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Truth is greater than fiction relate this adage into the story.

Well, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” was written of course to be able to discuss
about the unequal situation regarding races of people in the South America during
the first half of the 20th century. According to what I have searched, Harper Lee
based the plot and characters based on her observations of her family, her
neighbors and an event that occurred near her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama,
in 1936, when she was ten. -2
So this was to say that To Kill a Mocking Bird, which is deep and sensitive
already, if relating to this adage, was just a mere drop of example of what is really
happening in the modern current world. It is nice to be able to fully understand and
learn from this fiction but to be able to apply it in real life and to look for the
situation and places where it really needs to address social racism is way better for
there are still cases of these all around the world that are still alive in different
cultures. 2
White supremacy, unequal opportunities between rich and poor, injustices in
government power, and many more are still happening frequently in different
countries in which some of us are just normalizing it which is wrong because it’s
the truth that people must be awakened to make it finally right. Truth is greater
than fiction, so if we learned from this text that everybody regardless of skin color
and status in life deserves a proper treatment then we should treat our neighbors
the way they are seen by the Lord God.
If this fiction have already showed us that some Mocking Bird which
represents those innocent characters were judged, shot and killed, then we must be
able to protect and serve those who are helpless and in need. With these glitches,
sometimes we already know the truth but were just making it stay as a fiction in
our minds which must change. We should let the truth set us free from these so we
can stop the killings of those who are already killed by our society’s issues.

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