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I Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or

1. My house is (big)   than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful)   than that one.

3. This is the (interesting)   book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long)   than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous)   animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good)   than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)   than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich)   woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad) 

II Put the verb in the correct tense (present continuous, be going to or

will + infinitive)
1. We ______________ (have) a party next week. Do you want to
2. The sky’s getting darker. I think it ___________________ (rain).
3. It’s possible that in 50 years time there ________________ (not
be) any tigers left.
4. I __________________ (not study) medicine. I want to be an actor
5. I’ve got an appointment with the doctor. I ________________
(see) her at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
6. People say that in 2020 computers ______________ (be) really
III Complete the sentences with the correct future form:
1. I’ve got a date with Susan tonight. I ________________ (meet) her at 8.
2. I’ve missed my bus, so I __________________ (walk) home. intention
3. In 2099 it ________ (be) impossible to tell the difference between people
and robots. prediction
4. I think Real Madrid _____________ (win) this year’s championship in
football. prediction
5. My parents __________________ (visit) my aunt and uncle next
weekend. arrangement
6. My friend Megan ________________ (study) languages at university
when she leaves school. intention

IV Make Wh-questions for the underlined words:

John will sell his old car at the used car market next weekend.

Susan is going to play football at the playground next Saturday.

Billie speaks on the phone every day.
They sold the Ferrari for $100.000.
Sue was practicing the piano all yesterday afternoon.
We are going to buy tickets for Ariana Grande’s next concert.

V Give suggestions for the following prompts

1. play football ________________________________________
2. go to the cinema _____________________________________
3. visit the local museum _________________________________
4. have dinner at Belvedere ________________________________
5. watch Deadpool at the cinema ____________________________

VI Write the sentences: Use the correct form of the verb GET and the
correct preposition
1. Hurry up and ___________ for school. Breakfast is on the table.
2. Please __________ of the car. There are too many people here already!
3. The train leaves in about five minutes, so you better __________ it now.
4. He ________ a taxi to _______ work because it was faster and he was
5. They have a shower in the morning before they ________.

VII Describe a celebrity that you like or admire:


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