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Famous Ancient Egyptian Structures and Places

Select ONE of the following Ancient Egyptian structures and monuments research it and create a mini poster that informs people all
about it!
To complete your poster you need to include the following information using full sentences:
1. When was it built 4. Why was it made
2. Who made it ( what pharaoh/ruler had it built) 5. Include a map showing where it is
3. What did it do? What was its role/job 6. Find or draw an image to illustrate what it looks

The Pyramids of Giza Valley of the Kings

Mortuary Temple of The Karnak Temple

The Saqqara necropolis The Step Pyramid of Djoser

The Bent Pyramid The Red Pyramid

The Temple of Luxor The Sphinx of Giza

Abu Simbel Temples Temple of Hathor at Dendera

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