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Galina Anatolyevna Nikonova

1 August 1947 - 27 January 2021

John Pocock
Galina and I;
Remembering Galina
© 2021 by John Pocock; All rights reserved.No part of this book may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without
prior permission of the author.

Publisher: E-format

Memories Galina Anatolyevna Nikonova

Previous publications

Walking Mountains, Forests and Parks in Three Countries

Published June 2020 & July 2021
Publisher: E-format

Poems remembering life with Galina Anatolievna Nikonova

Published singly on the US website https:/

A-Walk-in-the-Park-Saint-Petersburg-300-Anniversary-Park /
A photographic album of a walks through the 300 Anniversary Park in Saint-Petersburg

Published singly on the US website https:/

Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from:
Galina Anatolyevna Nikonova had been a Doctor of Medicine.
NIKA Medical services, LABORATORY DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Almaty Kazakhstan
Galina retired from her medical practice in 2014


Галочка we are now in the winter of our lives.
Time has quickly slipped away
And I think of our lives together,
The moments that we enjoyed and treasure
What we have done and what we have seen
Our time in Kazakhstan that gave us so much pleasure
We admired the mountains of Almaty,
Our walks in those mountains, especially in the snow,
How we collected fresh water from the mountain stream
The times we were lived in England in a little village
there Our walks in the fairground very late at night
The magic and beauty of those nights we couldn’t divide
We stared at the heavens with awe and admiration
We tried to define and call many stars and constellations.
We made some, Perseus, Cygnus, Orion the Big Dipper.and others
Now we are in Russia, the city of Saint-Petersburg
There are no mountains, the stars we cannot see
But we still enjoy our nightly walks.
The 300 Anniversary Park its peace and tranquility
Although we have done and seen many things enjoyed
so many experiences and marvellous views
And now we cannot travel, can only think and dream
We can still enjoy our greatest treasure
A marvel and treasure the world could never give
It’s you Галочка and I being together

© John Pocock 2019

Poems of life with Galina Anatolievna
Published singly on the US website

This photograph album is in loving memory of my wife
Galina Anatolievna Nikonova

I miss her smile. her cheerful face

Her love and warm embrace

She will live forever in my heart and my thoughts

Galina Anatolyevna lost her fight with cancer on 27th January 2021.
After Galina was diagnosed with stage 4 heart failure at the end of 2018, and lung cancer in March 2019,
Galina had a positive attitude, full of optimism and enthusiasm.
Galina believed in quality of life, not quantity

I can't say either in writing or verbally what Galina and I meant to each other. I can use the old clichés
"the center of my world was everything to me", etc., etc., but these are just words used by every man
and his dog in songs, poems and books, and they have become meaningless words.

Galina said that words cannot convey love... You just need to feel it!!

From GalinaNikonova<>22 декабряб 2011, 09:58


Привет, Джон!
Спасибо за вашу письмо.
Я думаю, БОГ дал нам (и тебе, и мне) лучший подарок, о котором мы можем только мечтать!
Он познакомил нас, и мы любим друг друга.
А что будет дальше,зависит только от нас двоих (от нас с тобой).
Я благодарю БОГА за ВАС.
Дорогой Джон, я тоже очень хочу, чтобы мы были вместе вечно
Я целую тебя.

Тому что сам БОГ сказал: " Джон и Галина - это одна целая
Душа. Они должны быть всегда вместе друг с другом.
Я помог им найти друг друга

Galina often said that we are real kindred spirits.

Because GOD himself chose us with each other and spoke:
"John and Galina are one single Soul."Because GOD himself said: “John and Galina are one whole Soul’.
They should always be together with each other.
I helped them find each other
Almatya Kazkhstan
Walking in the Mountains of Zailiyskiy Alatau Almaty
Marriage in Reading Berkshire, England
We had an apartment in in the center of the village of Mortimer Common in Berkshire.
There are many fields, forests woods surrounding the village.
Galina enjoyed walks in the forest, woods and across the fields..
.Galina standing at memorial plaque detailing history and places of Bronze Age burial mounds dating
back to 2200 B.C.- 1100 BC. In Holden Forest Mortimer Common
One of the mounds
Mortimer Park; When we lived in Mortimer Common. England, opposite our apartment was a
large park. Galina loved to walk into the park at night and admire the stars.;
Galina was very interested in astronomy.
Galina always pointed out to me the constellations every time both in the mountains and in the park.

