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Conversation Escalation - Conversation Steroids

This two hour video program nails down a collection of tools you can use to make
sure you never stall out, never hit a plateau, and never lose her interest before
you have time to build attraction.

In these three videos you'll learn three of the most powerful tools for leading the
conversation forward, forcing engagement, and opening doors that allow flirtation
and attraction to take place.

Just a few of the things you learn in these three videos:

� How to 'sneakily' get a woman to ask you about things you want to talk about�
Once you learn this technique you'll be able to completely control the direction
and flow of the conversation� keeping her engaged as you plow forwards towards the

� How to use the power of the Zeigarnik Effect to capture her attention and have
her interested locked on you� You can use this have her captivated for hours� or to
create massive sexual tension� This is the quickest way to reel a woman back in if
she loses interest

� A Tool for getting a woman to open up to you and reveal things about herself she
would never dream of telling a guy she just met� And the best part of it you won't
even have to ask� This will make her feel like she's known for your years� and
helps make sure she'll want to see you again

� 12 conversation topics that make it easy to create attraction. You never have to
worry about not knowing what to say. And you�ll be much more confident to start
conversations with girls.

� What topics make it easy to start �touching� and produce an undercurrent of

sexuality. It will send the �I want to fuck this guy� message into her brain.

� The best topic for transition to sex. The amount of same night lays you have
will go through the roof.

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