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UJIAN SEKOLAH Yarra Raja Seraf

Bahasa Inggris
11806954 | RPL XII-3

Dokumen ini bersifat pribadi dan rahasia. Dilarang menyerahkan dokumen ini kepada orang lain tanpa petunjuk guru. Simpan
dokumen ini baik-baik sebagai bukti keikutsertaan penilaian.

Lembar Jawaban

1 B. oral skills

2 E. quietly

3 C. Tablespoon

4 C. If I were you, I would organize

5 C. Since

6 C. Because she was involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging

7 A. Good English communication

8 A. Surrendered

9 C. as a result of

10 C. Wash out

11 D. To tighten skin

12 A. one

13 B. 2

14 A. all personnel officers

15 C. You had better see a doctor

16 D. Flight MQ 2912 should be through G2A gate

17 C. how to make Mixed Ice

18 B. A protest would be held.

19 B. Are you ready to have a starter

20 E. How to make crisp roast duck

21 D. 11.25

22 C. Inspecting and repairing vehicles, machinery

23 E. The preparation of Indonesian independence.

24 B. Typed and signed

25 A. to save money

Yarra Raja Seraf (11806954, RPL XII-3)

Halaman 1 dari 2
Diunduh pada pukul 08:50, 05 May 2021 dari
26 A. Need to buy

27 D. You ought to call the landlord and complain

28 B. half of glass

29 D. from internet

30 C. three years of working at City Pharmaceuticals

31 C. Since we do not

32 E. Sugar

33 C. don’t have to

34 D. Cool duck.

35 B. I could go

36 D. Because he was active in the national movement

37 D. improve

38 D. All employees

39 B. a sharp fork

40 E. in about a week

Yarra Raja Seraf (11806954, RPL XII-3)

Halaman 2 dari 2
Diunduh pada pukul 08:50, 05 May 2021 dari

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