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Q1: Describe the important contributions made by the classical theorists.

Frederick W. Taylor, known as the “father” of scientific management, studied manual

work using scientific principles – that is, guidelines for improving production
efficiency – to find the one best way to do those jobs.

The Gilbreths’ primary contribution was finding efficient hand-and-body motions and
designing proper tools and equipment for optimizing work performance.

Fayol believed the functions of management were common to all business endeavors
but also were distinct from other business functions. He developed 14 principles of
management from which many current management concepts have evolved.

Weber described an ideal type of organization he called a bureaucracy – characteristics

that many of today’s large organizations still have.

Q2: What did the early advocates of OB contribute to our understanding of


The behavioral approach has largely shaped how today’s organizations are managed.
From the way managers design jobs to the way they work with employee teams to the
way they communicate, we see elements of the behavioral approach. Much of what the
early OB advocates proposed and the conclusions from the Hawthorne studies have
provided the foundation for our current theories of motivation, leadership, group
behavior and development, and numerous other behavioral approaches.

Q3: Why were the Hawthorne Studies so critical to management history?

Hawthorne’s studies are definitely critical to the management history. He had made a
great impact on management beliefs and about the roles of people in organizations. He
also conclusions include the following:

 Individual behavior and people’s attitude are closely related

 Group factors affect individual behavior
 Group standards also establish every individual worker’s output and also money is
a least important factor in determining the output than the group attitude, group
standards and security.
These conclusions led to a new emphasis on the human behavior factor in the
management of organizations and they stimulated an interest in human behavior in

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