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Make passive sentences

1. The first unit records the time each vehicle passes. Present simple
is / am /are + P2
2. It identified each vehicle by its number plates using OCR software. Past Simple
was / were + P2
3. It will relay the information to the second unit. Future Simple
will be + P2

4. The second unit has also recorded the time each vehicle passes. Present Perfect
has / have + been + P2
5. The microprocessor had calculated the time taken to travel between the units. Past Perfect

had +been + P2

6. It can relay the registration numbers of speeding vehicles to police headquarters. Modal can

can + be + P2

7. A computer matches each vehicle with the DVLC database.

8. It is printing off a letter to the vehicle owners using mailmerge. Present Continuous
is /am / are + being + P2

1. The scanner converts the barcode into electrical pulses.

2. The branch computer sends the price and description of the product to the EPOS till.
3. The scanner reads the barcode.
4. The branch computer records the sale of the product.
5. The till shows the item and price.
6. The checkout operator scans the item.
7. The scanner sends the pulses to the branch computer.
8. The till prints the item and price on the paper receipt.
9. The branch computer searches the stock file for a product matching the barcode EAN.

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