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1 am/ is/ are

0\ Ay favourite co lour is blue.^
(M y nam e is Lisa.

M y favourite sport s are

( r m Am erican. I'm from Chicag ^ football and swim m ing.

. ^
U ’ m a s tu d e n t. j
J ’m interested in art .")

M y father is a d o ct o r and
(j ^ T n o t interested in p o lit ics.^
my m o t her is a journalist.
I f

positive negative

I am (I' m) 1 am not (I'm not )

he (he' s) he (he' s n o t or he isn' t )
she is (she' s) she is no t (she' s no t or she isn' t )
it (it's) it (it's not or it isn' t )

we (we' re) we (we' re not or we aren' t )

you are (you' re) you are no t (you' re n o t or you aren' t )
t hey (t hey' re) they (t hey' re n o t or t hey aren' t )

shortform shortform s

I'm cold. Can you close the window, please?

I'm 32 years old. M y sister is 29.
Steve is ill. He's in bed.
M y brother is scared of dogs.
It's ten o'clock. You're late again.
Ann and I are good friends.
Your keys are on the table.

I'm tired, but I'm n o t hungry.

Lisa isn' t interested in politics. She's interested in art.
James isn' t a teacher. He's a student.
Those people aren' t English. They' re Australian.
It's sunny today, but it isn' t warm.

that's = that is there's = there is here's = here is

your key/
O Thank you. That's very kind of you.
O Look! There's Chris.
'Here's your key.' 'Thank you.'

( am/ is/ are (q uestions) - » Unit 2 t here is/ are - » Unit 37 a/ an - » Unit 65 short form s - » Appendix 4 }
Writ e t he short f orm (she' s / w e aren' t etc.).
1 she is sh e's 3 it is n o t 5 I am not .........................
2 they ar e ....................................... 4 that is 6 you are n o t ...........................

W rit e am, is or are.

1 The w eat h er is nice today. 5 Look! Th ere Helen.
2 I not rich. 6 M y brother and I good tennis players.
3 This b ag ..................heavy. 7 Em ily at home. Her ch ild ren at school.
4 These b ag s heavy. 8 I a taxi driver. M y sister a nurse.

f B Co m p let e t he sent ences.

1 Steve is ill H as in bed.
2 I'm not hungry, b u t ...............................thirsty.
3 M r Thom as is a very old m an.....................................98.
4 These chairs aren't beautiful, b u t .................................comfortable.
5 The weather is nice today...................................warm and sunny.
6.....'.............................late.' 'No, I'm not. I'm early!'
7 Catherine isn't at hom work.
8.....'............................. your coat.' 'Oh, thank you verymuch.'

<9Look at Lisa's sent ences in 1A. Now w rit e sent ences ab out yourself .
1 (name?) M y 5 (favourite colour or colours?)
2 (age?) I ................................................................................. M y .................................................................................
3 (from?) I ................................................................................. 6 (interested in ... ?)
4 (job?) I .................................................................................. I .......................................................................................

W rit e sent ences f or t he pict ures. Use:

ang ry co ld hot hung ry scar ed t h irst y

2 They

W rit e t rue sent ences, posit ive or negat ive. Use is/ isn' t or are/ aren' t .
1 (it / hot t oday).............................j.t jsn ’t h o t t o d a y, or It ’s. hp t .t p d ay,
2 (it / windy t oday) isn’t windy today.
I t ..............................................................................
3 (m y hands / cold) hands aren’t cold.
M y ..........................................................................
4 (Brazil / a very big count ry) Brazil is a very big country.
Diamonds aren’t cheap
5 (diam onds / cheap)................. .................................................................................
Toronto isn’t in the US.
6 (Toront o / in t he US)...........................................................................................................................

W rit e t rue sent ences, posit ive or negat ive. Use I'm / I' m not .
7 (tired)............................................t a.Tj red, or Im .n o t t l red,....................
8 (hungry) I ...............................................................................
9 (a good swimm er)................... .................................................................................
10 (interest ed in football) .................................................................................

Addit ional exercise 1 (page 252)

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