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Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; 2015, Vol. 108(6) 223–228

DOI: 10.1177/0141076815583167

Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the

use of facemasks in surgery

Charlie Da Zhou1, Pamela Sivathondan2 and Ashok Handa2

New College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3BN, UK
Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
Corresponding author: Charlie Da Zhou. Email:

facemask/mask’, ‘splash’, ‘contamination’, ‘infection’
The use of surgical facemasks is ubiquitous in surgical prac-
tice. Facemasks have long been thought to confer protec-
and ‘outcomes’ in order to identify salient publica-
tion to the patient from wound infection and contamination tions. We also searched the guidance on surgical
from the operating surgeon and other members of the site infection from the National Institute for Health
surgical staff. More recently, protection of the theatre and Care Excellence. Furthermore, a manual search
staff from patient-derived blood/bodily fluid splashes has of reference lists from relevant papers was performed.
also been offered as a reason for their continued use. In
light of current NHS budget constraints and cost-cutting
strategies, we examined the evidence base behind the Contemporary attitudes to the surgical mask
use of surgical facemasks. A contemporary questionnaire-based study, which
Examination of the literature revealed much of the pub- attempted to assess the attitudes of surgeons, revealed
lished work on the matter to be quite dated and often
that 96% of responders wore facemasks.1 About
studies had poorly elucidated methodologies. As a result,
we recommend caution in extrapolating their findings to
equal numbers did so with the primary aim of pro-
contemporary surgical practice. However, overall there is a tecting the patients compared to protecting them-
lack of substantial evidence to support claims that face- selves. However, it was also found that 20% of
masks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious responding surgeons wore the mask for the sole pur-
contamination. More rigorous contemporary research is pose of respecting tradition. Furthermore, 30% of
needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness responding surgeons felt that masks could make sur-
of surgical facemasks. gery more difficult by increasing breath condensation
on spectacles, endoscopes and microscopes and
Keyword thereby obscuring vision.
Surgery In May 2014, the first installation of the Glass
Surgery project was broadcast to viewers around the
world. This project, based at the Barts and the London
Picture a surgeon operating in a theatre, and chances School of Medicine and Dentistry, was the first of its
are that you will imagine them wearing a surgical kind to live-stream a surgical procedure, using new
facemask. Masks are a quintessential part of the sur- Google Glass technology, to any medical student or
gical attire that has become so deeply ingrained in the trainee with an internet connection. Mr Ahmed, the
public perception of the profession. However, even lead colorectal surgeon, elected not to wear a mask
today, it remains unclear as to whether they confer while performing the open right hemicolectomy and
any tangible benefits to surgical outcomes. As ‘effi- partial liver resection in question. In the immediate
ciency’ and ‘cost-cutting’ have increasingly become aftermath of the broadcast, Mr Ahmed came under
the topics du jour in the National Health Service, it scrutiny from various medical comment threads,
seems reasonable to assess the efficacy, effectiveness blogs and chat rooms on the Internet questioning his
and cost-to-benefit ratio for this particular compo- decision to omit the facemask and whether this might
nent of the surgical uniform. have compromised patient safety.

Methodology Protection of the patient

We searched the PubMed journal database and The facemask has been used in surgical settings for
Google Scholar with the search terms ‘surgical over a hundred years;2 first described in 1897, at its

! The Royal Society of Medicine 2015

Reprints and permissions:
224 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 108(6)

