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This event in marketing/advertising news is a practical breakthrough into a new political front

of pushing products or services. Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, this type of
advertising in attracting customers, the crowds that love to hate or the crowds that support. In
contrast the declining use of the billboards, the eyes of the world are turned more towards
politics than ever before so it is highly strategic of Airoutdoor to advertise the most boring thing
you can ever see on the road, a billboard advertising its space to rent. But with the help of an
easily recognizable face, a few creative minds and catchy phrase bubble saying, “Advertising
works, look where it got me” people cannot help but notice, react and then do! I enjoy what
Inman said in that, “Smart billboards can grab the attention of a local audience and leave a
long-lasting impression.” I couldn’t agree more with him and his reason for capturing this
moment in time and the events that have spun this advertisement into recent news. One
example I have of eye-catching advertisements includes a billboard advertising the Tony-
awarded musical, Avenue Q. The billboard was flat black with the lower half of a face of one the
puppet characters, the title next to it and at the bottom across the billboard “Warning: Contains
Puppet Nudity”. Next to being one of the funniest musicals I have ever seen, the billboard itself
stuck with me, the simplicity and the shock factor it contained really stuck a cord and actually
had me research and go see the show that was touring. Billboards have a powerful influence
towards those on the road and I think Airoutdoor has the ideas that will get them ahead of the

Trump billboard urges businesses to invest in outdoor advertising

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