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PHED 112

Balighot, Kollin
Brocales, Mary Rose
Domalanta, Denver
Gura, Salvador
Ligon, Viviene Seth
Mercado, Laila Mayumi
Nuguid, Richmond Cyrille
Reyes, Kheycee
Tiape, Maryan
Physical fitness is essential for everyone at all stages of life. defined fitness as
the ability of the body to perform a variety of daily activities without becoming exhausted. Good
fitness can be achieved by providing proper nutrition and taking enough breaks. A person who is fit is
capable of living the life to the fullest, without being physically or mentally unfit. Fitness and mental
well-being are essential for a healthy living. Staying healthy and fit is very important for every
generation. It is an utmost importance that each will take care of their health and fitness. Good health
of both physical and mental allows one to sustain the necessary energy level to achieve success in life.
A healthy society is a productive society. Being in good physical shape will help you perform better at
work. Exercise is not only helps you to lose weight and reduces the risk of developing some medical
problems, but it also improves your cardiovascular health, giving you more energy to meet the
physical demands of your profession.

According to Word Health Organization (WHO), lives are becoming increasingly sedentary,
through the use of motorized transport and the increased use of screens for work, education and
recreation. Evidence shows higher amounts of sedentary behaviour are associated with the following
poor health outcomes:
In children and adolescents:
• increased adiposity (weight gain)
• poorer cardiometabolic health, fitness, behavioral conduct/pro-social behaviour
• reduced sleep duration
In adults:
• all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer mortality
• incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes.
The significance of physical fitness cannot be emphasized enough. In today's society, where
people are leading more sedentary lifestyle, it is more important than ever to enhance daily activity
levels in order to maintain body weight and cardiovascular fitness. A sedentary lifestyle combined
with a lack of physical activity may have a negative impact on a person's health. Physical inactivity is
linked to a higher risk of cancer, a variety of chronic illnesses, and mental health problems. Premature
death is also a result of a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity and a lack of physical fitness among
the younger generation pave the way for diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health issues.
Physical fitness has a variety of health benefits. Exercising and maintaining a balanced diet are the
best ways to maintain your physical and mental health. Keeping fit refers to how we want to live our
lives and the standards of fitness we aspire to. Maintain your health and fitness not only to keep your
body look and feel healthy, but also to be able to balance and enjoy your everyday activities. The
most important thing a person should look after is his or her health. A healthy lifestyle is linked to
satisfaction, prosperity, and success.

Fitness has a number of health benefits that are universally beneficial. However, certain
athletes can benefit more from the skill-related fitness components. Skill related fitness includes
training to improve speed, agility, balance, coordination, power, and reaction time. These are usually
used to help not just athletes but also individuals to improve their performance for their particular
sport or activity. Each sport has its own technical components or set of skills specific to that sport.
Baseball players must focus on all skill-related areas in order to perform at their best. Weightlifters,
on the other hand, can get away with putting the majority of their effort into power, balance, and

Although anyone can profit from regular walks, anyone who just wants to get their heart
rate up shouldn't worry about achieving the pace required to run a five-minute mile. It is necessary to
develop each individuals’ SRF needs so that they can develop the skills, abilities and muscles required
for them to perform the specific task that they have in mind. An individual benefits from skill-related
fitness because they can use it in performing their daily chores. For instance, you have acquired a job
to move boxes, this will require a set of exercise that will help improve strengthen the muscles.
Since we’ve already established the importance of physical activity, the following shows
information from the American Academy of Pediatrics summarizing the FITT method which includes
general fitness tips and an activity log. FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) is one way to
remember the general guidelines for what should be included in a fitness plan. It is essential to keep
in mind that each family member’s fitness goals varies depending on the differences based on age,
sex, current fitness level, and available resources.
The FITT method is known to be helpful as it adjusts to each individuals preferences. The FITT
method requires an individual to do some type of physical activity every day or frequently as needed.
The chosen activity should at least be moderate in intensity. As you progress, you can try to add a few
more vigorous activities over the week. Vigorous activity is an activity that makes you breathe hard
and sweat.
Examples of Moderate Activity Examples of Vigorous Activity
- Slow walking (3.5 mph) - Fast walking (4.5 mph)
- Slow bike riding (<10 mph) - Fast bike riding (>10 mph)
- Dancing - Jogging or running
- Weight lifting—light workout - Aerobics
- Stretching - Competitive sports

The duration of the plan is also vital in achieving the goal. Plan on a total time of at least 60
minutes of activity each day. This can be done all at once or added together over several shorter 10-
to 15-minute blocks of activity. Breaking it up into smaller blocks of time is a great way to start a new
program or fit activity into a busy schedule. This way your body can adjust to the changes as you
progress and move forward to a more vigourous task. The type of activity can include a variety of
team sports, individual sports, recreational activities, family activities, active hobbies, and walking or
bicycling for fun and transportation. Several times every week do weight-bearing activities that
promote muscle strength, flexibility, and bone health.

