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Undrained Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Structured Soils

Conference Paper · August 2005

DOI: 10.1201/NOE0415390637.ch46


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2 authors:

D. S. Liyanapathirana John P. Carter

Western Sydney University University of Newcastle


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Undrained bearing capacity of shallow foundations on structured soils
D.S. Liyanapathirana
University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia
J.P. Carter
University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the undrained bearing capacity of shallow circular foundations on struc-
tured soil deposits. Guidelines are given to identify the importance of structural features of the soil when as-
sessing its bearing resistance. Results obtained using a finite element model have been compared with those
from existing bearing capacity formulae based largely on plasticity theory. A new bearing capacity equation
has been proposed incorporating critical state soil parameters and additional parameters that quantify the ef-
fects of soil structure on its mechanical behaviour.

1 INTRODUCTION resistance.
Geotechnical engineers have long experience in the
Many structures are founded on shallow footings use of a factor of safety in design, and generally they
which bear directly on either natural or man-made have been successful in designing shallow founda-
soils. Usually these soils in situ have a structure and tions on natural and man made soils using this ap-
behave differently from the same material in a re- proach. With this method, the effects of soil struc-
constituted state (e.g., Burland, 1990; Cuccovillo ture on its bearing behaviour are generally ignored.
and Coop, 1999). At a fundamental level, there have However, for special cases, such as offshore
been useful advances in formulating constitutive structures, where there is often less experience,
models incorporating the influence of soil structure, incorporating the complex behaviour of structured
such as those proposed by Wheeler (1997), Rouainia soils directly in bearing capacity predictions may be
and Muir Wood (2000), Kavvadas and Amorosi very important (Leroueil, 2002). Therefore, the
(2000), Liu and Carter (2002) and Carter and Liu main objective of this paper is to examine the sig-
(2005). However, our understanding of the influ- nificance of soil structure on the undrained bearing
ence of soil structure on the bearing capacity of shal- capacity of shallow foundations resting on the sur-
low foundations is still relatively modest. face of structured soil deposits.
One of the important features of the mechanical A series of numerical simulations has been car-
behaviour of structured soils is the occurrence of a ried out to investigate the influence of soil structure
destructuring phase as these soils are loaded. Dur- on the load-displacement response of shallow foun-
ing this phase, the structure of the soil may be com- dations. These simulations have been carried out by
pletely or partially lost and only a small change in incorporating the Structured Cam Clay (SCC) model
stress state may cause very large strains. Conse- (Liu and Carter, 2002; Carter and Liu, 2005), which
quently, significant errors in prediction of founda- is an extension of the widely used Modified Cam
tion behaviour can arise if the influence of soil struc- Clay model developed originally by Roscoe and
ture is not incorporated into these predictions. Burland (1968), into the finite element program
Well-established formulae for determination of AFENA (Carter and Balaam, 1995) developed at the
the undrained bearing capacity of shallow circular University of Sydney. SCC is a relatively simple
foundations have been proposed by Terzaghi and elastoplastic model, which is fully defined by rela-
Peck (1967), Salençon and Matar (1982), Kusakabe tively few parameters, each of which has a clear
et al. (1986) and Tani and Craig (1995). These physical meaning and can be conveniently identified
equations take into account the foundation shape, by standard soil mechanics tests.
size, depth of embedment and variation of soil prop- Based on these numerical simulations, guidelines
erties with depth, but they do not directly take into are provided to identify when the structural features
account the influence of soil structure on the bearing of the soil would become important in assessing the
undrained (short-term) bearing capacity of shallow
circular foundations. The factor, Nc, used in the which govern the structural features of the soil for
classical bearing capacity theory has been improved typical examples of both stiff and soft clays. The
by incorporating directly the structural features of values of other parameters were kept constant and
the soil to quantify the undrained bearing capacity of they are the same as those given in Table 1.
shallow foundations on structured soils. For reconstituted soils loaded under both drained
and undrained conditions, it was found that for a
unique value of the combined parameter γ ′B / p co ′* ,
2 STRUCTURED CAM CLAY MODEL the non-dimensional bearing pressure q av / pco ′*
plotted against the non-dimensional footing
The Structured Cam Clay model uses six parameters settlement δ/B was almost the same, irrespective of
to define the soil structure in addition to the usual the individual values of each variable. Here, qav is
parameters used to define destructured, reconstituted the average applied footing pressure, δ is the footing
soil behaviour in the Modified Cam Clay model settlement, B is the footing diameter and γ′ is the
(Roscoe and Burland, 1968). The additional effective unit weight of the soil.
parameters are b, p co ′ , ω, γ, a and c. The For a particular soil, the size of the yield surface
destructuring index, b, quantifies the rate of de- ′ , is always greater than the
of the structured soil, p co
structuring with increasing mean stress and size of the yield surface of the reconstituted soil,
′ defines the size of the initial yield surface. The
p co ′* , due to the additional voids ratio sustained by
p co
two model parameters ω and γ define respectively the soil structure, ∆ei. The variation of p co′ depends
the influence of soil structure on the plastic potential on λ*, κ* and ∆ei, as illustrated in Figure 1, and is
of the soil and the effect of shearing on de- given by:
structuring. The latter is directly proportional to the
value of γ. The two parameters a and c are used to  ∆e 
′ = pco
p co ′* exp * i *  (2)
define the additional voids ratio, ∆ei, sustained by λ −κ 
the soil, which is given by:
Therefore, for a particular soil the degree of
 p′  structure with respect to the reconstituted soil can be
∆ei = a co  + c (1) defined by using either p co ′* or ∆e i (λ* − κ * ) . It
′ / p co
 p ′s  was found that the influence of γ, ω and the
where p ′s is the size of the current yield surface. destructuring index, b, do not have a significant
For most natural soils, two of these parameters, influence on the undrained bearing capacity. Thus,
p c′o and ∆ei, are linked, as explained in Section 4. in the parametric study the influence of soil structure
The yield surface of the SCC model in p′ - q has been studied by varying only ∆ei (λ* − κ * ) .
space is elliptical and passes through the origin,
similar to the Modified Cam Clay model, but non- gradient = κ ∗
p' co1
associated plastic flow is assumed. In what follows, p' co2 p' co3
all properties of the destructured reconstituted soil
∆ e i1
are denoted by the superscript *.
e ∆ e i2


