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Assignment# 2 THRM 317

Nayereh Tavakoli ST.ID: 18700560

Iran’s imports and exports for the past 10 years

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Exports 83,785 130,544 132,713 92,122 90,32 60,040 83,148 105,84 96,61 41,370 12,705
8 4 7
Imports 54,697 63,319 51,457 48,431 52,24 40,043 42,702 51,612 41,23 43,730 14,471
9 6
Trade 29,088 67,225 81,256 43,431 38,07 19,997 40,226 54,232 55,38 -2,360 -1,767
Surplus/ 9 1

Both 2019 and 2020 trade balances are negative and deficit.

2010 till 2018 trade balances are positive and surplus.

Deficit and Surplus are the difference between exports and imports of the country. If

It turns negative it means deficit and if it turns positive it means surplus.

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