inception, it consisted merely of a single layer of gauze This decision was based primarily upon the findings
to cover the mouth,3 and its primary function was to of a Cochrane systematic review.9 This review was
protect the patient from contamination and surgical guided by the findings of two particular randomised/
site infection. This practice was substantiated, at the quasi-randomised control trials.10,11 The latest update
time, by a recent discovery which demonstrated that of this review,12 which was amended after the publica-
bacteria could be disseminated from the nose and tion of current National Institute for Health and Care
mouth during normal conversation as observed by Excellence guidelines, included one further study.13
bacterial colony growth on strategically placed agar The Cochrane review12 searched through six estab-
plates in theatres. In the 1940s and 1950s, antibiotics lished databases (Appendix 1) looking for rando-
and aseptic technique came to the forefront of infec- mised control trials and quasi-randomised control
tion control strategies within the surgical setting. Until trials investigating surgical outcomes comparing the
recently, it has remained unclear as to whether bacter- use of disposable surgical masks with the use of no
ial colony growth on an agar plate was a direct correl- masks. The authors limited the scope of their analysis
ate of surgical site infections and also whether the only to patients undergoing clean procedures
purpose of the surgical mask has been superseded by (whereby the operating procedure does not enter a
more modern strategies of infection control. body cavity or viscus normally colonised by bacteria).
In order to advocate the validity of an intervention The review chose not to investigate the role of mask
in medicine, it must satisfy three levels of evidence: in clean-contaminated, contaminated or dirty
efficacy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.4 In the wounds as one would expect that masks would con-
context of facemask, efficacy is whether masks pre- tribute less towards the prevention of surgical site
vent the propagation of droplets derived from the infections under such circumstances. Primary out-
mouth and nose of the operating staff. Effectiveness comes of postoperative surgical wound infection
is whether efficacy translates into a significant reduc- and secondary outcomes of costs, length of hospital
tion in surgical site infection morbidity and mortality. stay and mortality rates were ascertained.
And finally, cost-effectiveness determines whether the Three studies were identified as fulfilling all the
cost-to-benefit ratio of this effect would be desirable selection criteria of the review.10,11,13 A total of
compared to an alternative course of action. 2106 participants were identified across the three stu-
Intuition would suggest that facemasks offer a dies (Table 1). All the studies reported on the primary
physical barrier preventing the emanation of droplets outcome of postoperative surgical wound infection,
from the oral or nasal passages and therefore satisfy none of the studies reported on any of the secondary
the efficacy requirement of the evidence ladder. outcomes. Furthermore, identified studies were
However, there are a number of different hypotheses assessed for risk of bias based on eight specific criteria
as to why this may not be the case. ‘Venting’ is a phe- (Table 2).
nomenon whereby air leaks at the interface between Statistical analysis of the extracted data revealed
mask and face which can act to disperse potential con- no statistically significant association between mask
taminants originating from the pharynx.5 The accu- usage and the incidence of surgical site infection. The
mulation of moisture, during prolonged usage, may study concluded that ‘it is unclear whether the wear-
exacerbate this problem by increasing resistance to ing of surgical facemasks by members of the surgical
air flow through the filter itself. Moisture accumula- team has any impact on surgical wound infection
tion is also thought to facilitate the movement of con- rates for patients undergoing clean surgery’.
taminants through the material of the mask itself by However, each of the studies included could be criti-
capillary action. These bacteria can subsequently be cised for risk of bias (Table 2). Indeed, the Webster
dislodged by movement. Friction at the face/ study, arguably the most rigorous of the three, only
mask interface has also been demonstrated to disperse investigated the impact of mask on non-scrubbed
skin scales which can further contribute towards members of the surgical team. There is uncertainty
wound contamination.6 over whether the findings of some of these studies
In the modern era, there has also been a scarcity of are applicable to contemporary surgical practice.
experimental evidence to support the effectiveness of Based upon the findings of this review, National
facemasks in the prevention of surgical site infections. Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines
The earliest retrospective studies7 failed to demon- state that there is ‘limited evidence concerning the
strate any statistically significant improvement in sur- use of non-sterile theatre wear’ such as surgical
gical site infection rates following the use of masks. masks when trying to minimise the risk of surgical
Indeed, the latest National Institute for Health and site infection, although there was an overall ‘consen-
Care Excellence guidelines on the matter do not sus that wearing non-sterile theatre wear is important
require operating staff to wear a mask in theatre.8 in maintaining theatre discipline’. This latter
Zhou et al. 225

Table 1. Characteristics of included studies.12

Study Methods Participants Outcomes Notes

Chamberlain and Quasi-randomised 41 female patients Wound infection defined Study discontinued
Houang10 controlled trial undergoing gynaecol- as serious enough to war- due to 3 surgical
ogy surgery. 24 clean rant antibiotics in 2 cases wound infections in
and 17 non-clean. Of and via high vaginal swab unmasked group,
the clean surgeries: in third case. Follow-up although not proven as
masked cohort n ¼ 14, until discharge only. causal. Data extracted
unmasked cohort No postoperative wound for clean surgery only.
n ¼ 10 infections in the masked Unit of analysis error
group and 3/10 (30%) in present.
the non-masked group (no
statistically significant dif-
ference: OR 0.07, 95% CI

Tunevall11 Quasi-randomised 3088 patients Wound infection defined Data extracted from
controlled trial undergoing general, as visible pus and/or cel- clean surgery only.
vascular, breast, acute lulitis without pus requir- Patients had 2 to 3
and elective surgery. ing debridement, drainage body washes pre-
1429 clean and 1659 and/or antibiotics. operatively with 4%
unclean. Of the clean Duration of follow-up not chlorhexidine prior to
surgeries: masked stated but until after dis- elective surgery. In
cohort n ¼ 706, charge from ward. most acute cases, at
unmasked cohort 13/706 (1.8%) post- least one body wash
n ¼ 723 operative wound infec- was given. Unit of
tions in the masked group analysis error present.
and 10/723 (1.4%) in the
non-masked group (no
statistically significant dif-
ference: OR 1.34, 95% CI

