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The culture of Canada embodies the artistic, culinary, literary,

humour, musical, political and social elements that are
representative of Canada and Canadians. Throughout Canada's
history, its culture has been influenced by European culture and
traditions, mostly by the British and French, and by its own
indigenous cultures.

Canada is often characterized as being "very progressive,

diverse, and multicultural".[5] Canada's federal government has
often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology
because of its public emphasis on the social importance of
immigration.[6] Canada's culture draws from its broad range of
constituent nationalities, and policies that promote a just society are
constitutionally protected.

There are considerable overlaps between Canadian food and

the rest of the cuisine in North America, many unique dishes (or
versions of certain dishes) are found and available only in the
country. Common contenders for the Canadian national food
include the Quebec-made poutine and the French-canadian butter
tarts. Other popular Canadian made foods include indigenous fried
bread bannock, French tourtière, Kraft Dinner, ketchup chips, date
squares, nanaimo bars, back bacon, the caesar cocktail and many
many more.Canada is the birthplace and world's largest producer of
maple syrup.

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