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With regards to Starbucks as a company, who could expect that someone could

capitalize on the selling of coffee? Starbucks has done something downright amazing and in
such a short amount of time with almost 11,000 stores around the world. They are incredibly
simple in their serving style and choices in coffee and simple foods. However, their new idea of
“Barbucks”, might be a bit of a stretch in my opinion. Though I understand the public want for
alcohol and the capitalization of the market, Starbucks is known for a perfect cup of coffee, not
an overpriced glass of pinot noir. The company is already implementing this idea in some of
their busier and popular stores in large cities but they soon plan to move to thousands of other
stores around the globe to serve a small choice of beer or wine, more expensive than your local
bar down the street. In Start Something That Matters, Blake stresses the idea of simplicity in a
company’s business model and to not get jumbled up by all the bells and whistles you could
add onto your ideas. Starbucks seems to be floating into dangerous terrain where they’ll begin
to lose money by not selling enough of their expensive wine and beer to their hipster
customers who just want their double shot espresso and leave. Starbucks may be heading
towards a bad choice in their business model but their social responsibility is amazing as to
what they are doing for their employees who are currently working towards a degree or have
dropped out because of their costs of student tuition. They have tuition reimbursement
programs for current employees and they plan to help 25,000 student graduate by 2025 which
is amazing. I think their stance of education is very much needed in this present time and the
way they are handling this tuition reimbursement is a great way to boost their social

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