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STUDI DE ARHITECTURA IN VEDEREA CONSERVARII ahi J " | \ Editie revizwiti si compleiati — 1989 STUDI DE ARHITECTURA TRADITIONALA IN VEDEREA CONSERVARII Si VALORIFICARII PRIN TIPIZARE * LOCUINTA SATEASCA DIN ROMANIA 7 Indrumitor tehnic si coordonator general ; INSTITUTUL CENTRAL DE CERCETARE, PROIECTARE $I DIRECTIVARE IN CONSTRUCTIL DIRECTOR GENERAL, INSPECTOR GENERAL, Dr, arh, Gheorghe Polizu Dr, ah, Cezar Niculi CONSILIERI ark, Doroteia Cocheci, arh, Bogdan Véneea Consultanti stiintifict : ‘MINISTERUL CULTURIL INSTITUTUL DE ARHEOLOGIE BUCURESTI Prof, univ. dr. Stefan Olteanu Dr, arh, Cristian Moiseseu Projectant general : | INSTITUTUL DE PROIECTARE PRAHOVA ! DIRECTOR, SEF PROIECT COMPLEX, | Arh, Ion Popa Ath, Calin Hoindrescu Raivle revigultd ql completats 1090 i ad ser Ff ge vederee Imbundeitiei: calita nale a colectivelor de arhitecti, prin valorific yomahesti INSTITUTUL CENTRAL DE CER CETARE, - PROIECTA! IN’ CONSTRUCT a initiat un program de cercetare 2 em péctiv’ de tlaboraré a unor documentatii tpizate ade nitorii ale arhitecturii © {i procesului de pr gi principtilor arhitectu DIRECTY traditionale satesti. si res- calffatiior Gentiale si det a se desfésura pe parcursul a cinci {STITUTUL DE PRO! 2c¢ @ monumentelor Acfiunea prevaaut metodologia claborata de 4, clasificare, si prokucrare istorics-arhitecturala @ element i projectare initiat de ARE LECP.D.C. a deb au fost cooptate unele unitaji judetene de pr re actice din cadrul INSTITUTULUI ‘at In 1985, eind pe lings INSTITUTUL eum si cadre EestL In” dhl litmiatori dctiunea s-a desfaguret be rena flddetehe de ptoiéctare, Gare at selctionat si figat Tatos reprezentativa ‘din zone! ioeuinta’ gi Modu de vist me Tatete cele decurg in: cele legate de’ aspect @ au fost cen tral dutée pe beza lor el locuit care, imhperetivelor mi abi te proter grupate ih eataloage ou modele, prozent in curs Sinteze studiutui este redactata in deus volume Volumul 1 — Locuints siteased din Roma: Volumul If — Asezarea siteascd din Romani: ‘Volumul I este structurat in urmétoarele. capitole Ja — Informetii arheologice privind evolutia locuintei sétesti din arealui cerpate- danublano-pontic. tb — Locuinta siteasca traditionalé cuprinzind aspecte privind Tb 1 — Planimetria locuinfei sitasti tradition: Tb 2 — Volumetria locuintel sate;ti traditionale <= Ib3 — Materialele de constructie si tehnologia ce executie 2 locuinjel satesti tradt- tionale Uf ino- wd tiv tia fa ve : : faya ott sia locuintelor Sngropate, precum sl prezenta spatiilor semideschise (prispele i fol- fearéle) chiar sila cele mai vechi_modcle de locuinte neolitie “Acesti factori au particularizat repertoriul modelelor de carpato-danvbiano-pontic, orfentind procesul evelutiy spre realiarea nel arhitecturk dez- Noltate in coricordanti cu cadrul natural si integrats organic situlut locitinte sdtesti din arealul ALA CAPITOLUL Ib —LOCUINTA SATEASCA TRADITIO care conditioneazé definirea tipologici locuintelor sAtesti traditionale constructiv si expresie de arhitectura, Pre- nu trebuie sa conducd la izolarca acestora Factorii formativi se referd la volumetric, planimetrie, structurt idualé a acestor factori formativ 4, intrucit ficare din factori conditioneacd si tot- zentarea indivi in contextul rapoartelor de interdependent indu-se un tot unitar, care confer specificul clédirilor din odati deriva din ceilatti, reali: diversele zone ale ti De asemenea, evolutia in tim vat, intreg ansamblul generind modele noi, in strinsi corelare eu modelele anterioare, a acestor factori nu s-a realizat individual, ci interde- pende: evidentiindu-se fenomenul continuititit formelor tipologice si al perenitaii factorilor for. mativi, Ib1 Planimetria locuintei sitesti traditionale (fig. 72 — fig. 101) nalitale, constituindu-se, In fapt, ca expresie a fun: tlunii. Planimetria locuintei sitesti analizati din punct de vedere al creatiel de arhitecturs prezinti trei etape evolutive distinete in ceea ce priveste dispunerea funefiunilor pe nivele + a) Prima etapa o constituie, in cazul locuintelor cu dou nivele, modelele stravechi, le care la nivelul inferior (nivelul terenului) sintdispuse spatiile destinate deporitérii, respectiv care se face direct din ograda, printr-un girlici, iar Ia nivelul Beciul si accesul spre bec superior sint amplasate inciperile de locuit, precedate de spatifle semideschise (prispele si foigoarcie) 5 b) Ulterior, sub influenta arhitecturii de ting, incAperile cu rol activ qu coborit si la nivelul inferior (nivelul terenului) unde, aléturi de beci, se dispun si spatii cu destinatit diverse : magazii, cimiri, bucitarii si chiar camere de locuit. Prispele, care la modelele stravechi erau pre vente numai la nivelul superior — nivelut camerelor de locuit, se dispin acuin si la nivelul inferior, precedind spatiile cu destinatit active adiacente beciului, articulind aceste spatii cu ograda, Nivelul superior se structureazt similar modelelor vechi, legiitura dintre nivele fiind asigurata frecvent de scarii exterioard dispusa in prispa. : ©) Sub influenta azhitecturii de factura romantica apare tipul planimetric prin care, in volumul acoperigulti, gint amplasate tneperi de locuit, In acest caz, nivelul inferlor pas- treazi, aliituri de spatitle destinate depozitarii, si teaperile active, iar spatiile semideschise sint dispuse la toate cele trei nivele — nivelul inferior, nivelul superior si mansarda. Evolutia planimetriet