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Andy Fefta Wijaya, Catrine Ana Prastyari, Armanu



JAM Andy Fefta Wijaya

17, 3 Catrine Ana Prastyari
Received, January 2019 Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya
Revised, March 2019 Armanu
June 2019
August 2019
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Accepted, August 2019

Abstract: This study aimed at disclosing the influence of the leadership style on the service
quality in Higher Education Institution. This study population is 103 supporting staffs of a
social science faculty, with a proportional random sampling of 80 people. The hypothesis in
this study was analyzed by using the structural model of Partial Least Square. Based on the
results of Partial Least Square testing, it is disclosed that there is a significant influence of
the leadership style on the service quality at the faculty being studied. The positive corre-
lation shows that the stronger the leadership style is, the higher the leadership style impact
on the service quality will be.

Keywords: Leadership style, Service Quality, Higher Education Management

Cite this article as: Wijaya, Andy F., Catrine A. Prastyari, and Armanu. 2019. The Influence
of Leadership Style on Service Quality in Higher Education: A Study at a Social Science
Faculty. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 17, Number 3, Pages 426–433. Malang: Univer-
sitas Brawijaya.

People in the current era ac- vice quality. Concerning this fact, many studies have
tualizes higher self-con- been conducted to disclose findings on service qual-
sciousness on the quality of ity issues, studies in healthcare and education.
their life. How people per- Higher education institution (HEI), as a part of
Journal of Applied ceive the quality are differ- education, also put its concern on the service qual-
Management (JAM) ent one to another. In the ity. As one of its primary customers are students,
Volume 17 Number 3,
September 2019 case of the service quality, HEI cannot only view students as those who learn
Indexed in Google Scholar people, as part of customers in the university, but it should also view them as
and providers, have already “customers” who have right to get excellent ser-
realized that both of them vice quality.This shifting paradigm is in line with the
have rights and obligations. rapid development of HEIs in which both public and
Corresponding Author: As providers, they should private HEIs compete with each other, in terms of
Andy Fefta Wijaya, Faculty of provide the best service to providing better education service. Therefore, it is
Administrative Science Uni-
versitas Brawijaya, E-mail: their customers. Meanwhile, a demand for HEIs to become more aware of the, DOI: as customers, they have a education quality improvement, including service
ub.jam.2019.017.03.06 right to receive the best ser- quality.


The Influence of Leadership Style on Service Quality In Higher Education: ...

Some supported elements can reinforce the to stakeholders. Therefore, it is interesting to dis-
provided service quality involving leader’s policies, close deeper the leadership style impact on service
HEI regulations, and also a faculty member and quality, especially in HEI as one of the public ser-
supporting staff/employee performances. It is sup- vices focusing on education.
ported by Ugboro and Obeng (2000) who state that As education becomes the concern of our gov-
the service quality has a connection with the orga- ernment, the Indonesian government has already
nization atmosphere, involving leadership commit- stipulated the regulation for HEI to provide excel-
ment, employee empowerment, and all efforts fo- lent education quality. for instance Law of the Re-
cused on service quality. public of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on Na-
Furthermore, it is commonly known that HEI tional Education System (the State Gazette of the
organization performances are often viewed throu- Republic of Indonesia Year 2003 Number 78, a
ghleaders’ performances, especially on how they Supplement of the State Gazette of the Republic of
direct and stir their institution effectively. As stat- Indonesia Number 4301), Law of the Republic of
ed by Irawanto (2008) that effective leadership Indonesia Number 12 Year 2012 on Higher Educa-
can be obtained through the realization of organi- tion (the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia
zation expected performance. There are two aspe- Year 2012 Number 158, Supplement of the State
ctsof leadership behavior, which are leadership Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5336),
function andleadership style. Leadership function and currently Regulation of Ministry of Research,
refers to the leader’s function concerning task Technology, and Higher Education Number 44 Year
and human. Meanwhile, leadership style is expla- 2015 on Higher Education National Standard. In
ined as an approach to direct and influence others addition to these regulations, the quality of HEI is
in which different leader might have a different also examined periodically by the National Accredi-
leadership style. tation Agency for Higher Education (BAN PT), aim-
There is two leadership style proposed by Bass ing at assessing all aspects of HEI education qual-
(1996), which are transformational and transactional ity. To support the implementation of excellent ser-
leadership.Transactional leadership refers to a type vice quality, the government has also stipulated Law
of leadership in which the leader and employees of Republic of Indonesia Number 25 the Year 2009
are working based on transactions. In this case, re- on Public Service and Law of Republic of Indone-
ward and punishment policies are accepted. In con- sia Number 96 the Year 2012 on the Implementa-
trary to transactional leadership, transformational tion of Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25
leadership refers to a leader who can motivate em- the Year 2009 on Public Service.
ployees and support them to improve for the good The service quality provided is commonly mea-
of the organization continuously. Based on the above sured by using SERVQUAL (Service Quality)
explanation, it is clear that the type of leader de- method proposed by Parasuraman et al.(1985), in-
fines how the organization will be. cluding reliability, responsiveness, assurance, em-
Concerning the elevation of service quality pathy, and tangibles. Dhurup (2012) explains that
awareness, the leader’s style in directing the insti- reliability addresses the consistency and dependabil-
tution will affect their institution performance qual- ity of a company’s performance. Responsiveness
ity. Tjiptono and Chandra (2011) state that leader- refers to the willingness to assist customers and
ship becomes one of six main principals of service provide prompt service, while assurance dimension
quality. It is in line with Milakovich (1993),who states refers to the competence of the company. Empathy
that leadership style is one of the substantial factors covers the caring and individualized attention a com-
affecting the service quality and productivity pany provides to its customers, while tangibles in-
improvement.The rapid development of HEI and the volve the appearance of physical facilities, equip-
tight competition among domestic and overseas uni- ment, personnel and communication material reflect-
versities might influence the service quality provided ing images of services that consumers use to evalu-

