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a. background of the Research
1. Evaluation of the learning process is something that needs to be done by teachers to
determine the quality of learning. This activity is often referred to as the learning
reflection process, because we will find the advantages and disadvantages of the
learning process that has been carried out.
2. In Permendiknas No. 41 of 2007 concerning the proposed process standards regarding
the learning process carried out to determine the overall quality of learning, organize
learning planning, the learning process, and learning outcomes. The evaluation of the
learning process is carried out by comparing the learning carried out by the teacher with
the standard process.
3. The effectiveness of learning process in English class should be analyzed as information
for the teachers whether the learning process is in line with government rules or not. So,
if there are still many things that are not ideal with the process standards in learning
process, so the revision should be done.
4. There is limited research on evaluation of learning process of the English teachers in
classroom, especially for the English teachers in SMAN 4 Kerinci. That is why this
research is important to be conducted.
b. Purpose of the Research
1. To figure out the comparison proportion between English and other languages used by
teacher in teaching English lesson in the classroom.
2. To see the form of code-switching used by the teachers.
3. To find the reasons why does the teacher use code-switching and code-mixing in class
c. Research questions
1. How is the evaluation in Context category for evaluating the learning process of English
lesson in SMAN 4 Kerinci?
2. How is the evaluation in Input category for evaluating the learning process of English
lesson in SMAN 4 Kerinci?
3. How is the evaluation in Process category for evaluating the learning process of English
lesson in SMAN 4 Kerinci?
4. How is the evaluation in Product category for evaluating the learning process of English
lesson in SMAN 4 Kerinci?
d. Review of Related Literature
1. The concept of Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning National
Education Standards is held in an interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating
way for students to be actively approved and education of a nation requires a process
and time.1
2. Ardiani states that evaluation of the learning process is something that needs to be done
by teachers to determine the quality of learning. This activity is often referred to as the
learning reflection process, because we will find the advantages and disadvantages of
the learning process that has been carried out. 2
3. Wina Sanjaya says that the learning process is a process of interaction between teachers
and students, between students and students, as well as between students and their
environment which through interaction allows students' abilities to develop mentally
and intellectually.3
4. CIPP stands for Context, Input Process and Product. The CIPP evaluation model was
developed by the National Study Committee on Evaluation of Phi Delta Kappa. This
model was developed by Stuflebeam in the 1960s. The CIPP model aims to assist
evaluators in evaluating programs, projects, or institutions.
5. The orientation of the context evaluation is to identify the background of the need for
change or the program of several subjects involved in making decisions. The
information obtained included whether the decision to initiate program ideas that was
taken was in accordance with the needs and potential of the institution to implement it.

Permendikbud Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, accessed
on November 10, 2020 from website
Ardiani Mustikasari, 2019, Evaluasi Proses Pembelajaran. Accessed on November 10, 2020 from website
Wina Sanjaya, Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2008), page. 227
Context evaluation is carried out to test whether the program objectives and priorities
have been designed based on a needs analysis. 4
6. Ridwan says that Input evaluation is carried out to identify and assess the capabilities of
material, equipment, human and cost resources to implement the selected program. In
this research, researcher will analyze the suitability of the teaching device with the
established process standards.5
7. Process evaluation aims to identify or predict obstacles in the implementation of
activities or program implementation. Evaluation is carried out by recording and
documenting every incident in the implementation of activities that have the potential to
hinder and cause unexpected difficulties. In this case the researcher will evaluate the
suitability between the syllabus, the lesson plan and the learning activities carried out in
the class.
8. The main purpose of product evaluation is to measure, interpret and decide the results
that have been achieved by the program, namely whether it has been able to meet the
needs according to the expected goals or not.
e. Method of the Research

The design of this research will be descriptive research. There will be three English
teachers of SMAN 4 Kerinci that will be attended. The population will be all English teachers in
SMAN 4 Kerinci. The sample will be total sampling because all teachers will be researched.

The instruments of the research will be classroom observation by recording the teaching
and learning process. The second instrument will be interview. For the observation, the
researcher will record the interaction by using hand phone, as well as taking notes to help the
researcher to answer the research questions and gather the data of the research. Later, the data
will be tabulated and analyzed. The interview will be done to all the English teachers and some
students to gather the information regarding the needs of the research.

The data analysis will be done by checking the four categories of evaluation model; they
are Context, Input, Process and Product. After that, the data will be classified into the categories.

Mulyatiningsih, Endang. 2014. Metode Penelitian Terapan Bidang Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta, Page.
Ridwan Sakni, Pengembangan Sistem Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Palembang: Rafah Press, 2008), Page.87
Later, the portion of each category will be count and be analyzed based on the indicators of each

f. Bibliography

Ardiani Mustikasari, 2019, Evaluasi Proses Pembelajaran. Accessed on November 10, 2020
from website:

Mulyatiningsih, Endang. 2014. Metode Penelitian Terapan Bidang Pendidikan. Bandung:

Alfabeta, Page. 123

Permendikbud Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah,
accessed on November 10, 2020 from website

Ridwan Sakni, Pengembangan Sistem Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Palembang: Rafah Press, 2008),

Wina Sanjaya, Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2008), page. 227

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