locuintei s&testi a mentinut principitle specifice organiztrit li- dirilor de Jocuit destinate mediului rural, cele mat importante fiind : TIPE rrveri ects tarcetaeernan Sublinierea, prin jocul voluumetriei, a rolului determinant pe care spatiile semideschise il au in asigurarea echilibrului ‘ctura traditional romdneascd in a} aces | acces arh fastic individ ualizea: vel “ or active context european, th 3, Materialele de constructie si tehnologia de executic a locuintei sitesti traditionale fig. 122 j planga 4) fee ig "10 ae “Locuinjele sitesti tradijionale au preluat, perfectionat si diversificat repertoriul siste- drul tmelof constructive si-al tehnologiijor de execu ic configurate in etapele anterioare, In « rificarea Pf teste acestui proces evolutiv, s-au perpetuat o serie de principii generale, privind eficienta x resurselor locale de materiale de constructii, adaptarea sistemului constructiv la seismicitatea zonei respective, precum si exprimarea plastica a structurii portante. Sistemele constructive tradisionale se pot grupa in doud mari categorii : sisteme monoma- ateriale fac parte structurile fopnines 4 spe. de pri- terlale si sisteme plusimateriale, Din categoria sistemelor mon din birne de lema dispuse orizontal sau vertical, din scheiet portant din Jemn cu: umpluturd din lemn, din zidirie de piatra, de cArimida, de chirpici, cin pamint tumat in tipare (co- le fac sate, in fraje), sau cladit cu furca si netezit cu barda. Din categoria sistemelor plurimatert arl de parte structurile din schelet portant din lemn cu pancuri de umplutusi din impletiturd de nulele, sipci sau scinduri si lipitura de pamint galben cu amestec de vegetale, sau umplutura mr] les din zidérie de cdramidi sau mal rar de piatrd de riu. Tot in categoria sistemelor constructive plurimateriale se incadreaz’ si solutiile constructive combinate, fn cazul locuingelor ou doud \ r if Focalizarea misc&rii ‘volumeirice a spatiilor inchide spre spafitle semideschise, desem- r naiS’in fetul acesta ca centru de echilibru al intregii aledtuisi, roprezint& trasitura caracte- isticd compozitiel volumetrice a arhitecturit noastre tradifionale. cult ‘igid — se realizeazi din zidi- sau mai multe nivele supraterane, De regula, niveiul inferior seh de iiyren sau vertical, sau din schelet de lemn cu panouri de umpluturé din materiale diverse, Accasti af ui, categorie de sisteme constructive, larg raspindite, este predominant in zonele cu seismicitate nizare ridicaté si freeventi in celelalte zone, in care se intilnesc insd si clédiri cu doud sau tret nivele, cu structuri monomateriale din zidarie de cirdmida sau de piatra, in Banat si Tran- silvania, bime de lema dispuse orizontal, sau schelet portant din lemn cit umpluturé de lemn, i Gor}. Repertoriul sistemelor constructive ale locuinjelor {2rdnesti, expresie @ indelungatului proces de perfectionare si diversificare, se constituic, alturi de repertoriul planimetrie si volumetric, ca ¢ component definitorie a arhitecturii satesti din tara noastra, Ib 4, Devoratia locuinfelor sitesti tradifionale | rie de piatr sau mai rar cdramidé, iar nivelul superior flexibil din bime dispuse orizontal i a ; (fig. 123 — fig, 162) 4 iv traditional se refera la fasonarea artistic’ a clementelor construc- oarelor, frontoanele, timplaria ete, precum si Registrul. de tive : sitipii, grinaile, parapetii prispelor si fois dex. |‘. #lemaentele omamentaleapliate:stucaturs monoeromé si polieomd, profilatura de diferite ° forme si categorii, policromie ete. soe Departe de a fi supraad’ugati expresiet de arhitecturi, decoratia tradifional’ este im- Aa Plicata ‘direct confinutului expresiv, cristalizindu-se pe parcursul unui indelungat proces de rafinare si decantare, in cadrul cirtia semnifi catia simbolicé, interferati valorilor plastice, sporeste sugestivitatea arhitecturii. TETVQQUUT/ C0001 0100/10 0000001 a eR “ntze modelele.diferitelor programe din cadrul acelorasi zone tipo-generatoare se sta- bilese, intereonditionsri, prin disocierea principalelor componente ale lor (volumetric, plani- metric, structurd si decoratie) caro se influenteaz direct, astfel inctt_ programe diferite adopta -tineori-aceleasl solujil volumetrice si planimetrice sau aceeasi gama ornamentali 1 estigiut > 1a noastra 28 cu aria: ipl i arhi- Je 1 —- Tipologia zonal a modelelor locwinfelor sitesti traditionale a _--pe:tetitoriul. frit noastre se disting dou macrozone tipo-generatoare principale : una At) stent 1g nofadssiiaita la’bud de*Muntii Carpati, cele mat multe din regiunile grit Limitindu-se 1a ee rolul de adaptator de modele. In cadrul, acestor zone tipo-generatoare se disting mai multe JPME TE ee tpo-geheretoere, uncle active In momenta de fey atele sts calie ele. ch -Dimrindul nucledlor tipo-generatoare active se pot mentiona ca filed cele mai impor foy- unor § tantes:Gorjul, Vilcea, Argesul, Valea Prahovei si Valea Teleajenulvi, in zona de sud, precum 1a} deco- { gona de nord, toate acestea constituindy-se In factorii formativi cel mat impor- tan{i, Se disting, de aserienca, si nuclee tipo-generstoare, care si-au nchejat activitatea, sti tatea | cum-ari-cele din Mehediny{, Maramures si Nordul Moldovei. srilejuits Zonele -tipo-generatoare se caracterizea zi, in ceea ce priveste lecuinga unifamiliald, Iu arhi- printr-un repertoriu de modele, alcdtuit 1a origine din trei componente principale : modelele de locuinte: sAtesti, origencsti si aulice. Intre componentele repertorfului