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1996: Birth

I was born seven months

My mother says that he was very small

All very happy to be the only baby in the family

2001: I cut my knee on a glass table

I remember there was a lot of blood

My mother cried a lot

Much pain when suturing

2003: Trip to Barranquilla

I missed my house a lot

They made me a report for the Heraldo

I really enjoyed

2004: Trip to San Juan de Urabá

New experiences

New sport

First title at the sports level

2006: Trip to Mutatá

New friendships

Unique moments

I remember that I really enjoyed that experience

2008: Change of School

A little nervous

Surrounded by great people

It helped me to improve my relationships

2009: My Father's Bachelor's Degrees

A special moment for the whole family

Very happy

Delicious food
2010: World Cup in South Africa

I remember watching all the games with my dad in the mornings

We guess who was going to win

I listened to the song a lot waving the flag

2012: Change of address, I'm going to Pereira

I continued with school virtually

I made new friends

I really enjoyed the city, good place to live

2012: First trip to Brazil

It was a bit difficult because of the language

First Christmas away from home

I learned portuguese

2014: Return to the city where I was born (Medellín)

I lived with a classmate from school and his family

At that time I remember that I went to the movies a lot

I remember the World Cup that year a lot

2015: Trip to Uruguay

Very nice city Montevideo

I met people from different countries

The weather was perfect

2016: Goal in Aguila Tournament

A million emotions I felt

I didn't know how to celebrate

That my dad was seeing me was something special

2017: Second trip to Brazil

I moved on with the Portuguese

I made a lot of friends

Enjoy a lot

2019: Birth of my son

Many nerves felt

The family was very happy

He kept seeing me

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