gradient = λ
The finite element mesh used for the analysis con- c
sisted of fifteen-noded cubic strain triangles, and a
16-point Gaussian quadrature was performed. Ac-
cording to Sloan and Randolph (1982), this element *
is capable of accurate computations in the fully plas- p' co ln(p' )
tic range during undrained loading in problems
which involve axial symmetry. In all analyses pre- Figure 1. Variation of p′co with ∆ei for a structured soil
sented in this paper, it is assumed that the contact
between the footing and the soil is rough. 4.1 Bearing capacity of stiff structured clay
Figure 2 illustrates the influence of the degree of soil
4 EFFECT OF SOIL STRUCTURE ON BEARING structure on the undrained bearing response of a 2 m
CAPACITY diameter circular footing. Clearly, the bearing ca-
pacity reaches an ultimate value during undrained
To study the effect of soil structure on the bearing loading, in contrast to the approximate bilinear load-
capacity, a parametric study was carried out by vary- displacement response observed during drained
ing the footing diameter and the model parameters loading of similar materials (Liyanapathirana et al.,
2003a, 2003b). This indicates that for these cases state and structural parameters of the soil, as shown
the soil beneath the footing should fail in the general below:
shear failure mode. n
q av  ∆e i  γ ′B 
Table 1. Properties of stiff and soft clay = exp
 1 .3  (3)
Property Stiff clay Soft clay
p co  λ* − κ *  p co
′* 
λ* 0.161 0.22
κ* 0.033 0.022 −0.25
M* 1.0 1.3  ∆e i 
where n = 0.23 
* 
ν* 0.2 0.4 *
 λ −κ 
e*cs 2.75 2.86
b 4.0 4.0 The new equation takes into account the influence of
γ 0.5 0.5 soil structure on the bearing capacity.
ω 1.0 1.0
γ′ (kN/m3) 8.19 7.19 50
λ = gradient of the normal compression line in e – ln (p′)

space, 40
κ* = gradient of the unloading and reloading line in e –
ln (p’) space, 30

