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And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will

guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

Read Out Loud - Collosians 3:15 What do you think about the
meaning of peace?


“Let the peace of Christ rule in Have you ever experienced peace
your hearts, since as members of from God? If yes, can you share
one body you were called to peace.” some stories?


Peace refers to harmony or wholeness. Real peace is being in harmony with God,
yourself, and fellow Christians. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts means that
let the peace of God guard your heart and mind. The words that you speak reflect
what is in your heart and mind. Your words can create peace or strife among
people. When you are in harmony with God, yourself, and fellow Christians, the
peace of God will keep you. Paul uses the word “rule” or “judge”. You must allow the
peace of God to decide things in your hearts. Everything must depend on peace -
every thought, word, and action. This peace cannot be found in the world, but the
peace that beyond understanding is the peace of Jesus Christ. [1]

[1] Robert Voight, The Complete Perfect Salvation in Christ Jesus (Tulsa, OK 1988)

Fill in the blanks below. What makes you feel peace

1. And the _____ of God, which transcends all from God. Draw a picture.
understanding, will guard your _____ and your _____ in
Christ Jesus. 
2. And the peace of ___, which transcends all understanding
will _____ your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
3. And the peace of God, which __________ all
understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in
______ _____.

Let's write what you

remember from the verse.

Philippians 4:7

I have peace today because.....


How much peace do you have in your heart?

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