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1 Pre-writing: Six Word Memoir

1. What is a 6-word memoir? It about write a full story in six words.

2. How did six-word memoirs originate? Taking a cue from novelist

Ernest Hemingway, who, according to literary legend, was once
challenged to write a short story in only six words.

3. Look at multiple examples of 6-word memoirs. Copy three that

especially stood out to you as well written.
Books are not just for staring.
We all belong only to time.
Never really am where I want.
4. In looking at the particular memoirs that stood out to you, really read
and study them and write WHY you enjoyed each one. Each particular
memoirs give me good vibes of showing how each can understand.

5. In reading some 6-word memoirs that you did NOT enjoy, write why
you think you did not like them. Some of them doesn’t feel satisfy of in

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