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Health benefits lower risk of coronary artery disease

in Chinese patients. In this study, the
Epidemiologic studies about the risk was inversely associated with
benefits of green tea con- sumption green tea consumption and presented
against important diseases, supported a dose dependent effect by increasing
by in vitro and in vivo experiments, regularity, period and intake of green
reported promising results about the tea.
pro- tective effect of green tea.
Catechins, as major phenolic con- One of the major effects of green
stituents in green tea, are also the tea consumption is the increase of
compounds associated with health catechin and catechin derivative
benefits by modulation of relevant levels in human plasma, which seems
mechanisms altered by important to be dose dependent and specific for
diseases as reviewed in this section. each phenolic compound. Renouf et
al. [49] evaluated the effect of three
Cardiovascular diseases are among different doses of green tea in
the main causes of death, accounting healthy subjects and observed a
for almost one-third of all deaths dose-response between low and
worldwide [46]. This alarming medium-dose levels (180 and 300
situation has led several researchers mg of total catechin, respectively) of
and physicians to study this disease green tea consumption. However, the
and search for relevant information dose-response was not observed for
to diminish the risk and reduce the high dose (415 mg of total catechin
number of new cases. In this content). This interesting effect was
scenario, green tea can exert an related to the saturation of (−)-epi-
important gallocatechin and 40-O-Me-
epigallocatechin in plasma. Addi-
712 tionally, (−)-epigallocatechin gallate
and (−)-epicatechin plasma levels
Jos ́e Manuel Lorenzo, Paulo were dose dependent and presented
Eduardo Sichetti Munekata/Asian increasing plasma levels proportional
Pac J Trop Biomed 2016; 6(8): 709– to ingested green tea dose.
Interestingly, the chronic
preventive effect in cardiovascular consumption of green tea displays a
system as suggested by different behavior as reported by
epidemiologic studies. Sano et al. Fung et al. [50]. In this experiment,
[47] evaluated the intake of green tea plasma levels of selected catechin
and the incidence of cardiovascular derivatives were evaluated after 1
disease and reported that an elevated and 2 h of green tea consumption and
daily consumption of green tea in after 7 days of daily consumption.
patients without cardiovascular The plasma level of epigallocatechin
disease than those with gallate after 1 h of tea consumption
cardiovascular disease (5.9 and 3.5 was the highest among catechin
cups, respectively). Wang et al. [48] derivatives evaluated, followed by
related green tea consumption to epigallocatechin and epicatechin
gallate that remained elevated even on endogenous a-tocopherol by
after 2 h of green tea consumption. In reducing a- tocopheroxyl radical to
the chronic consumption evaluation, active antioxidant form. These
an unexpected result was observed outcomes suggest catechin, by means
because only epicatechin gallate of catechin derivatives, as a dietary
presented higher level in plasma.
source of bioactive compounds
Once catechin derivatives are associated with protective effects
present in plasma, these com- pounds against cardiovascular diseases.
may exert cardioprotective effect
reducing the risk of cardiovascular Cancer is a major cause of death
disease by acting over low-density worldwide with more than 14.1
lipoprotein (LDL) [51]. Suzuki- million new cases and 8.2 million
Sugihara et al. [52] reported the deaths in 2012 [55]. Most common
increased amount of gallate catechins tissues related to cancer in humans
in human plasma after consumption are prostate (in men), breast (in
of green tea and its accumulation in women), lung/bronchus, and
LDL fraction of healthy subjects. colorectal as suggested by large
This accumulation allowed that studies based in United States and
gallate catechin exerts direct European countries, although
antioxidant activity on LDL, which stomach and pancreatic cancers as
suggested a protective effect against well as leukemia were also major
atherosclerosis. In contrast, causes of deaths [56,57]. The
Koutelidakis et al. [53] evaluated the elevated number of cases and deaths
effect of green tea consumption in is linked to risk factors such as
patients with coronary artery disease smoking [58–60], increased body
in controlled diet and observed no weight [61,62], inadequate diet
significant changes in biomarkers [63,64] and lack of physical activity
during postprandial time. However, [65,66].
total antioxidant capacity increased
after 1.5 and 3 h of tea consumption Despite the great impact of cancer
and triglyceride levels decreased in population around the world,
after 3 h, which are considered green tea consumption has been
important biomarkers linked to associated with reduced risk on
cardiovascular disease. Peroxidation several types of cancer. In the large-
of human LDL can be also prevented scale study in urban Shanghai
by green tea polyphenols. Liu et al. population, green tea consumption
[54] showed that epicatechin, was associated with reduced
epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate pancreatic cancer risk. Increased
and epigallocatechin gallate were consumption of tea, regular
effective in preventing peroxidation consumption for long periods, and
of LDL. The authors also supported lower temperature of tea were the
the following mechanism: initiating main factors related to reduction of
and/or propagating peroxyl radicals pancreatic cancer risk for women and
are trapped by phenolic compounds. nonsmoking men. Particularly for
Additionally, green tea phenolics act regular consumption habits, the risk
of pancreatic cancer is reduced by consumption and breast cancer risk
32% in women [67]. The study in Japanese women and observed no
performed by Hsu et al. [68] reported association between green tea
the inverse association of green tea drinking habit and reduction of
consumption and the risk of breast cancer.