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 427

Andy Fefta Wijaya, Catrine Ana Prastyari, Armanu

ate quality. To cope with current changes in educa- to finding inconsistencies as revealed by two stud-
tion quality improvement and service, HEIs in Indo- ies conducted by Jabnoun and Rasasi’s (2005) and
nesia must adapt to implement excellent education Bacha (2014). Therefore, based on previous stud-
and service quality to stakeholders in line with In- ies and phenomena in society, this study intends to
donesian regulations. disclose the leadership style impact on service quality
Based on previous study results and recent is- provided by supporting staffs at a social science
sues on the improved quality on service in the edu- faculty in one of the state universities in Indonesia.
cation field, it can be inferred that no study has been
conducted to disclose the leadership style impact METHOD
on service quality in HEI. Also, only a few studies The population of this study is 103 supporting
had been conducted the find out the effect of the staffs at a social science faculty consisting of civil
leadership style on service quality in non-education servants and non-civil servants. Meanwhile, samples
areas. Jabnoun and Rasasi (2005) state that”the role of this study are 80 employees. The determination
of leadership in the success of quality initiatives has of the sample followed the criterion defined by
been high lighted by many authors, yet little research Krejcie and Morgan (1970).This study uses Pro-
has been conducted to investigate the leadership portional Random Sampling. It is a technique to de-
styles that support quality implementation”. Jabnoun fine samples randomly by using a proportional num-
and Rasasi (2005) found that all dimensions of trans- ber for each subpopulation in line with the size of
formational leadership and transactional leadership the population itself (Sugiyono 2004, p.83).
of contingent reward are positively correlated with Furthermore, this study applied cross-section
service quality. Then Lucas and Buckley (2009) data in which the data used had been already ob-
studied Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust tained in June 2016 by using questionnaires. The
and disclosed their finding by highlighting Firth-Coz- questionnaire answers used five Likert scales, and
ens and Mowbray message concerning the obvious the statistical analysis used Partial Least Square.
relationship between Leadership and Quality. Also, Herewith the research framework of the leader-
Bacha (2014) conducted a study held in French firms ship style impact on the service quality (Figure 1).
found that there is a partial relationship between Based on the research framework, the hypoth-
transformational leadership and follower task per- esis (H) of this study is: There is a significant influ-
formance on the one hand, and on the other hand ence of Leadership style (X) on service quality (Y).
between transformational leadership and follower In this study, the leadership style covers trans-
perceptions of core job characteristics. The first actional and transformational leadership. This study
study held in HEI concerning the influence of lead- measured the leadership style of certain structural
ership on service quality was a study conducted by positions of the faculty being studied based on em-
Trivellas and Dargenidou (2009) in Technological ployees’ point of view. Supporting staffs were given
Educational Institute of Larissa focusing on the im- questionnaires containing the leadership style items
pact of leadership roles on service quality. In their adopted from Bowersox (2012) including indicators
research, Trivellas and Dargenidou (2009) did not of transformational, transactional, leader’s perceived
study the influence of leadership style on service effectiveness, satisfaction, and efforts, and Leissez
quality, yet they focused on the impact of leader- Faire. The last two indicators were used to support
ship roles on service quality. possible post hoc analyses. Furthermore, as this study
Based on the previous study above, it is seen focused on the leadership style impact on service
that there is no study concerning leadership style quality, the indicators and questionnaire items of
impact on service quality that has been conducted service quality were adopted from Tjiptono and
in HEI. Also, the study on the leadership style and Chandra (2011). The indicators of SERVQUAL in-
its impact on service quality as conducted in some volved Reliability, Responsibility, Assurance, Empa-
organizations showed different findings which lead thy, and Tangibles.


The Influence of Leadership Style on Service Quality In Higher Education: ...