de modele se sta- pilese relatii de interconditionare reciproca. Accasta interconditionare constituie premisa ev utiei modelclor. si fn ultima instant, coeziunea zonel tipo-generatoare respective, cu alte cuvinte specificul local al arhitecturii traditionale. Jc, Modele de locuinfe sitesti in curs de constituire (fig. 176 — fig. 206) In perloada contemporand, locuinjele sitesti continu’ si utilizeze formele volumetrice fradifionale. Au apirut ins&i tipuri noi datorita unor influente conjugate (a arhitecturii ori §enesti, a arhitecturii montane ete.), conlucrind 1a constituirea de noi modele volumetrice. Este evident orientarea optiunilor spre solufii’ volumertice complexe, dinamice gi variate, dar in cadrul acestei orientari apar frecvent cazuri cu volumetrie necontrolati gi $4ré. valoare. ‘Aléturi de tipurile planimetrice tradifionale, sint prezente din ce in ce mai frecvent doua ‘categorii de scherie planimetrice. Primei categorii fi este specified distribuirea Inc&pe- rilor prin dowd diafragme mediane perpendiculare una pe cealaltd celei ie a doua categorii, modelul traditional, cu tind’ mediand si doud, trei Incigeri deo parte si de alta a acestela Procesul tipologizérli locuintelor sitesti contemporane continu caracterul vernacular ‘ahéestral, dar activitatea arhitectilor este implicati acestul proces, prin sugestiile si soluffile inedite oferite ca modele, constituindu-se ca fac si progres. CONCLUZIi Prosesul de tipologizare, de aparitie si de cristalizare a noi moticle de locuinje es fenomen continuu, Se poate vorbi de téndinfa de inertie care cefineste procesu! de tipol zare in dublu sens : al persiste: Je pentr ua anumit model aparfizind reper toriului de modele cpecifice unei zone tipo-generaicars, pe de o parte, precum sia timpule: necesar segregésti, asimilérii si genoraliztst model receptionat. adeziunii sock sugestiilor formative vehiculate de un now netics oP plas: pons tid ©, pe ‘até pen. agl. seva puis BPUDES D'ARCHITECTURE TRADITIONNELLE EN VUE DE LA CONSERVATION ET DE LA MISE EN VALEUR PAR STANDARDISATION A — Résumé — Wo actual BP oie lee Liarchitecture des batiments anciens, abri ot cade de ia vie matérielle au plan utili- taife; efdemeure de Ie vie spirituclle, au plan simbolique. s'est perpetuée au long des siécles. particuliére @'intégration du sym- national este un produit de la mai foo. Ls spécifigg bole dans le donstitution de 1a forme et de l'expression. >Lesvhabitants “de ces endroits ont su util Jeur appui dans tous ies domaines de le ‘arpatiCyie:danubien-pontiques qui ont constitue etéation artistique. ef no- On-est. einst. arrivé A une symbiose parfaite du rapport homme-nature. Dans le a démaltié de’Paichitecturé naquit, petit a petit, une composition organiquement integrée a TS milteteause "oriies'‘cofiérented quoique fluides, dont Yimage visuelle est cai par a la- dynamique’ et, V'inédit. Ces qualités, qui ont éte prises du réperteire des valeurs de ls . Beaute patditile, sont” par contrast avec Tarchitecture des autres endzoits, nettement délimi- sil tes du poiiit'dé-vue de te forme et de expression, stutique, avec une tectonique extréme- ae iment distinguée- ory ata ‘Le processus de la création architecturelle découle la composition des unités spat wind jes ofiginaires — des modules compositionels — qui, par leur réunion, forment des noyaux Gérmpositionels de’ la collaboration desquels résultent la fonction et expression plastiques afm av bitinen + inves- ‘utilisation répétée des noyaux compositionels et des schémas d'assemblage a comme : résullat la constitution des formes voluméiriques archétypalles, au cas ou Tentiere compo- ii laic sition a’une structure unitaire du point de vue des dimensions, ausst qu'en mode de groupe- | ment et degré de réussite du dialogue avec Vespace extérieur. af i Liidentification et la classification des’ formes archétypalles representent une étape onsle importante dans Je processus de séparation et détinition du spécifique de T'architecture de i svimporte quelle zone, La volumétrie de Varchitecture traditionnelie roumaine se caractérise par un triple dia~ | liu avee Ye mile emplacement “je registre inférieur, massif et robuste, donne V'illusion d’étre paru par un phé- | noméne dorogenése : — le registre médian, ‘a Youverture au paysege ambiant, inclut aussi le registre | supérieur ; Le registre supérieur, du toit, a des formes de percement du ciel. { 13 era {TS LTOT ACU 01 ents. gomme expfesion synthétique de ofoption sociale de fe création d’arrangement des bit - tdition. " ; a Phenérione aux targes interpénétrations seciales, Je modéle architecture nécessite @ te, ff tne Bride de cristalisation et une période de protifération qui dépassent beaucoup ln durée (48, es A téxistencé dis batiments en question, ck torres ff TExisteneé des battin Ee didlogue’ permanent entre Jes modéles ancestrals ct ceux qui portent des influ- encisGe facture’ ‘néoclassique, baroque, romantique etc., est spécifique pour 'horizon architec- tardiPtraditivatiel, La différentiation et la’ parti culatisation du dialogue entre les éléments “gutselitones Cardctéristiques "pour une région génératrice des typologies, ot les valeurs de nd a dis. te trois fy Sees fof ‘euFopené tracent Te Spécifique architectural de le région ot V'interpénétration 7 “gardit. Gidice’é ce pliéndmene'll n'y a pas un spécifique homogéne sur le territoire entier, mais i ‘on ‘observe des différentiations evidentes de nature zonale, ’ ratrices' ‘des typologies, consistent, 2 V'origine, de trois. composants importantes : les modéles imetizs seignoriales et princiéres (des palais, des chateaux, des manoirs) trés anciennes et d'une autochtone. Le dialogue typologique des trois eatégories de mo- catégérique uuthentic délesune fois’ interrompu, la Yone cesse d’étre une génératrice de typologies, en devenant seuleitient une zone qui adopte des modéles. Eh’ Roumanie, on peut distinguer deux zones génératrices de typologies plus impor- tanies cau 'ndrd et au sud des Karpates. Les plus nombreuses zones du pays sont des zones ‘qui adéptent les modéles. Ty a plusieurs noyaux typogénérateurs de modéles dans ces zones. Les plus impor- ‘tant noyaux de la région sudique sont ceux de Gorj, Viloea, Arges, la Vallée dé 1a Prahova, 1aZaliée du Teleajen ct au nord des Karpates, le noyaut de Sibiv. ‘Le spécifique d'une cortaine zone est donné par le fréquence d'apparition de certains modeles structurés homogenement, 2: ‘Le-pécifique architectural, traditionnel roumain a un caractére bivalent : d'une part, vest ouvert, évolutif, réceptif @ la régénération par le désir personnel de Yhomme de ces endioits, ou sous V'influerice d'ailleurs ; @autre part, grace & esprit de suite pour le méme groupe de valeurs caractéristiques pour Ia spiritualité roumaine, il garde des marquies anciens ‘authentiques on prouvant la pérennité de notre identité ethnique. Le processus d'apparition et cristallisation, de standardisation de nouveaux modéles archilecturals persiste encore, surtout aux logemerts familials, en conservant le caractére ancestral (carsetére distinctif de notre peuple) Lidentification du phénoméne de standardisation des zones gt snératrices. actives, en Prenant en considération le répertoire contemporain cles modétes oti on souligne les tendances ‘créatives, la sélection ct le filtrage des valeurs absolues entre les modéles qui réunissent Yoption sociale — est un impératif pour I'activ ité de standardisation des batiments. Institut Central pour Recherches, Hlaborations et Directives des Batiments a initié Une large action d'investigation de V'architecture traditionacle des zones ethnographiques les lus importantes du pays. On a choisi des localités au fond architectural’ représentatif: de ‘toutes los régions du pays, on a élaboré des relevés planimétriques et photographiques pour Presque deux milles dobjectifs de grande valeur (ies maisons villageoises et citadines, des 15 TOVPVOOVTT (140 000 RR ©} Cing “1b ete le TEeole A) ate | abst, et : 1 sive ae ‘éLfices. ,LA LISTE DES ILLUSTRATIONS. jobore GE aint nti eam patie eon ef gue pets enti hove, et ‘aint Modales d’habitattons néolithiques. | — np anv — sion, rep mtghon = sine — fragments des nes dora | i Li eiilsation dacidue et dseo-romatne (cate. unl itri~ — Habitation dacique I lution- ‘= Habitation dacique rae nest dette 1 — Habitation dacique V — Systime technologiques et matérlaux de construction, — Habitation dacique Vi — Hobitotions daciques representées sur 18 Colonne Trajane — Outils daciques de consirvction T pour le faconnement dus bois — outils et matériaus: de construction daciques, — Habitation rurale romaine ot Dacle 5 wbitation rurale romaine ot Dacle I. ~ Ea civilisation roumaine anticue (carte) — Habitation de 19 elvilisation rountaine antique 1. — Habitation de 1a elvilitation roumaine antigo U, — Habitats 9 de Ia civilisation roumaine antique Ll = Outils de consivuetion du VilI-eme au XTI-bme sibel, — Habitation rurale meaievate 1. s| os — Habitation rurale médiévale 1, et en bitation rurale médiévale TH rel on — Habitation rurale médievale Iv — Habitation rurale médiévale V. — Adaptation de Mabitation rurale tradlsionnelle au terzain en dédive, — Adaptation an terrain en déstive, Synthése générale Habitation rursle — Comarnle, département de Prehova = Habltation pimbovita, commergant — début du KX-éme siécle, Pietrosita, epartement de — Adaptation au terrain en déctive! Synthése générale. 4 Photo 1. = Habitation rurale — Rod, département de Sibiu, 1690, ' Prot 2, ~ Habitation rurale ~ Stthalu Amaglut— déporment eA Pict 2 ~ uabtavion rurale — Clea ~ département e Cl, i = Hotton rurale — 5-tne se, Chulen parinment de Chu} | ones pct ot name cuties tb Titan [ones Immigtion de thablton aves les asnesea dela malin, i = Synttne des ements foneomels de Phabitatien } 17 — sypotogie volumétriaue — Lihabitation rurale tradi Tee a caver un moyad compositionnel de bese alackent: cs archetypales ‘omposttionne! ‘abiiatidin épigcipate — Rasinact 767, département de Sibio, ment de Sibi. Ce aaa ces dee Ten a Tree ate dopa conposidonsel ee bare ct in nopau, compentioned ee : Epa a rable rae sk Mnl, eoarenent.ceCu DergpotogieWolumétrique —“L'habitation rurale traditfonnelte. Les formes archétypales “Bip Bry, Byr, Bat, avec un noyaa compositlonnel accent tigi du xvpt-one see, ‘atela Ciporiement de Tue Faraie — fia du 3X1 <-ime ‘itele Comarnle, département de artement del —Habltation urbaine de facture*ravate — debut du Xxvése sitele, Comamte, départm mept do, Prahova, — Mabitsiion usbalae de facture rurale, Conan s, département de Prahove, = Typologie’ Yoluméirique — L’hobltaticn rurale traditlonncfte. Les formes arehétypales Ge type Ay a et Ay, aver un seul nayau compositionnel. Mabltation ruralé 104, Tar Negresti, département de Satu Mare, —Typologie volumétrique — L'habitation rural ey semen i troditionnelie, Saivtions volumétstque rel eate ‘oblenues par Madjonctlon, & Ia volumétrie ce habitation propremensndite, des mo- doles structurals afterenss aux annexes. Fehétypate proto 21. — Habitation rurale — deusldme molslé du XIX-2mo sitele, Nicolge Balsetcy, déparie~ 2ogifonn ment da Vileea. Photo 22. 