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A man named Joseph Blackwell came to New York on a business trip, he had

to get through the country to get going his new office proposal. Blackwell
stayed in the big house that some friends owned on the outskirts of town. That
night they had a good time talking and reminiscing about old times. He had
never been so happy that he don’t get used to living away from his childhood
But when Blackwell went to bed, he started tossing and turning and was
unable to sleep.

At one point in the night, he heard a car arrive at the entrance of the house. He
by the windows is never get used to seeing but he came closer to see who
could arrive at such a late hour. In the moonlight he saw a crowded black
hearse get around. The driver looked up at him. When Blackwell saw his
strange, hideous face, he winced. The least Blackwell thought was get out of
the house when the driver told him: "There's room for one more." So the
driver waited a minute or two, and left.
In the morning, Blackwell told his friends what had happened. "You were
dreaming," they said when they get to know. That must have been, "he
replied," but it didn't seem like a dream. " I was scared to get off and seeing
that, my head just thought about them get away from the house.

After breakfast Joseph get out of the city. He spent the day in the offices of
one of the city's new, tall buildings.
In the late afternoon, he was waiting for an elevator for get off to the parking
lot. But when he stopped on his floor, it was very full. One of the passengers
looked at him and said: "There is room for one more." It was the driver of the
hearse. "No thanks," said Blackwell. "I'll wait for the next one."
The doors closed and the elevator began to descend. There were voices and
screams, and a great roar. The elevator had collapsed against the background.
All the people on board died. Joseph never managed to get over this event.

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