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Oluwatofunmi Peace Adeosun

FdA Professional Photography

Mediation & Promotion

Artist Statement

My name is Oluwatofunmi Peace Adeosun. I am known as Peace, which is my

middle name. I grew up in Nigeria and moved to Britain when I was teenager. I
am Black, Deaf and a Photographer. I also write Poetry and I speak three
languages including being a user of British Sign Language. I identify as Black
Deaf. I am driven to have a strong belief in myself. I grew up as a hardworking
young woman and I love to challenge myself.

I really enjoy photography as it allows me to use a visual language,

something, as a Deaf person, I have a great understanding of. The subjects I
chose to use in my photography projects are selected to show the differences
in African culture and religion. My intention is for my photography to raise
awareness in people who may not have ever thought about these cultures.

In my work I want to display how black people have stood up and been
influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement. I want to inspire pride in other
Africans, people with Afro-heritage or black ancestry. My images are powerful
they show black people who have experienced racism and discrimination.

Photography, for me, is a way to express my experience of life. I explore

different emotions and feelings linked to justice and rights. I am strongly
motivated to work on my project topic and am confident to work alone.
Photography is like a language which enables me to show, visually, my
creative culture. I want to show, through my photographs, that people are
proud to be black and African.

My photography, along with the film documentary, is about looking into the
events that have been happening in the world and creating a project that
shows open, honest and frank black people’s true identities, allowing them to
express their feelings and experiences of the Black Lives Matter movement.

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