4 — Habitation rurale — Gilavile, éépartement de Vileea. Phot 22 a cov r+ Habltation rurale, Clzbunesti, département 42 Gor) Fig 71. — Maison. avec cabinet daisances, fin du XVIl-ame sldcia, Cértunesti, département 2 ee Gor} dattement fF Fig. 72. = Typologis. planimétrique — Schemas archétypals, Léhsbitation urate teaditionnelle —"Gisssitication des schémas planimétriques d'eprés Io rombre des char! Graprés leur position sur les axes siructurales, ef = Classification des habltations rurales tradiso bres & plusieurs niveax. lea q'aprés la disposition das. charm artement Pigetas — Habitations ruraies & un seut ntvean, ae Fig: 75. itatlons rurales 8 un seul niveau. : ig. 76: — Hobitations ruroles & un sev! niveau. | Pig. Tr. —Habltations rurales & deux niveau + rezedecchaussée, avec des chambres de dépodt au niveau inférieur. oy ‘pet Fig. 72. ‘~ HabitaSions rurales 4 deux niveau, ‘avec des chambres de dépodt au niveau inférieur. are Hig 7. — Habltations rurales & deux niveaus : sous-sol . aver des chambres de dépst au niveau principal. rahova, + Fig, 82. = Habitations rurales & doux nivesux : sousssol + res-de-chaussée, avec des chambres ‘e ee depodt au niveau iniérieur. Fig, 81. — Habitations rurales & deux niveaux ; sous-sol + rea-de-chanssés, avee des chambres sale ie de dépodt au niveau inférieur. seapne Fig. — Habltations ruzales & deux niveaux ; sous-scl + rea-de-choussée, avee des chambres de dépodt au niveau intérieur. _ Fig. #9, — Hobitaflons rurales &'deux niveaux, réz-de-chaussée + premler étage, avec des cham= de dépobt au niveas inférieur, Fig. 04, — Habitations rurates & deux niveaux, rez-de-chaussée + premier stage, avec des cham~ bres de dépott au'niveau intérieur. was Fig. 85, — Habitations rursles & deux niveau, rez-de-chaussée + premier étage, avec des cham- 4 ‘bres de.dépét et des chambres & loger au niveau inférieur. Fig. a. — Hebltations rurales & deux niveaux, res-de-chaussée + premier étage, avee des cham ‘bres de dépét et des chambres & loger au niveau inférieur. Fig. a7. Hsbltations rurales & deux aivesux, rez-de-chowésle + premler étage, avee des chame ‘bros de depot et des chambres a loger au niveau indérien: fi 19 DUEUIUV uy in WALL th ame. ro; AP, 17S, We. ig. 105 ig 178, Fig 57, Fie. 178: Big. 170, ig 16. “Pig 18. Fig. 182 Be io. etm Fig. 5 Rientee ‘Pow’ a5, Photo a7. Pholo 33. Pig. 197 “Fig. 188, 169, ‘Mg. 190, 191, Pig, 192, Fla. 199 Fig. 194, 195, — syntse des éléments décoratits des habitations, Stucage — Constitution des éléments décoratits dorigine totémique appartenant a sépertoire SHEkentat ae Terchitecture rurale traditionnelle, sur la Vallée du Teleajen, Par Comparaison 4 des détails slinilalnes dang le repertoire universe sent de Veancee, 1947 — 4 — Habitation rurale — Tunic, dpe ail. — Types de portes en bois — dépertoment de Covasna, = Types de portes en brigue et en pierre ~ départerient de Covasna, —Tracés régulateurs utilisés pour la mise en éacte proportion des facades des habita- tions turales dans le département de itor. — Habitation rurale, XVELI-ime sidcle, Rosia, département de Bitor. — Traces régulateurs wtllsés pour la mise en exacte proportion des fagades a Cimpulung Moldovenese = La proportion dans Larenitecture populaire de Dobroudjs, — Typologle de plastique architecturaie — département de Prahova = Galerie estérieure en bois — département de Sibi volumétrique — Libabitatioa surale traditionnelle. Le dialogue entre ia fe de architecture tradisionnelle et le miltew anvbiant — La genése du monumental — Habitations raraies, alsices de eulte — La gentse du monumental — — La genése du mionumental — Liuabitation rurcle traditionnelte — La typologie de Vhabitation rurale traeitionnelle — Typologie volumétrlque — Lhabitation ruraie contemporaine. — a sehénia voluméteique de type MC & deus noyaux eompositionnels éispasés daprés eux axes perpendicu La sehéma volumétrique de type MjC 6 deux noyaus compositionnels de base, dls posts dlaprés deux axes Perpenctedlaires, et un noyeu compositionel accent. — Les schémas volumétriques de type MB, MD er MD. = schémas volumétriques ave hun sul noyau compositionnel au registre inférieur et plusieurs noyaux compositionels au registre suplrieur. = Sehémas volumétriques de type MC, MAC et May — Les genbse des schémas volumétriques de facture montagneuse = Habitetion rurale — Bablu, département de Sataj — Habitation rurale — 1977 — Drégutesti, département de Gori Habitation rurale 1983 — Valea Ghlurghluiul, département de Mure — Habitation rurate 1936 — Liveatte, département de Bistrita Néséud, — Habitation rurale 1985 — AfEnectu, département de Prahova. = Hat tion rorale 1999 — Magura Tivel, département de Bistrita = Habitation rurale 1985 — ancclu, départetient de Prahova = Typologie planimétrique — L’habitatlon rurale contemporaine. = Classification des habitations rural es chambres aux diférents niveau ales & un seul niveau. —Habltations rurales & deux: niveau (Sous-s0l particl + nez-de-chaussée), avec des espaces dv depot au niveau inférleur. contemporaines en fonction de ta disposition = Hiabitations = = Habitatlons rurales & deus: niveniie (seus-sol partie! on total + rer-de-chaussée) avec ee expaces Ge depot et des chambres & loger au niveau inférieur. = Habitations rurales & deux niveaux (rer-de-chaussée + premler etage aux espaces de Gepéty, avec des chambres & loger au niveou inférieur. —Habitations rurales deux niveaur (fez-de-chaussée + mansarde) et habitations rrurales & trois niveaux. — Habitation rurale contemporaine, Llanalyse des voles d'zcces et es relations entre tes pidces. = Habitation rurale contemporaine, L/analyse des schémas de circulation, Habitations un seul niveau. Habitation rurale’ contemporaine.’ L’analyse des schémas de circulation. Habitations 2 deux niveau pour une seule famille | la ilson vertieale extérteure, a (i U0 1 igen 3 STUDIES OF TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE WITH VIEW OF PRESERVATION AND TURNING INTO ACCOUNT BY TYPIFICATION ‘027 7 architecture of the old buildings, regarded as a shelter and as a framework of ma- “SE iving from ah utilitarian point of view and as a space of spiritual/life from a sym- bolle point of view, has persisted over the centuries, ‘The particular way of integrating the symbol into the structure of form and expression has generated, to a great extent, the national specificity Our people has always Known how to make efficiently fruitful the resources provided by the economy of the territory between the Carpathian Mountains, the Danube and the Black Sea, which was also the basis for all the fields of artistic creation. The result has been a perfect symbiosis in the relationship between man and nature, From en azhitectural point f view, im the course of time the resulted composition has become organically integrated Info the environment, with coherent though fluid forms, whose image is characterized by Gynamism and originality. These qualities, taken from among the values of natural beauty. fare in opposition to the architecture of other areas, which and ‘appearance, static, with a strongly evinced tectonics. ‘The process of architectural creation comes into being by consisting of primary spatial units — the compositional modules — which, by assemblage, form the compositional nuclei, Whose’ combinations give the function and the erhitectural appearance of the building. By repeatedly using the same composit ional nuclei and assembling schemes, the arche- E¥pical volumetric forms are to be got, in case that the resulted whole is unitary structured, is trenchantly bounded in form both in dimensions, and in the of grouping and the degree of achieving the sym- pathetic dialogue with the outdoor space. ‘The identification “and classification of the archetypical forms represents an important step in order to establish and define the particular architectural features of each area. __» From a volumetric point of view, the traditional azhitecture is characterized by a thre- @fbid dialogue with the environment of the placing — the lower level is bulky and stout, lo oling as if formed by orogenesis. — the middle level is opened towards the surrounding landscape and incorporates the upper level ; — the upper level, that of the roof, seems to pierce the sky ; gives the dynamism of the building. mt ‘The same alternation between closed and half-open spaces, which is the main composi- tional principle and also the characteristic and definitory feature of the Romanian traditio- nal architecture, may be noticed in the structuire of the farms. The closed spaces are : the r60ms, the store rooms, sometimes the summer kitchen, the stables and the coops ; the half- ‘open spaces are; the galleries, the sheds, the lean-tos. 23 weit HWM |} oor (1 5 | ouped Geek juaiviatauity of the area where they come into contact, Due to this phenomenon, r fiereis not only an architectural spectficity of the whole country, but we may see many of cach ME sGapieit regional differences. 1 5] ow usllses abipha! tye-denefative ‘areas, concerning the one-family dwelling, are characterized by | SabliaenAlbgiterba number of models which were primarily of three sorts: the models of | t the fll pieinithbtises, of old town “houses, and of buildings belonging to princes and noblemen Litchen, HH qui as palaces, castles, mansions), the latter being certainly old and authentically autoch- ' Teserie spot dialogue between these three categories of models were interrupted hd lower surGutd. not be @ type-generative one any longer, becoming just an adopter of + sucht as Hi aia fs G hd zalle- 2 Uippiine “axe"Zwo' main type-generative areas in our country ; in the northern and in the w at the sabe ppatt of the’Carpathian Mountains,“Most regions are only adopters of models, More { “WHEW GHE type-Generative nuclei may be active within the boundaries of certain area (for astinclu Mf Bfaniple the nuclei of Gorj, Vilcea, Arges, Prahova, Valley and Teleajen Valley in the south inetional #f G88 the iclews of Sibiu being the most important in the northern area). I aif Whe" frequency of repeating a series of unitary structured models is a definitory ele- ling has Mf sBehLYoF the specificity of an area tal suit. $f O3°7 ‘The’ Romanian treditional architectural individuality has a bivalent cheracter : on the faces of Mp She Mde,it' i open, evolutive; eager to receive new elements either by native man’s own ref ‘ving MP vwilloor by external influence ; on the other side, due to the consistency of the options for sid, and 4 tlie Same group of Values specific to the Romanian spirituality, it has euthentic aboriginal the yard Signs of the ancient times, showing the persistence of our ethnical identit anf ent; “his process of birth crystallization and setting up of the typology of new architeo- ater, tural models continues even today, especially concerning family dwellings, also preserving {fis ancient vernacular character as a mark of our people. 