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Доц. Татаровська О. В.

Теорграматика (для студентів ІПО): іменник, займенник, прикметник, прислівник,

неособові форми дієслова

1. Noun is the main … part of speech.

a) nomination b) nominal c)nominative d)naming
2. According to their morphological composition nouns can be … .
a) simple and derived b) simple, derived and compound c) compound and composite d)
simple, derived, compound and composite
3. The words which come before nouns and are used to identify them and specify the range
of reference of the nouns are called … .
a) specifiers b) specificators c) denotators d) determiners
4. Concrete nouns, abstract nouns and nouns of material compose the class of … nouns.
a) common b) proper c) countable d) inanimate
5. Such nouns as “oxygen”, “oil”, “sugar”, “rock”, “glass” belong to the class of … nouns.
a) abstract b) proper c) mass d) pluralia tantum
6. Compound nouns form the plural by adding –(e)s to …. element(s).
a) the first b) the last c) either the first or the last d) the first, the last or both
7. Nouns denoting objects consisting of two parts, complex phenomena, ceremonies belong
to the class of nouns called … .
a) pluralia tantum b) mass nouns c) singularia tantum d) countable
8. The category of … of nouns is recognized as the system of opposites showing the
relation of the noun to other words in speech.
a) number b) case c) gender d) declination
9. According to the “postpositional theory” –s (the formant which builds the plural form of
the nouns) is treated as a(n) ….. .
a) morphological element b) ending c) integral part of a word d) syntactical element
10. In the opposition girls – girls’ the elements (with regards to each other) are …. .
a) not marked b) the first – marked, the second – not marked c) marked d) half-marked
11. With regard to the category of case, nouns fall under two subclasses: …. having case
opposites, and … having no case opposites.
a ) declinable, indeclinable b) indeclinable, declinable c) marked, not marked
d) not marked, marked
12. In the phrase “the owner of the building’s office” we observe the instance of ….
a) independent b) double c) group d) absolute
13. In the phrase “the book is Ann’s” we observe the instance of …. genitive.
a) independent b) double c) group d) absolute
14. In the phrase “that strange smile of Peter’s” we observe the instance of …. genitive.
a) independent b) double c) group d) absolute
15. In the phrase “a horrible incident at butcher’s” we observe the instance of …. genitive.
a) independent b) double c) group d) absolute
16. In the word combination “woman pilot” we observe the …. way of expressing gender.
a) grammatical b) lexico-grammatical c) lexico-syntactical d) syntactical
17. The categorical meaning of indication (deixis) is characteristic of such a part of speech
as ….
a) noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) numeral
18. Such pronouns as “ each other”, “one another” belong to the group of … pronouns.
a) composite b) complex c) simple d) compound
19. In the sentence “For a moment she became herself again” reflexive pronoun performs
the function of the … .
a) subject b) object c) predicate d) predicative
20. Another term for contrasting pronouns is … .
a) indefinite b) detaching c) demonstrative d) reciprocal
21. … is of primary importance for the interpretation of deictic elements.
a) expression b) position c) context d) function
22. A high degree of quality irrespective of any comparison is realized in … meaning of the
analytical superlative.
a) reverse b) elative c) binary d) tertiary
23. “The poor, the rich, the old” are … substantivized adjectives.
a) wholly b) completely c) partially d) fully
24. Such adverbs as “fast, late, hard” are called … .
a) converted b) composite c) merged d) separable
25. In the sentence “The upstairs neighbour was kind” the adverb performs the function of
a) a specifier b) an adverbial modifier of place c) a modifier of degree d) an attribute
26. The opposition “to be reading – to have been reading” is the expression of the category
of .. .
a) aspect b) time c) voice d) time correlation
27. The opposition “to read – to have read” is the expression of the category of .. .
a) aspect b) time c) relative tense d) time correlation
28. Non-finites are not used in the function of …, so they cannot express … by themselves.
a) predicative, prediction b) predicate, predication c) verb, verbalization
d) verbids, predication
29. The sentences “She smiled turning red” and “She walked in deafening silence” exhibit
the … of verbids.
a) duality of combinability b) category of voice c) stylistic function
d) lexico-semantic field
30. The infinitive is characterized by the following syntactical functions: … .
a) predicative, subject, object, adverbial modifier b) predicative, object, adverbial modifier
c) predicative, subject, adverbial modifier d) predicative, subject, object, adverbial modifier,
31. Split infinitive is observed in the following word-combination: ….
a) a book to read b) a sentence to be translated c) a day to speak about
d) a task to quickly fulfill
32. In the sentence “It is necessary to have finished the task tomorrow” the perfect infinitive
denotes … .
a) the priority of the action b) the action that has finished c) the completion of
the action in future d) the necessity of the action
33. When there are several infinitives with the same function it is possible to put “to” before
… infinitive if emphasis or contrast is intended.
a) only the first b) each c) the last d) the first and the last
34. The term “bare infinitive” is used to denote the infinitive in the shape of … .
a) the pure root of the verb b) the stem of the verb c) indefinite infinitive d) non-
perfect infinitive
35. The “to” element in the infinitive forms of the verb is not considered as a particle
because it … .
a) emphasizes the meaning b) has extensive combinability c) has no lexical meaning
d) has no combinability at all
36. The “to” element in the infinitive forms of the verb is … .
a) a particle b) a root-morpheme c) a preposition d) a word-morpheme
37. In the sentences “Can you stay? – I’d like to” the word-morpheme “to” represents the
a) whole sentence b) analytical word c) bare infinitive d) phrasal verb
38. In the sentence “All they do is sleep” the member of the sentence “sleep” denotes … .
a) a noun b) an infinitive c) a part of Continuous tense d) a verbal noun
39. In the sentence “I’ve got a difficult book to translate” the infinitive performs the function
of the … .
a) object b) subject c) attribute d) adverbial modifier
40. What non-finite forms of the verb have dual lexico-grammatical meaning?
a) all of them b) only infinitive c) infinitive and gerund d) participle
41. In the sentence “She sat without moving” we have the instance of usage of … .
a) present participle b) the gerund c) continuous infinitive d) participle I
42. Voice and time correlation distinctions are characteristic of … .
a) participle II b) perfect participle c) present and past participles d) participle I
43. The difference between the gerund and participle in the function of an attribute lays in
the fact that … .
a) participle is used only before the noun b) participle is used in postposition
c) gerund demands a preposition d) gerund does not have such a function
44. The major function of the participle is that of a(n) … .
a) object b) subject c) adverbial modifier d) attribute
45. In the sentences “I remember to see him” and “I remember seeing him” the infinitive
denotes … while the action of the gerund refers to the past.
a) a probable action b) a concrete action that is being realized
c) a concrete action that is realized d) a problematic action
46. The action denoted by the infinitive contrary to that of gerund is a … one.
a) repeated b) continuous c) long d) momentary
47. Participle II when used as predicative may be, like an adjective, preceded by … .
a) adverbs of time b) adverbs of degree c) adverbial modifier of manner d) adverbs of
48. The term “split” may be used in combination with such verbids as … .
a) only infinitive b) only participle c) gerund and infinitive d) gerund and participle
49. Grammatical categories of time correlation and voice are represented within the
paradigms of the following verbids: … .
a) only participle I b) both participles and gerund c) gerund and infinitive only d)
gerund, infinitive and participle I
50. There is no difference in meaning and function of the gerund and the infinitive after the
verb … .
a) stop b) remember c) finish d) want

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