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Each of the following sentences contains at least one subject or object

pronoun. Circle the pronouns. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect

1. You should do it for her. (C)

2. They helped she with the work. (I) = She is Subject Pronoun. But, the sentence needs Object
Pronoun "her". So, the correct sentence is They helped her with the work. 
3. Her and Bob came over to visit me. (I) = Her is Object pronoun. It should be Subject Pronoun
" She". So, the correct sentence is She and Bob came over to visit me
4. I brought it for you and them.(C)
 5. He opened the refrigerator and took some food from it. (C)
 6. She lent it to you and I. (I) = Subject pronoun "She" is correct. Object pronoun "I" is
incorrect. It should be "me" as object pronoun.
7. She spent all the money on them.(C)
 8. You forgot to give it to they. (I)= Object pronoun "it" is correct. Subject pronoun "they" is
incorrect. It should be Object pronoun "them". So the correct sentence is You forgot to
give it to them.
 9. We offered she a place to stay. (I) = Subject pronoun "she" is incorrect. It should be object
pronoun "her"
10. They watched us play with it. (C)
EXERCISE 22: Each of the following sentences contains at least one possessive pronoun or
adjective. Circle the possessives in these sentences. Then indicate if the sentences are
correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. She cut hers hair recently. (I) = Hers should be her.

2. We will take our car or theirs. (C)
3. Please lend me yours notes from the history lecture. (I)= Yours should be your
 4. I like his ideas and hers. (C)
5. The tree fell on its side during the storm. (C)
6. My desk is located near hers. (C)
7. Theirs suggestion was unrealistic. (I) = Theirs should be their
8. Our appointment is just after your. (I) = your should be yours
9. Your friends and my friends are coming to our party. (C)
10. You don’t have yours gloves with you, but I have mine. (I) = yours should be your
EXERCISE 23: Each of the following sentences contains at least one pronoun or possessive.
Circle the pronouns and possessives. Draw arrows to the nouns they refer to. Then indicate
if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (1).

1. If my friend calls, please tell them that I will return the call. (I)= The pronoun them is in
correct because it refers to my friend.The pronoun them should be replaced by him or
2. I don’t like the idea because it is too costly. (C)
3. The tables at the restaurant are so large that it can seat 12 people. (I) = The subject
pronoun it is incorrect because it refers to plural object the tables. The subject
pronoun it should be replaced by they.
4. The soup needs more salt because he does not taste very good. (I) = The subject
pronoun he is incorrect because it refers to the soup. The subject pronoun he should be
replaced by it.
5. The girls ran too fast, and she fell down. (I) = The subject pronoun she is incorrect
because it refers to plural noun the girls. The subject pronoun she should be replaced
by they.
6. In the autumn, the tree lost its leaves. (C)
7. The windows were open, so I closed it. (I) = The object pronoun it is incorrect because it
refers to plural noun the windows. The object pronoun it should be replaced by them.
8. The travelers lost their way in the storm. (C)
9. The boy got the box, and he opened it carefully. (C)
10. The woman left their earrings at home, so she wasn’t wearing them. (I) = Possessive
pronoun their is incorrect because it refers to singular noun The woman. Possessive
pronoun their should be replaced by her.

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