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1) Meeting should start at 6:00PM and end at 9:00PM
2) Timekeeper : The Secretary or any one appointed by the Chairman
3) Regular BOD Meeting: Every forth or last Wednesday of the Month
4) Regular Joint BOD/Committee Meeting : Every Second Wednesday of the Month
5) Emergency meetings : As the need arises and as much as possible at 6:00 PM

1) Every speaker will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes per turn to expand a motion/suggestion
2) Each speaker should take note that everything said will be according to the topic or matter at hand
3) No “small talks” during the meeting
4) The chair can call the attention of the attendees engaged in “small talks”

5) Mutual respect should be observed

 No derogatory remarks
 No “out of tune” jokes
 Only one speaker at a time
 No one will hold pertinent information

 Every officer is expected to come to the meeting scheduled
 Absences may be called EXCUSED if Secretary is notified beforehand.
 A BOD or committee member is entitled for 3 leave credits per year (prior notification is required)
 No notification will be considered absent.
 Gen: 09398158603 / Office 237 6588 / 0920 204 7146 / 0949 758 5543
1. Come at least 15 minutes before the time
2. Meeting starts at 6:00 pm
Dinner Break : 7:30 – 8:00 pm (30 minutes)
Meeting resumes at 8:00 pm
3. Fifteen (15) minutes after the start of the meeting will be considered late.
1. Every idea/suggestion should be respected.
2. In case of irreconcilable differences/opinions, a vote should be undertaken through hand-raising or by secret ballot whichever is appropriate.
3. If still unresolved, bring the matter to the MCC/Ethics Committee.
1. Cellphones should be off or in silent mode during the meeting.
2. Important calls can be attended outside the meeting room.
3. The Chairperson will call the order during the meeting; very unruly participant/officer
will be ejected from the meeting.
4. Unexpected guests will be entertained or attended to by the GM.
VII. Participation
1. A participant who wishes to obtain the floor should seek permission from the Chair and wait to be called.
2. A participant/speaker should stay on agenda and wait until they are at the right place in the agenda.

VIII. Procedure. The standard meeting procedure should apply.

a. “I move that..” – introducing a new motion or suggestion.
b. “I second the motion” – commonly misunderstood as approval of the motion, but means that you agree that a motion or suggestion be discussed or
c. The Chairperson then say “it has been moved and seconded that…, the table is now open for discussion.
d. To end the discussion, one must say, “I move that we end debate and vote on the motion.” Needs a secondment. Majority vote is required for passage of a
e. Order of Business
Roll Call
Declaration of Quorum
Call to Order
Reading, Correction and Approval of the Previous Minutes
1. Unfinished Business (Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes)
2. Business for the Day (Updates, Info Items/Discussion/Approval of Membership and Withdrawal
3. New Business (Other Matters)
1. Every decision/agreement made during the meeting should be held strictly confidential.
2. Once a decision is made, majority rules
3. A majority decision is everybody’s decision.
4. Anyone found out disclosing any confidential matter will be subjected to mitigation by the Ethics Committee.
X. Others
A. Attire
1. Wear the prescribed uniform during the meeting or whichever is specified on the Notice.
Joint BOD/Comm – Green Blouse and Pants (Ladies)
Green Shirt and Trousers/Pants (Men)
BOD Meeting – Green Shirt and Pants

2. Wear shoes/sandals – no slippers

XI. Effectivity
This set of Ground rules will take effect after the May 2014 BOD/Committee Joint Meeting.

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