n spite of her initial reluctance to take the job, she's got on very well. (FIRST) Reluctant —— 04.1 think the hardware of that computer was infected with viruses. (OPINION) That computer_. ——— 05. Your warning helped prevent my failure in the test. (FAILED) Had it, —_— 06. His last letter to me was written 3 months ago. (HEARD) Itis__ — 07. Be proud of what you have accomplished so far. (ACCOMPLISHMENTS) 08. He's not a professional singer, but he sings expressively. (EXPRESSION) Though no__ NX 09.The teacher may ask why 'm absent, so telthim I'm il. (REASON) Should _ _ 410. Roger was defeated one more.tnfe by Novak inthe Indian Wells tournament. (ONCE) Novak beat _ Page8

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