Exercise is good for you no matter how old you are. It helps children function better in
school. It helps boost brain power as you age. It helps prevent falling when you are older. There is a
place for exercise at every stage of a person’s life.

Many kids get most of the exercise they need just by being kids. They run around, climb and
play on a playground, play tag, and do many other activities. Make sure the child has plenty of
opportunities to run, jump, and play every day. They should be getting at least 1 hour of physical
activity each day. They can try to do aerobic activities. These are activities that get their hearts
pumping. They could include running, riding bikes, or fast walking. These should make up the majority
of their hour of exercise. Improving their muscle strength at this point of time is also a necessity. They
could include activities such as climbing trees, gymnastics, or playing on a jungle gym.

Meanwhile, a lot of teens get interested in playing sports. This could be for their school or
through a recreation program. Encourage their participation so they can be active. If they don’t want
to play an organized sport, they can ride bikes with friends or play football in the yard. As with
younger children, give them opportunities to be active. Teens also need at least 1 hour of physical
activity every day. Older teens may also lift weights to build muscle. Limiting sedentary activities also
helps in keeping them involved in activities. Sedentary activities are when you’re sitting down a lot,
like watching TV, using the computer, or playing video games. Spend no more than 2 hours per day in
front of a screen.

When you’re in your 20s, your body is strong and resilient. This is the perfect time to build a
foundation of fitness. Developing exercise as a habit will benefit an individual a lot as time goes by.
Making it a regular part of your life will make it easier to keep up as you get older. You can either play
sports with friends, such as tennis or racquetball or go hiking or biking. The options are endless. It is
necessary to try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Keep in mind that as you age,
you lose muscle and bone strength therefore be sure to include strength training as part of your
routine now. That way losing a little muscle mass down the road won’t hurt you. Aim to include
muscle-strengthening exercises in your routine 2 to 3 days a week.
People in their 30s starts to lose muscle because of age. That makes weight training
especially important during this time. Joining a gym and starting to lift weights might be helpful during
this time. Since the bones start to weaken as we get older, this is a good time to start focusing on
bone strengthening. Make sure weight-bearing activities are part of your routine. This could include
brisk walking, jogging, or doing yoga. This is also a good time to experiment with different kinds of
workouts. Doing something new helps you challenge new muscle groups. It also helps keep your
workouts from getting boring. If you normally walk for exercise, try taking an aerobics class. Mix it up
to keep things interesting and your workouts well-rounded.
As you reach the age bracket of
40s, this is the time of your life when it is
most important to have an exercise
routine. Our bodies naturally start to
decline in middle age. Our muscles begin
to lose mass and elasticity. This slows our
metabolism and makes it easier to gain
weight. During this time, both men and
women start experiencing dropping
hormone levels. This also makes it easier
to gain weight, especially around the
abdomen. This kind of weight increases
your risk of developing health problems.
These could include high blood pressure,
diabetes, and heart disease. Exercise is
the best way to fight all these changes.
Keep up with your cardio workouts, 3 to
5 times a week. If you have pain in your
joints, switch to low-impact activities.
These could include biking or swimming.
But keep in mind that weight-bearing
activities, such as walking or jumping, are
important during this time. They can help
you maintain strong bones and fight age-
related bone loss. Be sure to keep up
your muscle-strengthening routines, as
In your 50s, you may start to
experience more aches and pains on a
daily basis. Don’t let this stop you from
exercising. Just adapt your exercise
program. Low-impact activities such as walking, biking, or swimming generally go easy on your joints.
You may also be even sorer after vigorous workouts. Try reducing the intensity and exercise more
often instead. During this time, you’ll also have to fight your body’s natural tendency to curve
forward. Strengthen your core by focusing on the muscles in your abdomen and your back. This will
help your body stand up straighter and fight the curve.
When people get at the age of 60s, this is the time when you can start focusing on
preventing falls. Continue your aerobic exercise regimen. Try to get 30 minutes of activity 5 times a
week. Lift weights or use resistance training 2 to 3 times a week to keep muscles and bones strong.
And start working on balance. The National Institutes of Health recommends daily exercises to help
you improve and maintain your balance. These include standing on one foot, leg raises, and walking
heel to toe. Practice these things now to fight balance problems later on.
In your 70s and beyond, you need to maintain your strength and flexibility. This will give you
more years of being able to function and be independent. Continue getting aerobic exercise every
week, whether it be water aerobics, walking, or dancing. Use resistance bands to keep muscle.

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