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The regulatory system:

1- Neural system:
- Organisation of the Neurvous sytem
- Kinds of neurons based on their function
- Kinds of neurons based on their structure
2- Central Neurvous system (CNS):
- The 3 basics function of the CNS
- Mechanisme of Impulse conduction
- Structure of the brain ( braibn layer and their function)
- Organisation of the CNS
- Structure of the spinal Chord and functions
3- Peripheral Neurvous system (PNS)
- Type of PNS based on their impulse pathways
- Type of PNS based on their activities manner
- Organisation of the peripheral the PNS

4- Neural system disorder

5- The Endocrine system:
- Function and organisation of the endocrine system ( the main gland)
- Hormones ( role of hormone ex : testosteron, Cortisol ,T4, T3, Oxytocine and etc.......)
- Glands ( function) : Endocrine, exocrine and Heterocrine glands
- Endocrine system organisation and produced hormones ( anterior lobe, posterior lobe,
intermediate lobe)
- Growth hormone : Action of GH, effect of GH on protein , mineral, carbohydrate and fat
- Control of GH
- Disease related to GH
- Prolactin : Action of Prolactin ,Control of prolactine secretion
- T3 and T4 hormones
- ACTH hormones
- FSH and LH hormones
- α melanocyte stimulating hormone
- β melanocyte stimulating hormone
- ADH hormone

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