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MEETING 1: In this meeting, students practice pronouncing and building vocabulary.

Use the recording entitled “Don’t get lost in translation: How non-native speakers can
communicate with confidence.”
1. Students listen to the conversation, then take a note about important
2. Students find key words.
3. Students find literal and contextual meaning from the podcast.
4. Students practice pronunciation from the vocabularies.
5. Students understand a general information from the recording.
Comprehension questions:
1. What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
2. How many people talked on the podcast?
3. Why do non-native speakers struggle to communicate?
4. How can non-native speakers communicate with confidence?
5. What should native speakers do to support non-native speaker?

1. The purpose of the podcast is to inform the listeners about the strategic communication
with some specific tactics and approaches non-native speakers that can use to handle in-
the-moment challenges that arise as well as advice and tips that we can follow to improve
our fluency.
2. There are two people, Matt Abrahams and Kenneth Romeo.
3. A lot of people will try to be perfect, and when they’re not perfect they worry about it. Or
they try to be perfect by writing everything down and trying to memorize it. Another
thing that I see people struggling with is not knowing how to improve.
4. By read something and practice it and if the non-native speakers are able to talk
spontaneously, then practice it. Also use the phone to keep track of the vocabulary.
5. By correcting the wrong thing that the non-native speakers said and always give support
by keep communicating with the non-native so that they can improve their confidence to

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