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Maddie Mautone

Mrs. Skomial

Advanced Topics in Education

3 December 2020

My Educational Philosophy

Nobody is the exact same- everyone has talent, whether he or she is an amazing singer or

a talented sports player, these differences are what make us all unique. My job as a teacher is to

assist my students in discovering their potential and developing their learning styles. I will make

sure that my lessons incorporate a variety of learning styles, so I can cater to all of my student's

and their educational needs. Everyone retains information differently, whether they are

kinesthetic, visual, auditory, logical, social, or solitaire learners. I will incorporate both group

and individual work, as well as make the content relevant to today.

In an ideal classroom, students will be guided by teachers, rather than be lectured. The

role of the student in the classroom is to apply the knowledge they learned in school to behave

and live in the real world. Students must get independence in the classroom because they will

need to be independent for the rest of their life. If they don’t practice life skills in school, they

will struggle in college, and when they get their first career. For example, in school, students are

learning how to speak politely and respectfully to authority figures, such as teachers, principals,

administrators, and guest speakers. This will prepare them for when they have to talk to authority

figures in college and in their future careers. In addition to learning how to be independent, an

ideal classroom would teach the student’s decision-making and problem-solving skills. These are

essential while learning any core subject, so they should be incorporated into the everyday

curriculum at school.
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For classwork, I believe that it is more important to learn through experiences, rather than

from a textbook. I will have my students play games, watch movies and videos, explore outside,

and do other hands-on activities to help them learn. I also want to limit the amount of technology

we use in the classroom. Technology is such a crucial part of our everyday lives, but it is also

important to teach my students how to unplug and appreciate the world around them. While

some assignments and homework will be online, I plan to have a lot of in-person class

discussions and complete assignments on paper, whiteboard, or chalkboard.

My goal as a teacher is to help my students become the happiest and most authentic that

they can be. High school is a challenge for many kids. The experiences and lessons learned in

high school shape us into who we are. Teenagers everywhere struggle with mental health issues

and difficult family lives. Social-Emotional Learning can be incorporated into the everyday class

to help kids cope with their personal struggles. For some, school is a safe space where they can

be themselves and escape their life at home. I want my students to always feel welcome and safe

inside my classroom. I will work to form connections with all of my students, to ensure that they

feel comfortable with me and with learning in my class.

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