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Explain QOC design rationale using an example to illustrate.

QOC stands for Questions, Options and Criteria. QOC is a method used in real life
situations to establish what behavioral characteristics of a group of people that should be
used in order to come out with best results. It helps in coming up with the best results when
undertaking activities such as a survey and a test.

For instance; a lawyer can use QOC to come up with the best set of question during a court
proceeding. In addition, a Human resource manager could also use QOC design rationale
in formulating best set of interview questions in order to get the best candidate.

The results derived from the above two mentioned examples would be useful in terms of
increasing efficiency and effectiveness.

A simple example of QOC is when a system developer want to display title bar on a
window. In this scenario, the question is "How to show title bar in a window", options are
"Permanent" and "Appearing" while criteria will be based on "User response" and the
"Screen resolution".

Find attached image for further clarity.

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