I could never identify the constellations until Galina pointed them out
Wherever we lived, when we walked at night, Galina always looked into the night sky in search of stars.
Galina said that the park and the mountains in Almaty are the two best places to see the night sky

Galina could never resist going on swings in any park

St James’s Park London

Saint-Petersburg Russia 2012
One of Galina's favorite places was Peterhof Palace
Visit to an historical village Leningrad Region
Picnic in 300 Anniversary Park
The beach 300 Anniversary Park Saint-Petersburg
Rotund St Isaac’s Cathedral Saint-Petersburg
Night walk in 300 Anniversary Park July 2018.
Galina preferred walks in the park in the evening or at nights
Zenit Stadium in the background
New Year celebration 1st January 2019 Kon Koranel restaurant Saint-Petersburg
Yakhtenni Bridge
Galina’s birthday celebration 1st August 2017
One of Galina’s favourite photos of us together
Interior and exterior of one of our favourite restaurants Kavkazsky Dvor restaurant Saint-Petersburg
Marriage celebrations of Roman Nikonov (Galina's grandson) and
Anna Sidorkina; October 2019
Unexpected invitation to a night club.
My birthday celebration 28 January 2020 at Kavkazsky Dvor restaurant
The last time Galina and me shared my birthday celebration

The birthday greeting Galina sent to me through

[28.01.2020 14:38] Галина Никонова: Мой милый Джон, поздравляю тебя с днём рождения!
Желаю тебе крепкого сибирского здоровья и много-много радостных моментов каждый день!!!
Я очень люблю тебя!
Я очень счастлива с тобой!
Спасибо тебе за всё

[01/28/2020 14:38] Galina Nikonova: My dear John, I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good Siberian health and many, many joyful moments every day!!!
I very love you!
I am very happy with you!
Thank you for everything
This photo was taken in July 2020 on my Samsung mobile phone, showing Galina climbing the rocks on
the banks of the 300th Anniversary Park.
this was the last photo of Galina that I took.
Galina’s last birthday celebration August 2020 at Kavkazsky Dvor restaurant
December 31, 2019 / January 1, 2020 We celebrated the New Year at home.
At midnight we went for a walk in the park of the 300th anniversary.
Galina said that it was the best celebration of the New Year.
We never celebrated New Year's again.
Due to poor health, Galina was unable to celebrate the next New Year
The last photo together February 2020
The last message Galina wrote to me

Галина Никонова 23
January 2021, 20:57
To :you

Мой самый любимый человек в этом мире - это ты, мой дорогой
Джон! Твоё письмо меня очень растрогало!
Я всегда любила получать письма от тебя!
Когда я уйду из этой жизни, то ты не грусти, потому что я всегда буду с тобой.
Я люблю тебя и всегда буду любить и заботиться о тебе,
потому что я всегда буду рядом и вместе с тобой .
Всё что будет происходить в твоей жизни хорошего, помни, что это я посылаю тебе с небес. Ок?
И ещё: будь всегда очень добрым и дружелюбным со всеми моими родственниками,
особенно с Романом и с Сашей. Ок?
Пожалуйста, помогай Роману, если видишь, что он нуждается помощи. Ок?
Благодарю тебя мой милый Джон, что ты появился в моей жизни и сделал меня счастливой!
Я люблю тебя и я люблю заботиться о тебе,
но сейчас пришло время для меня сказать тебе:
прости меня мой любимый Джон
за все мои вольные и невольные обиды, которые
я когда-либо сделала тебе. Прости меня! Ок?

Отправлено из мобильной Почты

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