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Skills tests answers Elementary FOURTH EDITION

Skills test 1 Writing

Reading 1 Students’ own answers

1 a 2 Model answer

2 2 a  3 g  4 b  5 h  6 c  7 e Dear Mr Kelly

3 2 F  3 N  4 T  5 N  6 F  7 T I am interested in the job of working in a Tourist
Information Office. I am 18 years old and I live in Dublin.
I am a student at Trinity College, so I am free from mid-
Writing June until the end of September. Last winter I was a waiter
in a busy restaurant in Dublin.
Model answer
I can speak French and German quite well and I enjoy
My name is Emily. I’m 18 years old and I live with my mum working with people very much. I was born in Dublin, so I
and dad, and brothers and sisters in a nice house with a small know the city very well indeed.
garden near the centre of Birmingham. I look forward to hearing from you.
My parents’ names are Bill and Susan. Dad is an engineer. He Yours sincerely
works at an office quite near our house. Mum is a doctor.
James Molloy
I’ve got two brothers and one sister. Their names are Ed,
James, and Beatrice. My brothers and I are still at school;
Beatrice is at university.
1 giving a presentation ✓  playing tennis ✓ 
Listening going for a swim ✓

1 2 c  3 a  4 c  5 c  6 c  7 a  8 c  9 b  10 a 2 2 a  3 a  4 a  5 b  6 a  7 b  8 a 
9 a  10 b  11 a  12 a
2 c, d, f, g, i, j, l

1 and 2  Students’ own answers
1 and 2  Students’ own answers
3 A
3 A 1 Where is she from?
1 What time does Workout City open? 2 How old is she? / What’s her age?
2 What activities can you do? 3 When’s her birthday?
3 Is there an indoor swimming pool? 4 What musical instruments does she play?
4 How much does membership cost (per year / per month)? 5 What sports does she like?
5 Where can you eat and drink?
B 1 She’s from London.
1 It opens at 7 a.m. 2 She’s 39. (This answer will change according to the year.)
2 You can go swimming, go to the gym, go running, use the 3 It’s 25 December, 1971.
spa, have a massage, eat in the café. 4 She plays the piano, guitar, and drums. She also sings.
3 No, there isn’t. 5 She likes football.
4 It costs €450 per year, or €150 per month.
5 You can eat and drink in the café during opening hours.
Skills test 3
Skills test 2 Reading
Reading 1 b

1 2 F  3 T  4 T  5 T  6 T  7 F  8 F  9 T  10 F  2 2 B  3 E  4 A  5 D
11 F 3 2 A writer called Lu Yu.
2 2 trial  3 trophy  4 opportunity  5 ill  6 senior 3 No, they didn’t.
4 From the island of Java.
5 Rich people did – it was too expensive for poor people.
6 In 1658.
7 No, it isn’t – mint tea is.
8 Sugar, honey, lemon, milk, or nothing at all.
9 Yes, they do.

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011 1

Skills tests answers  Continued Elementary FOURTH EDITION

Writing 7 remain in service

8 investigate
1 2 It was an amazing party!
3 Good weekend?
4 Thanks a lot for inviting me. Writing
5 Do you want to meet up tomorrow?
6 Lots of love 1 3 ✓ 6  ✓
2 who  4 which  5 where
2 Model answer
2 Model answer
Hi Pat
France is in western Europe and has borders with these
Thanks for lunch yesterday. I really enjoyed the ice cream countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco, Germany,
and strawberries – they were delicious! It was nice to see Italy, Switzerland and Spain. It has a population of about
your mum and dad again. Say ‘hi’ to them from me. 65,000,000.
I didn’t do much at all today. Watched some television and Paris is the capital city of France, and is also the largest
listened to music. There was an excellent programme on city in the country. It has a population of about 2,000,000.
TV about grizzly bears in Canada! Then I went out to the With around 75 million foreign tourists visiting every year,
park for a walk this afternoon. France is the top tourist destination in the world.
How was your weekend? Did you do anything special? France has cities famous for their historic buildings and
Be great to see you again soon. How about meeting up culture. It has beautiful beaches, and the Alps where
tomorrow? many people enjoy walking in summer and skiing in
Love winter. Disneyland Paris is Europe’s most popular tourist
Steve attraction. Other popular tourist destinations are the Eiffel
Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Palace of Versailles and
the Musée Picasso.
I love the food and drink in France. Everywhere you go
Listening there are delicious things to eat. And I think the wine is
1 2 c  3 a  4 b  5 b  6 c the best in the world!

2 2 T  3 T  4 F  5 F  6 T

1 a 6  b 2  c 4  d 3  e 5
1 and 2  Students’ own answers
2 2 warmer  3 along  4 arrive  5 buildings  6 check-in
3 A
1 Do you have / Have you got any food with no meat? 3 2 T  3 F  4 F  5 F  6 T
2 How much is a cheese sandwich?
3 What hot drinks have you got / do you have? Speaking
4 Have you got / Do you have any ice-cream?
5 What time does the café close? 1 and 2  Students’ own answers
B 3 A
1 Yes, we have. You can have chips, a cheese and tomato 1 Have you finished packing (yet)?
sandwich, or toast. 2 Have you collected the money (yet)?
2 It’s €2.05. 3 How are you going to check in?
3 We have / We’ve got tea or coffee. 4 Do you know where the hotel is?
4 No, we haven’t. 5 What’s the weather like in Ibiza?
5 The café closes at 11 p.m. B
1 No, I haven’t.
2 Yes, I have.
Skills test 4 3 I’m going to check in online.
4 No, I don’t. I’m going to ask Tom for the address.
Reading 5 It’s sunny and 32°C!
1 2 a  3 i  4 e  5 h  6 d  7 c  8 f  9 g  10 b
2 2 on that scale
3 expanding
4 maintain
5 unmanned
6 financing

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011 2

Skills tests answers  Continued Elementary FOURTH EDITION

Skills test 5
1 2 Over 1 million.
3 White and red.
4 Three times.
5 The Forum.
6 Circus Maximus and Colosseum.
2 2 T  3 T  4 N  5 F  6 T  7 T  8 N  9 F  10 T 
11 F

Model answer

Hi Madison
How are you? We are planning our holiday for this year at the
moment. I really want to do some mountain walking in the
Alps or even the Himalayas but Paul says he wants to go on a
more relaxing holiday!
Last year we went to Bali. It was amazing! The sea was
beautiful – clear and blue, and you could go scuba diving
from the beach. The food was delicious too – lots of fresh
seafood and fruit.
Do you have any holiday plans? Send me an email sometime.
It would be great to hear from you.

1 birthday ✓
first day at work ✓
first meeting their wife ✓
leaving university ✓
leaving school ✓
2 2  b k  3  c j  4  a i  5  f l  6  e h

1 and 2  Students’ own answers
3 A
1 How old is the city?
2 How many people live there?
3 What can you see in Ilford?
4 How do/can you get to Ilford?
5 Where can you go shopping and what can you buy?
1 It’s nearly 500 years old.
2 More than 280,000 people live there.
3 You can see some amazing architecture, the university
library, and the cathedral.
4 You (can) get to Camford by train, coach, or plane.
5 You can go shopping at the Sterling Mall and/or the
Farmer’s Market. You can buy fashion, food, and electronic

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011 3

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