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Name : Dafa Dhilla Nova Riyanti

Nim : 20009
Task 2

Something terrible happened to me last week.on Monday, I (1) bought a lottery ticket at a shopping mall
near my home. I (2) put the ticket in the pocket of my jacket,and (3) went home. After I got home,I went
to bed and (4) forgot about the ticket. On Tuesday morning, I got into my car and (5) drove to work. On
the way to work, I (6) turned on the radio and a man on the radio said my lottery ticket number. After he
(7) said my number, I put my hand into my jacket pocket. Oh no! the ticket (8) wasn’t in my pocket, so I
drove back home and (9) looked for the ticket. I (10) found the ticket, it was on a table. Finally, I (11)
looked at the ticket very carefully. Oh on! couldn’t belive my eyes because it (12) was the wrong
number! Next time I will be more careful , and maybe next time I won’t buy a lottery ticket.

Task 3

1) Egyptians built the pyramids thousand of year ago

The pyramids were buillt thousands of years ago
2) Did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb in 1879
Was the light bulb invented in 1879?
3) Clyde Tombaugh discovered pluto in 1930
Pluto was discovered in 1930
4) The Chinese first used paper money over a thousand years ago
Paper money was first used over a thousand years ago
5) Steve jobs didn’t introduce the ipad in 1986
The first ipad wasn’t introduced in 1986
6) When did karl benz invent the first real car?
When was the first real the car invented?
7) People watched the first tv in the 1920 s
The first tv was watched in the 1920s
8) People made the first mcdonald’s hamburger in 1955
The first mcdonald’s hamburger was made in 1955

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