Webster et al.13 Randomised con- 811 patients undergo- Wound infection defined Scrubbed staff were
trolled trial ing gynaecological, by criterial used by not included in trial.
obstetric, general National Nosocomial Data extracted from
(open), general (lap- Infection Surveillance clean surgery only.
aroscopic), urology System of Australia. Clean Missing data for 7 clean
and breast surgery. surgery masked cohort, cases. Unit of analysis
660 clean and 151 non- mean follow-up 33.4 days error present.
clean. Of the clean (SD 22.1). Clean surgery
surgeries: masked unmasked cohort, mean
cohort n ¼ 313, follow-up 33.4 days (SD
unmasked cohort 22.8).
n ¼ 340 Infection rate 33/313
(10.5%) in the masked
group and 31/340 (9.1%)
in the non-masked group
(no statistically significant
difference: OR 1.17, 95%
CI 0.70–1.97)

statement seems to be a rather vague and likely embedded tradition as reflected in Leyland and
unfounded assertion which implies a correlation McCloy’s questionnaire study.1 Alternatively, it
between dress code, staff discipline and thereby may reflect a prevailing intuition that surgical
patient safety outcomes. This may reflect a reluctance masks ought to protect against surgical site
among the medical profession to deviate from infections.
226 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 108(6)

Table 2. Assessment for risk of bias in included studies.12

Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Chamberlain and Houang ? ? ? L L L ? H ?

Tunevall11 H H ? H L L ? L L

Webster et al.13 L L L L ? L L L L

L: low risk; ?: uncertain risk; H: high risk.

Bias was assessed by the following aspects: (1) method of randomisation: how the randomisation schedule was generated, the method of random-
isation, e.g. envelopes, computer etc., (2) allocation concealment, (3) blinding of patients (recipients), (4) blinding of outcome assessors to wearing of
masks, (5) extent of loss to follow-up and use of intention-to-treat analysis, (6) source of funding, (7) selective reporting, (8) early stopping and (9)
baseline comparability of treatment and control groups.

Unfortunately, publically available information

regarding the financial costs of facemask usage on the
Protection of the surgeon
National Health Service is lacking. However, as part of An increasingly prevalent belief, in favour of mask
the Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, the usage, is the idea that they also confer some degree
data are available for the West Hertfordshire Hospitals of protection to the operating staff from patient-
NHS Trust which purchased 44,482 single-use face- derived infectious material.18 Most obviously, they
masks in 2012.14 During this year, the West can act as a physical barrier against blood and
Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust performed a total bodily fluid splashes during surgery. One prospective
of 63,250 operative procedures or interventions.15 study revealed that facemasks prevented blood/
Extrapolation to the 10,594,814 total operative proced- bodily fluid splashes that would have otherwise con-
ures and interventions carried out across NHS England taminated the surgeon’s face in 24% of procedures.19
during the same period15 would equate to an annual The incidence of blood/bodily fluid splashes varies
procurement of almost 7.5 million single-use masks substantially between settings and between individ-
across hospitals in England. The NHS Atlas of uals. The risk is modified by the role of surgical
Procurement lists the per unit expenditure of surgical staff (lead surgeons are at higher risk than first assist-
facemasks to be between £0.34 to £1.22, depending on ants, who in turn have a higher risk than scrub
trust and supplier.16 This suggests that annual NHS nurses), by surgical specialty as well as by surgical
England expenditure on facemasks lies somewhere in technique.19,20 The frequency of blood/bodily fluid
the region of £2.5 to £9.1 million. splashed has been reported to be as high as 62.5%
Hospital-acquired infections, of which surgical site in lead surgeons performing Caesarean section.20
infections are a subset, are a major problem for all Despite clear evidence that facemasks act to pro-
health systems. Media coverage, in recent times, has tect the theatre staff from macroscopic facial contam-
heightened public awareness of their associated mor- ination, there are studies to suggest that they fail to
bidity and mortality. Their socioeconomic impact is protect surgeons from potentially hazardous sub-
also substantial,17 and it is estimated that iatrogenic micrometre contaminants.21 This corresponds
infection increases the duration of average hospital roughly to the size range of infectious bacteria
stay by a factor of 2.5 while incurring almost three while viruses are even smaller. Therefore, the protec-
times the monetary cost of uninfected patients. tion that masks confer in the form of macroscopic
Across the whole of the United Kingdom, it is esti- facial contamination may not necessarily extend
mated that annually hospital-acquired infections cost towards any microscopic infectious agents present
the National Health Service almost £1 billion in within that contamination.
excess expenditure and a loss of 3.6 million bed Proponents of the surgical facemask may argue that
days. Personal costs for the patients are also affected even if they fail to completely negate the risks of infec-
as their return to normal daily activity and employ- tion they are likely to reduce exposure in a dose-depen-
ment are delayed. dent manner. While this field has not been extensively
Given the uncertainty in effectiveness of facemasks investigated, preliminary work suggests that facemasks
in preventing surgical site infection, it is impossible to fail to confer any degree of protection from infection
perform a cost-to-benefit analysis on mask usage. It is due to streptococcal and staphylococcal bacterial spe-
clear, however, that the National Health Service cies22 or hepatitis B virus.23 Furthermore, a facemask
expenditure on facemasks is a mere fraction of the splash may promote a false sense of security, as sur-
costs incurred due to hospital-acquired infections. geons may be less likely to report these as an
Zhou et al. 227

