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A hero who never wanted to be, but that wasn’t his job to decide.

A guest on Earth, from a star far away

from the one Earth, is familiar with. Sent to Earth with one goal in mind, preserve the human race. He
never understood why Ultrum cared for this planet so much, that information was above his paygrade.
Being loyal to his emperor, he followed his instruction with the utmost diligence. Millions of light-years
away he was sent to a small planet of dirt, eons behind his own. Ultrum doesn’t have names quite like
those on earth do. Ultrums sacrificed their individuality to excel well beyond what they would have been
capable of before. Though soon after his arrival, he quickly gained a name for himself, the Arbiter, the
ultimate disputer of Earth's conflicts. Arbiter is not one to take glory in his work, he was sent to do a job,
and it’s a job he does well. Arbiter is not anything like a human. A warrior made entirely of titanium, no
human weaknesses, and a flaming scythe capable of killing anything he’s encountered, made to do one
thing, kill what others can’t.

Quickly upon his arrival on Earth, he learned quickly what they needed defending from in the first place.
The site he landed on was barren as if a bomb had gone off, wiping out anything that stood there
before. Far off into the distance, he could hear what had caused this destruction. A beast standing 30
feet tall, on a rampage destroying anything in its path. His “sidekick” as one might consider it was his
tactics officer talking to him from his home planet. Displayed in the corner of his Facial interface he can
communicate with them to analyze the situation and explain certain things to Arbiter. He can barely get
a word out before Arbiter flies towards the monster, cleaving it into effortlessly. Earth has crumbled
upon an onslaught of attacks like these. This monster was smaller than most other attacks. Daily
monsters appear all over the world, and Earth’s defense gets weakened with every attack. As larger and
larger monsters start showing up, it's up to the Arbiter to defend the people of Earth.

As Arbiter gets used to Earth, he starts to get a name for himself, a mysterious figure taking down giants
effortlessly. He can travel across the world effortlessly, simply teleporting to wherever his sidekick tells
him he’s needed. Many smaller monsters come down pretty quickly, others may take quite a bit more
effort. Though for the first time in years, Earth is starting to settle. People feel safer knowing the Arbiter
can handle anything that has been thrown at him so far. Life was looking bleak since these mysterious
attacks started happening. He gives hope to the people, until one day, he lost. Since the Arbiter showed
up, each attack gets more and more intense, each taking longer for the Arbiter to take down. Then on
one fateful, he bit off a little more than he good chew, his scythe could not break the hid of this
gargantuan, one powerful flick of its tail sent the Arbiter straight into the ocean, knocking him
unconscious for days. When he awakes at the bottom of the sea, his senses snap quickly, he shoots to
the surface and sees the beast's trail of destruction. The military has been able to at least slow down the
beast and keep it near the shoreline, minimizing its destruction. He had never lost to any of these
monsters before. In a blind rage, he flies towards the beast, diving straight into its mouth, scythe at the
ready, slicing straight through the vulnerable innards of the monster.

Something is controlling these attacks, they are not mindless, something bigger is behind them. It can’t
possibly be from this planet, as far as he’s been informed no creatures like this can live naturally in this
environment. The only way to stop these attacks is to take them to the source. Earth needs a hero,
Arbiter has grown fond of Earth over time, and not only is protecting this planet his sworn duty but it's
also his new home.

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