nasopharyngeal carcinoma among
Taiwan population. Following the suggestion of
epidemiologic studies about green
The Shanghai Women's Health tea consumption and reduced cancer
Study is an important study about the risk, several studies have
women's health that evaluated 69310 investigated which pathways are
women for 11 years to assess the influenced by green tea phenolic
consumption of tea and cancer risk. compounds in many types of cancer
The re- sults for middle-aged and cells. However, mechanisms by
older Chinese women with regular which green tea consumption reduces
consumption of green tea presented cancer risk in human tissues remain
an inverse association with cancer unclear even with epidemiologic
development for all digestive system. evidences and recent studies showing
The risk for digestive system cancers promising results to elucidate this
combined is reduced by 21% for association.
women with regular consumption of
two to three cups/day. Interestingly, Cerezo-Guisado et al. [73]
cancer risk in digestive system was evaluated the effect of
also reduced once the amount of tea epigallocatechin gallate to induce
and time of regular consumption mitogen-activated protein ki- nase
were increased [69]. Regarding and Akt pathways of human colon
prostate cancer, Kurahashi et al. [70] adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29.
showed that green tea consumption This flavanol promoted an increase
of five or more cups/day was in phosphorylated
inversely related to prostate cancer
risk in advanced stage compared Jos ́e Manuel Lorenzo, Paulo
with men with low green tea Eduardo Sichetti Munekata/Asian
consumption (less than one cup/day). Pac J Trop Biomed 2016; 6(8): 709–
However, this trend for cancer risk
reduction is not observed in some forms of ERK1/2, JNK1/2, and p38a,
studies. Montague et al. [71] reported p38g, p38d, and Akt levels and also
the lack of association between green promoted cell death in HT-29 cell.
tea consumption and reduction of However, the au- thors reported a
prostate cancer risk in 27293 Chinese partial association between this
men in Singapore. The assessment of pathway and the apoptotic effect of
tea drinking habits revealed no epigallocatechin gallate because in
association between daily the pres- ence of specific inhibitors
consumption and reduction of for Akt, ERK1/2, and p38, mitogen-
prostate cancer. Iwasaki et al. [72] activated protein kinase did not
studied the association of green tea inhibit apoptosis of HT-29 cell.
Zhang et al. [74] evaluated the effect cell cycle arrest in rat hepatoma cells
of epigallocatechin gallate in (AH109A cell line) and murine
HCCLM6 hepatocellular carcinoma melanoma cells (B16 cell line) from
cell and HL- 7702 noncancerous green tea phenolic metabolites
liver cell line. In this study, treatment (epigallocatechin gallate,
with epigallocatechin gallate reduced epigallocatechin and epicatechin
the expression of Bcl-2 and nuclear gallate) extracted from rat treated
factor-kB as possible pathways for with green tea supplementation.
apoptotic mecha- nism. Additionally,
this study indicated that Reduction of insulin-like growth
epigallocatechin gallate increased the factor-I (IGF-I) activity is a
expression of Bax (regulates mechanism influenced by green tea
apoptotic signaling), p53 (gene polyphenols because this pathway is
altered in cancer cells), caspase-9 associated with the inhibition of
and caspase-3 (control of cell death), cancer cell prolif- eration. Shimizu et
and release of cytochrome c (protein al. [77] reported the inhibitory effect
associated with inner layer of of epigallocatechin gallate (20
mitochondrial mem- brane). In a mg/mL) in IGF-I expression of co-
recent study, Thakur et al. [75] lon cancer cell (SW837 cell line). Vu
suggested the cell cycle arrest and et al. [78] assessed the effect of
apoptotic effects induced by green epigallocatechin gallate (at 100
tea polyphenols involved the mmol/L) in human pancreatic
suppression of class I histone carcinoma cells and reported a
deacetylases in prostate cancer cell reduction of cell proliferation, which
lines (LNCaP cells and PC-3 cells). was related to inhibition of IGF-I
Green tea promoted the inhibition of activa- tion. Adhami et al. [79]
class I his- tone deacetylases and its observed reduction of IGF-I activity
protein expression along with cell in transgenic adenocarcinoma of the
cycle arrest for concentrations at G mouse prostate model by green tea
extract. This study described the
0 effect of continuous administration
of green tea polyphenol
–G supplementation during cancer
development over 24 weeks, which
1 reduced IGF-I levels and increased
IGF-binding protein-3 concentration.
phase between and apoptosis 10 and The authors also suggest that green
80 in a mg/mL. tea phenolic compounds use the IGF-
I/ IGF-binding protein-3 signaling
dose-dependent manner pathway, which is one of the main
mechanism to inhibit cancer
In animal model, cell cycle arrest development and prevent prostate
and apoptosis effects are also cancer angiogenesis and metastasis.
