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Cell Phones » Read this passage together. » While you read, answer the questions on the next page. Have you ever been in a public place like a bus or a subway and seen people talking on their cell phones? Isn’t it strange how they talk so loudly, letting everyone know what they are talking about? What’s more, it's not unusual to see couples in restaurants talking on their cell phones, instead of talking to each other. Even in the street, we can see people ‘on the phone,’ entering text, sending e-mails, playing games, reading online newspapers, surfing the Internet, or taking photos. It’s as if mobile phones are taking over our lives. The number of cell phone users worldwide was 2.6 billion in 2006, and is expected to reach 4 billion in 2010. This growth is due to the large number of new subscribers in Africa, the Middle East and India. Wireless communication is particularly good for across the developing countries, since they don’t have to set up telephone lin country. Because of this, people who have never heard a dial tone in their lives can now use a cordless phone to speak to anyone, anywhere, There have been many generations of cell phones since they first came out. What will they look like in 10 years time? There are many ideas, such as watch phones, or necklace phones, in which you squeeze the beads on the necklace, instead of dialing numbers. They say that mobile phones in the future will recognize the owner's voice and will be like a companion, or friend. It certainly makes you think! uae 4. What does ‘public place’ mean? >. What can we do on cell phones, apart from calling people up? 3, How many new customers will buy cell phones between 2006 and 2010? 4. Why are cell phones good for developing countries? 5, How does a necklace phone work? 6. Can you find a word in the passage that has a similar meaning to ‘cell phone’? BT ae Cue ul Do you have a cell phone? + Who do you call? + Do you use it for other purposes? Ifyou could make your own cell phone: + What would it look tike? + What would you be able to do with it? Background Information Did you know? | cere were over 286 milion cell phone | compared with 43 million ia 1920 | -130 milion cell phones are thrown ‘away each year |p to 60% ofthe radiation from a typical cell phone goee ~Milions of birde are killed by Flying into cell phone towe! Cell phone radiation makes tt study, TO’ of bees did not return to hives co in Santiago public places. | Julia Roverte does nat own a TY. She has a mobile phone, | put rarely switches IF". 233% of subscribers say tnel ~Seientiste say that the size of cell Pronee becomes 50’ | 68% of Norwegian businesemen # hhard for beee to find thelr hore. taining cell phones City, in the Philippines, mobile phones are banned in jr phones are for emergencie® on Y% amailer every 18 months. ink itis rade to use a mo | Match the words a. subscribers. wireless communieation | developing counties | | a.setup ffirstcame out g.cial herecognize | companion i. makes you think, | cial tone 1. began; first appeared on the market 2. countries that are not yet industrialized —_ {3 to enter (press) numbers on the phone _ 4, friend partners mate om 5. W's food for thought (Unit 6); It's something to think about. ‘6, methods of communicating without cords or wires 7. people who own cell phones 9. to instal: to lay down; to make 40, toremem toidentity “gubscribere in the US. in May 2007. Into the user's head, irs in the U.S. each year. a recent pile phone in a eupermarke®. Discussion (groups) » Talk about the questions below. 2 Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page. (@ Is it OK to use cell phones in public places? » Why? Why not? Support your opinion. @® What do you use your cell phone for? >» How many uses can you think of? (® could you live without your cell phone? > What would you do without one? Talk about it. @ Can you remember what cell phones looked like 5 years ago? > What do you think they will look like in 5 years time? > Explain your ideas. Are cell phones environment-friendly? > Do they cause pollution? How about noise pollution? Can cell phones damage our health? > When is it dangerous to use a cell phone? Have you heard any funny storles about cell phones? » Have you seen any funny situations invalving cell phones? What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless communication? » Are cell phones a blessing or a curse? Conversation Strategies (Sharing news on the phone: Receiving news on the phone: + Have you heard ...? | + Really? + They say that | sts that so? + Pye heard that. + Are you sure? + Don't tell anyone, but... | + You're kidding! + Alittle bird told me... | + Ate you serious? \ 1 Between you and me .. | + Do you really mean that? Dialogue (pairs) » Listen to the dialogue with your partner, » Perform the dialogue together. + Change roles, Perform the dialogue again. Key Words & Expressions Genny’s cell phone rings) SE ae enor Jenny Hi, Jenny here. “Ww tang do you need?” “When wil yo Sirish your Mr.8ronn Ah, hello Jenny. How's the shopping? shopping?” Jenny Oh, hi, dad, It’s going well. I've nearly finished. eee ey Mr. Sronn How long do you need? “That sounds tke a plan.” “Tats 3 good ides” Jenny About 30 minutes or so. for ages Mr Broun How about meeting at the Soft Rock Café in half an hour? fore verylong time Jenny That sounds like a plan. Then we can go home together. — Mr. Brown OK. I'l park the car and meet you there, (An hour later, at the Soft Rock Café. Mr, Brown's cell phone rings.) Mr. Brown Hello. Js that you, Jenny? Jenny Yes, dad. Where are you? I've been waiting for ages. Mr. Brown What do you mean? I'm waiting for you. Jenny But I'm in the Café and | can't see you. Mr.Brown I'm in the Café, and I can't see you! Genny and Mr, Brown tum round. They were sitting back to back.) Jenny and Mt. Brown Ah! There you are! DER 1. Why does Mr. Brown ring Jenny? 2. What is Jenny doing? 3. What do they agree to do? 4. Why does Jenny ring Mr. Brown the second time? 5. Who isin the wrong place? 6. Why coutda’t they see each ather? Opinion Samples » Which opinion do you agree with? Why? c=p Oro I's very fashionable to have a cell phone these days. in fact, everyone seems to have one, from kindergarten children to old people. I've heard that there wilt be 4 billion subscribers soon, ‘out | won't be one of them. | think cell phones are a mixed blessing. I hate it when I'm talking to someone and their cell phone rings. what's more, 1 don't want people to be able to disturb me any time they want. If it’s important, they can send me an e-mail. oop In my opi so much easier, Of course, some rude people use thelr phones in IL phones are fantastic. They have made my life ion, public places like movie theaters, but we just have to put up with them. In niy opinion, the advantages for outweigh the disadvantages. And, betieve it or not, cell phones can save your life. If you are in an accident, the police can find your exact location using your cell phone. Yd choose one of the debate statements below. Write it on the line. 4. Wireless communication is the pathway to the future. 2. Cell phones are taking over our lives. 3. Cell phones will replace computers in the future. 4. Cell phones are unhealthy. 4 Debate the statement together in pairs or groups. + One team or person should agree with the statement. + One team or person should disagree with the statement. iste: There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Cel! Phones at wwww.finchpark.comm/discuss, ‘mixed blessing hot as good as they seers aisturb to interrupt to bother put up with thom to eave them alone; toignore them {ar outweigh tobe much mare important: tobe much greater than Qu ——

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