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Name : Saiful Islam Ramdani

NIM : 1204070094
Class : MHU-IIC
Prodi : Management Hajj and Umrah


o Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. KH. Dindin Solahudin, MA

State the reasons why this book was written?
Which is where the contents of the book are quoted from the context of Syekh
1. The spirit of Islam as rahmatan lil`alamin
2. Not in line with Islamic law.
There are several problems in preaching including :
 Tolerance
 Fanaticism
 Radicalism
 Extremities
 Literalism
 Scripturalism
 Anti-interpretation
 The monopoly of truth
There are 3 paradigms of da'wah :
1. The critical pattern
2. Constructive patterns
3. Moderat pattern
Therefore, moderate da'wah is actually just, true, precise, real, true and
rabbinic preaching. Apart from being moderate, all of that is wrong and not good.
Moreover, nowadays many always exaggerate in this matter.

o Speaker 2: KH. Cholil Nafis, Lc., Ph D.

He argued that from the writing of the book, namely driving UI, in
which he was doing more drawing together, not driving UI, how to do it
together. And he criticized the contents of his book regarding the
completeness of the book which was the topic of discussion, namely, who was
Al-Ghazali who was the main point of writing of Prof. Dr. KH. Dindin
Solahudin, MA and what is his background?

o Speaker 3: Prof. Dr. Abdullah, M. Si

According to him, this book is good, because of the many books he
has read, including: there is no the same book in Indonesian, written seriously
and clearly the references or references are clear. And he put forward more
who Syekh Al-Ghozali was, because first reading him was the same as. KH.
Cholil Nafis, Lc., Ph wondered, but after reading it more deeply it turned out
that what Syekh Al-Ghozali meant was the one who was born in Egypt on
September 22, 1917, at the age of 10, at the age of 10 he had memorized the
Qur'an 30 juz, whose parents were simple but always prayed and dreamed that
their children wanted to be like Imam Ghozali, therefore given the name
Syekh Al-Ghozali.

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