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Flip a Coin Fitness game

A fun fitness game.

You just need a coin to play.
The exercises used are from the Fitness Bingo.
You can play alone or against another person.
Flip a coin, what did you get, heads or tails?
Pass/Overcome the challenge and move to the next.

Heads Tails
1st time 10 Star Jumps 30 seconds Tiger

2nd time 30 seconds Mountain 30 seconds Frog Jumps

3rd time 5 Burpees 30 seconds High Knees

4th time 30 seconds Crab Walk 10 Star Jumps

5th time 30 seconds Duck Walk 30 seconds Commando

6th time 10 Bunny Hops 30 seconds Mountain
7th time 10 Arm Circles 20 Arm Circles

8th time 30 seconds Chameleon 10 Burpees

9th time 30 seconds High Knees 10 Bunny Hops

10th time 30 seconds Tiger 30 seconds Crab Walk

Tired? Or can you play again?

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