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Based on the reading from our textbook, what does it mean to analyze something and

why is the ability to analyze something an important skill?

We analyze everyday in our lives in each aspect, we break it into pieces and examine each one of

them to understand all the process. Since nowadays we are in a world with every kind of

information it came a survival skill learn how to analyze things and situations.

2. Think back to our previous assignments/discussions on information literacy. What do you

see as the relationship between the ability to analyze a text and information literacy?

Analyze is a key component in information literacy, we can see it as a step to do to gave value

the information we have. However information literacy go further away than just analyze so that

can be consider the big difference between them, in Information literacy we also have other ke

components such as the origin of the source for example.

3. What specifically is Silver analyzing in his TED Talk? (Here, you should write more than

“Silver is analyzing if racism affects how we vote,” since we can tell this just from the

title of the TED Talk.) Give examples from the talk to support your answer.

Silver is not only analyzing how racism affects how we vote but also where does this behavior

comes from, taking in consideration 2 key aspects on a large number of possibilities, He decided

to talk about education and neighborhood. The final conclusion he had is that racism is

predictable and if something is predictable then we can change it or is designable.

4. Throughout his talk, Silver includes slides with lists, bar graphs, photos and maps. How

do the visuals contribute to his analysis? In your responses to this question, you should

reference at least 2 specific visuals Silver uses, and identify what specifically each one

contributes to his analysis. For instance, does it add additional information beyond what
he is saying, allow his audience to more fully understand an idea, or emphasize a point he

is making?

People learns in different ways an one very popular way to learn something new or retain

information is with visual information, this allows not only to remember things easily but also

have a picture of what the information represents in your brain, I personally like a lot having

visual information since it is easier for me to understand something. He used a map with colors

that represent the voters between the republicans and the democrats, also he had some bars of

visual information talking about percentages of people disagreeing or agreeing with a particular

statement, for example in the case of the relation between racism and neighborhood, most people

in rural areas will oppose to an interracial marriage because they live in a space where they are

closed in their bubble with the people they know and mostly never interact with people of

another race.

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