4) Any construction typification has to take into account the identification of the typo- Yogical phenomenon into the active type-generative areas, based on the inventory of present models, by evineing the formative tendencies, the selection of real values among the models | Which reflect social choice. ‘The Central Institute for Building Researches, Projects and Directions has started a complex activity of investigating the traditional architecture of the most important ethno- graphic areas. After having chosen the architecturally representative villages of all Romenian distticts, relevants, plans and photos were made fox nearly, 2,000 valuable buildings: (village and town houses, shops, inns, churches, buildings for folk technique as.o). In order to khow better the rural living, more than 1,500 sociological questionnaires were filled in, More than 20 Districtual Projecting Institutes, the Architécture Institute Ion Mincu, the Institute of Fine Arts Nicolae Grigorescu, the Village dnd Folk Art Museum, the Sociological Labora- tory — all in Bucharest —, the Museum of Folk Technique in Sibiu, the Ethnografic Mu- seum of Slobozia as.o, have coopersted during the research. The technical and general coor- ination belongs to the Department for Houses and Social-Cultural Buildings of the men- tioned central institute. But it is the Design Institute of the Prahova District who has drawn up the development, lias established the specialized methodology, has organized and directed the whole activity ; it is also the first who has started the studies concerning this progem- ‘Bf fic alchi- ‘THE LIST OF THE ILUSTRATIONS — The’ primitive communal civilization (@ map). Neolithic dwelling. — wodels of nealijhie divelings. = Neotiené building maievals, techniques and systems A megeton temple — Sdlacea — fragments.of the do | = Bivian sn Dacy-Roman clvtzation (@ map) cian dwelling T. BULU foo Te wot a a pe “aiBo Sad ei ee Veal Eving 3 Dacia geet salomriese Zoran aWeting 18 Dacia 0. SPAT ochumey APeAY Romaflian’ civilization (@ map). pulling of the ahcteit Roniaitan vtteavon 1 cit willie Of Wie afcient Romanian éIvitization I, “piling th andiedeRomanan vitton “2Butlding, tools, sem — 121% centuries. | ae * SWedeva rut dwelling L “Seaevan reat Aetng Te — Neebevatroraldseing 1 = Medieval rural dwelling IY. — Medieval, dwelling V. = Adaptation of the traditional rural dwveling to, the sloping ground. — Adaptation (0 the sloping ground. General synthesis. = Rural ewelling — Comamic, Prahova district, — A merchant's dwelling — beginning of the 20% century Pletros, Dimbovita district = Adaptation to the sloping ground. General synthesis, = Rural dwelling — Rod — Siblu district — 1600. — Raral dvvelling — Sinmaihais Almagulul — Sia district. = Roral dwelling — Cluleni — Cluj district. = Rural dwelling — 20m centary Ciuleol — Ciuj district =A synthesis of the functional elements of the dwelling ‘Merging of the dwelling with the annexes of the house = A synthesis of the funcilonal elements of the dwelling. jerging of the dvvelling with the handloraft workshop. = A synthesis of the functional elemants of the dwell Merging of the ewelling With the damestlc annexes, = Yolumetrical typology. ‘the arenctypal form Bry, BY tuiral nucleus of accent ational rural dwelling, ‘Bn Bye with a baste sic johurul qucteus and & struc . Rural dwelling — middle Lot century, Bnleals, Tuloes district. — Rural dwelling 1924 — Mindiesti, Cin) distet = Yolumetrieat typology, — the traditional ruse! dwelling Jae larchetypal tonse-Br,, Bry, Byr, Bae with a basie structural nucleus end a struc tural nucleus of accent. _- Dwelling of rural structure — end-of the 19% centuey, Comarnic, Prahovs istic Mie i _ ‘town dwelling of rural structure — beginning of the 20th century — Comarnia, = Votumetrical typology — Traditional rural dwelling, "The avchelypal forms Ala and Aal With a single structural cucleus st, Satn Mare dlstrict = Rural dvvelling 1019 Tur Negr —Volumétrieal typology’ — the traditional rural dweling - T Yokimetsicat solutions derived by adding, so the volumeiry of the Bropee Awelling the structural moduli due to the anuexes. second lialf of the 191 century, Nicolae Béteeseu, Vilees district — Rural dwelling Photo 2 a. ig. 7 RE — Rural dwelling, Cirbunesti, Gor} district, Mouse with a latrine, end of the 180 century, CBrbunestl, Gor} disteet “— Planimetrical typology — Archetypal sketches — the tradislonal rurai dwelling, Piedimveification of the archetypal planimetrical sketches by : number of raens and hele positioning on structural axes, : — chassification of the traditional rural dwellings depending on the many-levelled Gisposition of the rooms. = Rural dwellings with a single levet Aistie, — Baral dwellings wlth @ single level tisyret — Rural dwellings with a single level ot — Rural dwellings with two levels, ground-lloor and storage rooms at the {ower level — Rural dwellings with two levels, ground-floor and storage rooms at the lower level, — Rural welilngs with two levels, grouad-oor and storage rooms at the main level. = Rana gene wih wo levels, round Hor + toe wth etree rns at the : “= Rural dwellings with two levels, semi-basement + ground-floor and storage, rooms 7 at the lower level. 