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The ideology of Cinderella story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm is that Cinderella would

remain pious and good, and then our dear God will always protect you, and I will look down on
you from heaven and be near you so she did what her mother. The family of Cinderella was in
the middle class where her father provide everything they needed. Cinderella was my favorite
Disney story before when I was I kid because it tells that being kind to everyone in order for you
to get reward. I like the Disney story that this reading because the changes of it is not the same in
the movie. I thought that when Cinderella once go in the ball she met the prince and the prince is
in love with her then she run away because the spell is broken when its midnight then the prince
will look for her then they got married but then it’s not. The story of Jacob and Whilhelm was
different from what I saw before. Though Cinderella story tells about love, beauty and faith. It
somehow tells that in every good you do, you receive a reward and being faithful can give you
more than what you expect. The values hierarchy in the story was good vs. evil and love vs. hate
though Cinderella there didn’t see hate instead her step sisters because maybe Cinderella was too
good that’s why they used it for them to bully her.

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