M* = gradient of the CSL in q - p′ space,

q av /p'
ν* = Poisson’s ratio, 20
e*cs = void ratio at p′ = 1 kPa on the CSL in e - ln (p′) space,

With an increase in the degree of soil structure,

the bearing capacity increases significantly. For ex-
ample, when ∆ei (λ* − κ * ) increases from 1.07 to
0 5 10 15
γ 'B / p' co

2.16, there is a four-fold increase in the bearing ca- ∆ ei/(l*-k*)

D ei/(λ -κ *)
= 0.78 ∆Dei/(l*-k*)
ei/(λ -κ *)
= 1.07
pacity of the footing. If the undrained bearing ca- * *
∆ ei/(l*-k*)
D ei/(λ -κ *) = 1.75 ∆Dei/(l*-k*)
ei/(λ -κ *) = 2.16
pacity is calculated based on the reconstituted soil *
properties, neglecting the structural properties of the ∆ ei/(l*-k*)
D ei/(λ -κ *) = 2.56
soil, the predicted bearing capacity can be a very Figure 3. Variation of qav /p′*co with ∆ei/(λ*-κ*) for a 2 m di-
low value compared with the true theoretical load ameter circular footing on stiff clay
carrying capacity of the footing.
4.2 Influence of degree of soil structure on
300 undrained shear strength
∆ e i /(λ - κ * )=2.56
2.16 In the determination of the short term or undrained
200 bearing capacity, the undrained shear strength of the
q av (kPa)

soil, Su, is an important parameter. However, the

150 1.75 undrained shear strength is not an input parameter of
100 the Structured Cam Clay model. For the Modified
Cam Clay model, which simulates the constitutive
50 0.78
behaviour of reconstituted soil, the undrained
strength can be derived from the following equation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(e.g., Zdravkoviċ and Potts, 2003):
δ/Β %
Su = g (θ )cos(θ )
1 + 2 K oNC 1 + B 2 × )( )
Figure 2. Variation of qav for different values of ∆ei/(λ -κ ) for* *

a 2 m diameter circular footing on stiff clay κ* (4)

 (
2 1 + 2 K oOC  λ* )
Figure 3 shows the non-dimensional ultimate

( NC
) 2 
 1 + 2 K o OCR 1 + B  ( )
bearing capacity, qu pco′* , obtained from the finite
element analysis for different values of degree of ′
where K oNC = 1 − sin φ′ , K oOC = K oNC OCR sin φ and
soil structure, ∆ei (λ* − κ * ) , and γ ′B / p co
′* for stiff
clay. For the range of γ ′B / pco ′ considered in the
3 1 − K oNC )
parametric study, it can be seen that the degree of ( )(
g − 30o 1 + 2 K oNC ).
soil structure has a significant influence on the bear-
ing capacity of the foundation. Based on the above θ is the Lode angle, OCR is the overconsolidation
observation, an equation for the bearing capacity ratio, and K oNC and K oOC are the coefficients of earth
calculation can be formulated based on the critical pressure at rest for a normally consolidated and an
overconsolidated soil, respectively. If we assume a
circular yield surface in the deviatoric plane, g(θ) ever, according to Figure 5, in addition to kB/Suo,
can be replaced by M*/√3. qu/Suo depends on the individual values of Suo or in
For a structured soil ∆ei (λ* − κ * ) increases with other words on the OCR of the soil. To sufficient
the degree of soil structure and p′co is related to ∆ei accuracy this effect can be incorporated into the
according to Equation (1). The OCR of the soil is bearing capacity calculation as follows:
also related to soil structure and according to n
Equation (4), Su increases with OCR. Therefore, the qu  S    kB 
= N c s c = 3.25 ln uo  + 13.5  
 