8 bates, = Rural dwellings with to levels, sewd-basement + ground-floor and storage roo af the lower level — ural dwellings with two levels, ground floor + first floor with storage rooms at the lower level Rural dwellings with two levels, ground floor + first oor, storage rooms and habi- fable rooms at the lower level “4 cacal —- Rurat dwellings with two levels, ground tloor + fist fl ‘able rooms at the lower level storage rooms and habi- the toi Rural dwellings with two levels, ground floor +flest tloor, storage rooms and habi- . table roome at the lower level, — Rural duellings with two levels, semu-basement + ground-floor and storage rooms at the lower level, sok — A tynthelis of the functional elements of the dwelling ‘Multiple uses of the half — open spaces — verandas and balconies. Pheto 23. — Rurel dwelling — second half of the 18% century — Bisca Chiofd, Suaiu districh Photo 24 = Rural dwelling — Posegti, Prahova district. cabtiral Photo 2 — Rural dwelling — second halt of the 18! contury — Vilenil de Munta, Prahova alstrict = A synthesis of the functional elements of the dwell: Maltiple uses of the half — open spaces — the veranda and walls tn Cimpulung Moldovenese — Regulative Iay-outs used to proportion the tron fectuee. = ‘The proportion in the Dobrudjan. popu 12 = Prahova diste = typology of architectural appent = Wooden porches — Sibiu district = Volumetsicat typology — ‘The treaitional cural dwelling olageliague between the volumetry of tke teaditional architecture and the ea = The genesis of the monumental — Rural dwellings te genesis of the monumental — Religious editices tue genesis of the monumental — The traditional sural awellleg The typology of the traditiona! rural dwelling “= Volumetcical typology — The contemporary rural évvelling the volumetrieal achemes type MC with two structora nuctet disposed bj two pecpendicular axes cat scheme, type MyC, with two basle structural nucle, disposed by wo send wlth a suctural nucleus of accent. , = The volumetst perpendicular axe =the volumetrieal schemes, types MB, MD and MD. nucleus on the lower register a “ wotumeiticat schemes with a single structural Severe) structural nuclet on the upper register. “-Wotumetrical schemes, types MC M\C and MyAy ape genesis of the mountain — structured volumetric! schemes, = Rufal dvelling BAbIo, Shia} district . Ruel dwelling 1877 — Drigutegts, Gor} district. = nurat dwelling 1883 — Valea Ghiurghtulu, Mures district “_ ftucat dwelling 1886 — Livézile, Bistrita Naséud district. “Rural dwelling 1985 — Méneciu, Prahova dlstciet : 2. Rural dwelling 1986 — Bagure Hlvel, Bistrita Nésdud district ‘ |, Raral dwelling 1995 — Mineciu, Prahova district | = Paseo ony Tw cnenorry el Svat ‘Ciaisiflation of the contemporary rurat dwellings depending’on the disposition of “he rooms on levels, see ara'dwong tho angle vel © _cruitat iveliings with two levels (paeinl basement and groundsthos) and storage Toms at te lower level. oor) with storage and habi- = Rural dwellings with two levels (ground-floor + fiest table rooms at the lower level, — Rural dwellings with two levels (ground floor + attley and rural Gwellings with theee levels. of the, relations — The contemporary rural dwelling. ‘The snalysis of the aevesses a between rooms ] Falk anes caprionicr cu capetee pel moo cenit intersectia Jar fixaid probabl os \es3] la fentoane inferszcia corstitindi-se 7 ‘1:12)sou prin inc parce pe versonjil acoperk 2 EC dears fears et foaate ate it fates Stensne Fe gta yeu cing o structure din Nite Hortete poral Ga! lnig de ceo,ma, more par Rgflinge Gelermrind unghie Ge Fontord riche TE aio pot gan cece penta oe rir. a BEA vegeta UU(AUUILU TVET MATERIALE, TEHNIC! SI_SISTEME CONSTRUCTIVE NEOLITICE 11:3-HABASESTI jud losi~Frogment dn podecua plato, ‘2ilcFragment dri podeoun platorma os shot svenesve e lips, 5-Frogrent cn pocec.n platferma cu crma- ang nusie, 8-0-1. Ampere dep si ruce pe igus pero, (ape V Ouniesy pid tere $93/2,9;p 80 fgd/1281:a°81 te.5/12h3 I. “7-GIULEST got Ito. Reconstitires sisterului construct ‘l perejior dn pari cu inpiettora de nurele i itr e'pariny, cup omprentele fragmerielor de liptura (Gupa €.Comsa 19%, p15! fig 56 SMEGREACA joc. ov, Dbiec'de lit org in forme de co- Teand (dupa €.Comsa 1974, p49 tig: 53] Motel deconstruct ulizae n relic eae ‘ul, pamintol simplu sou in amestec cu elerente vege tole cu rol ce lant, stutul rest $1 paste ‘Lemnul se folosea sub forma ce trunchir tniregi sau espica,Sime si dulapi ecarisa, verg st rule ‘Setemul construct era alcdtuit Gntr-un schelet portantcu elementee vertioae (stil ce regu thoas- irate in sol_sau sprjnie pe 18 si cele orizontcle (era cpren etc) sobdarzate cu legate vegetal si Gu ekcrene de Inchidere, pancun realzate dn impie~ ‘ nuile(sustnute de etementcle portante vert desi ipturs de porrint omestecat cu vegetcle. LLocuntele aveau de regu o podec reciaata pe 0 platormd de trurchuuri espeate sau dui ecarisay peste care se aptioa unul sau mal multe straturi de liptura simalé sau ormaté cu suite Invelfcarea conform daeler arneoiice era relic to Gn stu, pole sou teste, fine susie de ceproni Tiree si ehclogile constructive cistclzcte fh ness Sou perpetuct 1 eopele Ultras, crs Tent Ge eerie h econ Sue! enerl poor i erpiufe reper SEeecs Ssteneer Corstuclne WH hu

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