occupational exposure to bodily fluid compared to any such study would undoubtedly have to be
frank facial contamination. large and well controlled to prove causality given
the low event frequency of surgical site infections.
It is possible, if not probable, that if surgical face-
Tying things together
masks were to be introduced today, without the
In surgery, there are many aspects of current clinical historical impetus currently associated with their
practice that do not necessarily have an established use, the experimental evidence would not be suffi-
evidence base. Indeed, it is permissible to bypass the ciently compelling to incorporate facemasks into
evidence ladder when an intervention is so convincing surgical practice.
that it is possible to discern its effect signal from noise However, when current surgical practice is the cul-
by observation alone.24 In such circumstances, inter- mination of layer upon layer of precautions in the
ventions have a very clear mechanistic cause and effect hope of preventing surgical site infection, do we
relationship. Historically, it may have been thought dare to experiment with their omission to see if they
that surgical masks fulfilled such criteria. This would have any tangible consequence on morbidity and
explain why published literature examining surgical mortality? A randomised control trial investigating
mask effectiveness has been lacking despite their ubi- the uncertainty surrounding prophylactic antibiotic
quitous nature within the surgical profession. use in clean coronary artery surgery turned out to
What literature that is available on the subject tends be catastrophic – the study had to be terminated
to be dated with poorly explained methodology. There early for ethical reasons due to an unacceptable
is also uncertainty over whether the results of such increase in postoperative infection in the placebo
studies can be extrapolated to current surgical practice cohort.26 Perhaps an annual expenditure of a few mil-
given the advent of new antiseptic techniques since lion pounds in a healthcare budget of almost £100
they were completed. The evidence base investigating billion is a small price to pay for an intervention of
the effects of facemask usage on patient-based out- unknown but potentially dramatic effectiveness.
comes is, in general, more extensive than that of sur- It is important not to construe an absence of evi-
geon-centred outcomes. Facemasks do have a clear dence for effectiveness with evidence for the absence
role in maintaining the social cleanliness of surgical of effectiveness. While there is a lack of evidence sup-
staff, but evidence is lacking to suggest that they porting the effectiveness of facemasks, there is simi-
confer protection from infection either to patients or larly a lack of evidence supporting their
to the surgeons that wear them. ineffectiveness. With the information currently avail-
Given that there is no evidence that they cause any able, it would be imprudent to recommend the
harm either, proponents would rather err on the side of removal of facemasks from surgery. Instead, in the
caution and encourage their continued use, stressing medical field where common practice can so easily
that there is no room for complacency when it comes become dogma, it is necessary to recognise the con-
to ensuring patient safety.25 This opinion is similarly stant need to maintain a healthy scepticism towards
echoed by the National Institute for Health and Care established beliefs and to periodically re-evaluate and
Excellence guidelines which assert that mask usage con- critically assess their scientific merit.
tributes towards ‘maintaining theatre discipline’.
Another unavoidable aspect of this debate is that Declarations
of public perception. In the public psyche, facemasks Competing interests: None declared.
have become so strongly associated with safe and
proper surgical practice that their disposal could Funding: None declared.
cause unnecessary patient distress. Indeed, the Ethical approval: Not applicable.
response on various medical forums following Mr
Guarantor: CDZ.
Ahmed’s decision not to wear a mask during his
broadcasted surgeries would reflect the prevalence Contributorship: CDZ drafted the paper and all other authors
of such a belief among the public. commented on the paper and contributed to amendments.
It is clear that more studies are required before Acknowledgements: None.
any absolute conclusions can be drawn regarding
the effectiveness or, indeed, ineffectiveness of surgi- Provenance: Not commissioned; peer-reviewed by Tom
cal masks. The published literature does suggest
that it may be reasonable to further examine the
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