 (6)
influence of the degree of soil structure can be S uo   pa    S uo 
incorporated into the undrained shear strength of the
soil via equation (4). S 
where n = 0.14 uo 
 and pa is atmospheric pressure
 pa 
4.3 Bearing capacity of stiff clay based on (101.32 kPa). If a value of Suo is available for the in-
undrained shear strength tact undisturbed soil, i.e., the peak strength of the
Figure 4 shows the variation of Su with depth in the structured soil, then Equation (6) can be used to ob-
structured soil deposit for different values of tain the ultimate bearing capacity. This may be
∆ei (λ* − κ * ) and the corresponding OCR. In each more convenient than using the alternative, Equation
case it is assumed that OCR is independent of depth. (3), which requires direct knowledge of the struc-
The ultimate bearing capacity of a surface foun- tural parameters of the soil.
dation, qu, is normally expressed in the form: 16
qu = N c sc Su o (5) 14
where sc is the shape factor, Suo is the undrained 10
q u /S uo

shear strength of the soil at the ground surface, and 8

Nc is the bearing capacity factor. 6
( )
ei λ* − κ* = 0.78
OCR = 1.5, ∆Dei/(l*-k*) 2
( )
ei λ* − κ* = 1.07
OCR = 2.0, ∆Dei/(l*-k*) 0
2 OCR = 4.0, Dei/(l*-k*)) = 1.75
( * *
∆ei λ − κ 0 2 4 6 8
e (λ − κ ) = 2.16
* *
OCR = 6.0, ∆Dei/(l*-k*)
kB/S uo
e (λ − κ ) = 2.56
* *
OCR = 9.0, ∆Dei/(l*-k*)
i OCR = 1.5 OCR = 2
Depth (m)

OCR = 4 OCR = 6
OCR = 9 Kusakabe et al. (1986)
Salencon and Matar (1982) Tani and Craig (1995)
6 Terzaghi and Peck (1967)

8 Figure 5. Comparison of bearing capacity obtained from the

SCC model with solutions based on plasticity theory
0 50 100 150 200 250 4.4 Bearing capacity of soft clay
Undrained Shear Strength, S u (kPa) Usually soft clay deposits have a crust above the
Figure 4. Undrained shear strength profiles for stiff clay
ground water table and are close to normally
consolidated below the water table. In this section
Based on plasticity theory, several authors have the influence of a surface crust is studied for a
recommended values for Nc and sc (or their product) shallow, 2 m diameter circular foundation, and it is
as functions of kB/Suo, where k is the gradient of Su assumed that the water table is 2 m below the
over the depth of the soil deposit, e.g., Davis and ground surface. The undrained shear strength
Booker (1973), Salençon and Martar (1982), Kusa- profiles for the four cases considered are shown in
kabe et al., (1986) and Tani and Craig (1995). Figure 6. In the case of OCR = 1, there is no surface
In Figure 5 the bearing capacity obtained from se- crust. In the other three cases, the OCR values at the
lected plasticity solutions and the finite element ground surface are 3, 6 and 9, respectively, and each
analysis of the structured soil are compared. Ac- has a polynomial variation of strength above the
cording to Terzaghi and Peck (1967), the value of Nc water table. Below the water table however, it is
is 5.14 for a soil of uniform strength. Three other assumed OCR = 1 for all four cases. Usually in soft
recommended values are also plotted in Figure 5. In clays, this surface crust provides the necessary
these solutions, qu/Suo increases with kB/Suo. How- strength to carry surface loading (e.g., Zdravkoviċ
and Potts, 2003). In each case, ∆ei was allowed to
vary through the crust and values were calculated ever, if the OCRo at the surface is less than or equal
using Equation (1), assuming p′*co = 10 kPa. Below to about 3, the bearing capacity calculated using the
the surface crust ∆ei was assumed to have constant Terzaghi and Peck equation matches reasonably well
value of 0.1. with the finite element results.
Figure 7 shows the variation of average bearing
pressure with footing displacement for the four cases 100
given in Figure 6. Clearly, the presence of the sur- OCRo = 9.0
face crust significantly increases the bearing capac- 80
ity of the footing. When the OCR at the surface of
the crust is 6, the bearing capacity has nearly dou- 60 OCRo = 6.0