observed for metabolites of green tea
from live animals. Zhang et al. [76] The risks of neurological diseases
reported induction of apoptosis and are also influenced by green tea
consumption. Some studies have Singapore Chinese Health Study and
suggested a favorable effect of green also associated consumption of black
tea consumption in neurological tea (with relevant caffeine content)
disorders and reduced cognitive as a possible dietary factor inversely
deficits. Although the mechanisms associated with Parkinson's disease.
by which green tea polyphenols act Guo et al. [84] reported the
in neurological disorders are not yet protective effect of green tea in rats
fully elucidated, promising results with induced Parkinson's disease by
are present in literature, particularly 6-hydroxydopamine. In this study,
for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's green tea extracts protected
diseases. Parkinson's disease is a dopaminergic neurons in a dose-
neurodegenerative disease with dependent manner (at 150 and 450
major effect on movements and body mg/kg) against increase of NO and
balance. The major characteristics reactive oxygen species, lipid
are rhythmic tremors (resting, peroxidation, nitrite/nitrate content,
postural and kinetic) and oscillatory inducible NO synthase and protein-
movement of a body part, although bound 3-nitro-tyrosine by exposure
nonmotor symptoms are also to 6-hydroxydopamine. Additionally,
observed (e.g., radical scav- enging activity of
midbrain and striatum was preserved
713 by green tea extract. Prevention of
inducible NO synthase activity was
depression, anxiety and dementia). significantly reduced in mouse model
The occurrence is centered in of Parkinson's disease treated with 1-
population older than 40 years and methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-
can present prevalence from 100 to tetrahydropyridine. This study also
300 cases for 100000 people [80,81]. observed a reduction in the number
Epidemiological studies about of neuron death (rate of less than
Parkinson's disease have suggested 50%) [85].
an inverse association with tea and
green tea consumption. Tanaka et al. Alzheimer's disease is an
[82] evaluated the association important age-related disease and is
between Parkinson's disease and estimated to affect the life of 24
consumption of Japanese and million people in elderly pop-
Chinese tea (including green tea). ulation. The symptoms are related to
Results indicated an inverse brain functions such as memory and
association of tea consumption and thinking skills that gradually degrade
Parkinson's disease occurrence. and can evolve to severe cognitive
Interestingly, this effect also difficulty, compromising the patient's
suggested caffeine consumption, in a ability to perform simple tasks
dose-dependent manner, was [86,87]. Consumption of green tea, at
inversely related to Parkinson's high daily dose, was related to lower
disease occurrence. How- ever, Tan prevalence of cognitive impairment
et al. [83] also reported no in 1003 elderly Japanese (70 years or
association of green tea consumption higher) in the comprehensive
and Parkinson's disease in the geriatric assessment from 2002 [88].
At mechanistic level, green tea Jos ́e Manuel Lorenzo, Paulo
activity influences central Eduardo Sichetti Munekata/Asian
mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease Pac J Trop Biomed 2016; 6(8): 709–
such as extracellular deposition of 719
amyloid-b peptide and
hyperphosphorylation of tau protein Once tau protein is
causing reduction of brain and hyperphosphorylated, the activity of
cognitive functions. Chan et al. [89] this protein is disrupted and the
observed that rats with accelerated regulation of axonal transport is
senescence treated with green tea compromised. These events cause
(1% in diet) showed cognitive the accumulation of toxic species of
enhances compared with control soluble tau and neurofibrillary
group. Increase in serum antioxidant tangles [92]. Inclusion of green tea
activity, reversion in cognitive extract (50 mg/kg) in drinking water
impairment, reduction in spongy of Alzheimer's transgenic mice
degeneration and lipofuscin were the (Tg2576) reduced the sarkosyl-
main effects of green tea soluble phos- phorylated tau
supplementation. isoforms and improved working
memory of treated animals [93]. Lee
Amyloid-b peptide can form et al. [94] noticed the pretreatment
insoluble plaques leading to neuron with green tea for 4 weeks in adult
death and therefore dementia. In this Sprague–Dawley rats provided
sense, Bastianetto et al. [90] reported protection against damage of neurons
the effects of green tea extract and in primary hippocampus by okadaic
catechins on reduction of toxicity acid. In this study,
induced by amyloid-b peptide in rat hyperphosphorylation of tau protein
hippocampal cells. It was observed was reduced, suggesting the
that both epigallocatechin gallate and protective effect. Wobst et al. [95]
gallic acid inhibited aggregation of reported epigallocatechin gallate
amyloid-b and/or formation of inhibited the aggregation of stable,
neurotoxin ligands derived from this toxic and oligomeric tau fragment
peptide. Posteriorly, Lee et al. [91] (K18DK280) in vitro. The effect
associated the reduced secretion of decreased the aggregation of
amyloid-b peptide to K18DK280 fragment by 10–100
epigallocatechin gallate through folds. The combination of these
modulation of extracellular signal- effects provides valuable information
regulated kinase and nuclear and elucidates, in part, how green tea
transcription factor-kB pathways in may present protective effect against
mice. Addi- tionally, this study Alzheimer's disease.
highlights positive effects of green
tea extract such as reduction of brain
degenerative changes and aging


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