q u (kPa)
bled compared to the bearing capacity obtained
without any crust. 40 OCRo = 3.0
Unlike the case of stiff clay, for these soft clays,
the bearing capacity does not reach an ultimate value
but continues to increase slowly with increasing OCR = 1.0, No crust
footing displacement.
For soft clay deposits, it is not possible to com- 0
pute qu using the methods proposed by Salençon and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Matar (1982), Kusakabe et al. (1986) and Tani and δ/Β %
Craig (1995), because in all these methods the bear- Figure 7. Variation of bearing capacity with and without sur-
ing capacity is a function of kB/Suo. For these soft face crust (B = 2.0 m)
clays, the distribution of Su is not a simple linear
increase with depth, as assumed in the derivation of
those methods. Therefore, the finite element results
have been compared only with the predictions of Finite element
Terzaghi and Peck (1967) method. 150
Terzaghi and Peck (Suo)
(S uo )
q u (kPa)

100 Terzaghi and Peck (Suave)

(S uave )


De pth (m)

OCR = 1.0 0 2 4 6 8 10
OCRo = 3.0 OCR
6 OCR0 = 6.0 Figure 8. Bearing capacity for different OCR values at the sur-
OCRo = 9.0
face of the soft clay deposit

0 10 20 30 40
Figures 9 (a) and (b) show, respectively, the incre-
mental soil displacements for stiff and soft clay de-
Undrained Shear Strength, S u (kPa)
posits when the cumulative displacement of the foot-
Figure 6. Undrained shear strength profile for soft clay ing is 7.5% of the footing diameter. The footing
considered has a diameter of 2 m. The stiff clay de-
Figure 8 shows the bearing capacity obtained posit considered has an OCR of 6 throughout the
from the finite element analysis when the footing soil deposit and the soft clay deposit considered has
displacement is 10% of the footing diameter, and an OCR of 6 at the ground surface.
from the Terzaghi and Peck (1967) method. In the It can be seen that in stiff and soft clays, the fail-
Terzaghi and Peck method (Equation 5), the bearing ure mechanisms are not the same. In stiff clay, soil
capacity has been calculated using the undrained beneath the centre of the footing moves predomi-
shear strength at the ground surface and the average nantly in the vertical direction, but towards the outer
undrained shear strength over the depth interval edge of the footing soil movement is predominantly
equivalent to the diameter of the footing. It is clear in the radial direction and the soil heaves around the
that where there is a crust with OCRo greater than footing, similar to a general shear failure. The load
about 3, the bearing capacity equation proposed by displacement response given in Figure 2 also con-
Terzaghi and Peck (1967) significantly over predicts firms this, as the bearing pressure increases with
the load carrying capacity of the foundation. How- footing penetration and reaches an ultimate value.
In soft clay, the soil flow pattern shown in Figure Bearing capacity obtained from the model for
9 (b) is different to that observed for stiff clay. Soil stiff clay has been compared with published solu-
flow beneath the footing is predominantly in the ver- tions. A modified bearing capacity factor, Nc (or
tical direction confined largely to a zone beneath the strictly Ncsc), has been introduced, taking into ac-
footing. Although some vectors are at an angle to count the complex behaviour of structured soil. Fi-
the vertical, they do not show a flow pattern in a ra- nally it is concluded that the failure of footings on
stiff structured clays occurs mostly as a result of
dial shearing zone. According to the load displace- general shear failure but in soft structured clays,
ment response shown in Figure 7, no visible collapse failure occurs as a local shear failure.
is observed and a continuous increase in the vertical
load is needed to maintain the footing movement in
the downward direction. Therefore, it can be con- REFERENCES
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