Figure 1 Research Framework

RESULTS Table 1 The Respondent Description of the Leadership

Style Variable
Respondent Description
The description of the respondent characteris- Indicator Mean
tics includes gender, age, and education background. Leissez Faire 2.71
Respondent characteristics are differentiated by its Leader’s perceived effectiveness,
gender, age, and educational background. The num- satisfaction, and effort 3.30
bers of male and female respondents are 72.25% Transformational Leadership 3.35
compared to 28.75%. The majority of respondent Transactional Leadership 3.13
age is above 40 (forty) years old who reach 41% of The Average value of Leadership Style variable 3.22
overall respondents. The rest of the data are 34 % Source: Processed Data (2016)
for respondents whose age are 30-40 (thirty up to
forty) years old and 25% for respondents whose
Meanwhile, the service quality variable can be
age are below 30 (thirty) years old. Based on the
described as follows:
educational background, the majority respondents
are graduated from Senior High School (46%), and
the rests involve Bachelor Degree (34%), Diploma Table 2 The Respondent Description of the Service
Quality Variable
(15%), and Master’s (4%).
Indicator Mean
Descriptive of Statistical Analysis
Tangibility 3.67
The analysis descriptive is assessed by inter- Reliability 3.66
preting the average score of each indicator. The Responsibility 3.80
interpretation of the average score is based on Assurance 3.81
Noermijati (2008). Empathy 3.87
The respondent description of the leadership The average value of theService Quality variable 3.76
style variable is as follows: Source: Processed Data (2016)

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 429

Andy Fefta Wijaya, Catrine Ana Prastyari, Armanu

Partial Least Square Data Analysis able is considered reliable if the value of the dis-
The result of the convergent validity testing dis- criminant reliability is above 0.5, the Cronbach
plays that all the indicator values are valid as they Alpha’s value is greater than 0.6, and the Compos-
are greater than 0.5, except the result of Leissez ite Reliability is higher than 0.7. The results of the
Faire indicator in which its loading factor less than Discriminant Reliability (AVE), Cronbach Alpha,
0.5.Moreover, the assessment used to test the vari- and Composite Reliability assessment are summa-
able reliabilities are Discriminant Reliability (AVE), rized in the table below:
Cronbach Alpha, and Composite Reliability. A vari-

Table 3 AVE, Cronbach Alpha, and Composite Reliability Testing

Variable Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Composite Reliability Cronbach’s Alpha Result
Leadership Style 0.503 0.964 0.961 Reliable
Service Quality 0.525 0.953 0.946 Reliable
Source: Processed Data (2016)

Based on the result of discriminant reliability, it Based on the inner model testing it is disclosed
is obvious that the AVE is more than 0.5; thus, all that the predictive value of service quality variable
variables are reliable. Furthermore, the results of is 0.636 or 63.6% implying that the rest 36.4% is
the composite reliability of each variable are 0.964 affected by other factors which are not stated in
for leadership style and 0.953 for service quality. the equation model. In addition to the above result,
Based on the composite reliability testing, it is clearly the inner model testing can also be disclosed by
depicted that results are above 0.7, meaning that evaluating the predictive relevance stone-Geiser Q-
each variable is reliable. Then the results of square test which aims at finding the predictive rel-
Cronbach’s Alpha for the leadership style variable evance by using this equation model:
is 0.961, while the service quality variable result is
0.946. The Cronbach’s Alpha testing results indi- Q2 =1-(1-R1 2)(1-R22)…(1-Rp2 )
cate that all variables are higher than 0.6 in which it Q2 =1-(1-0.6362)
can be inferred that both variables are reliable. Q2 =0.4047 = 40.47%
Furthermore, the last testing is a structural in-
ner model used to predict the causal relation among The Q-square result shows that its value is
latent variables evaluated by using R2. higher than 0, indicating that the model of the study
has predictive relevance and it is considered as a
Table 4 Structural Model Testing good model.
Variabel R2 Percentage
Result of Hypothesis Testing
Service Quality 0.636 63.6% The result of the hypothesis testing is as fol-
Source: Processed Data (2016) lows:

Table 5 Hypothesis Testing

Variable PathCoefficient Standard Error P Values Result

Leadership Style > Service Quality 0.798 0.088 0.001 Significant
Source: Processed Data (2016)


The Influence of Leadership Style on Service Quality In Higher Education: ...

The hypothesis testing uses Partial Least In correlation with the service quality statisti-
Square analysis. The hypothesis testing of this study cal analysis, service quality provided is good based
is conducted by determining the P-value of the path on the results of all indicators, which are reliability,
coefficient. The hypothesis testing is considered sig- tangibility, responsibility, assurance, and empathy.
nificant if the P-value < 0.01, and the confidence Dhurup (2012) explains that the reliability indicator
interval is 99%. Meanwhile, it is considered insig- refers to the consistency and dependability of an
nificant if the P-value is > 0.05, and the confidence organization’s performance. It has three items. The
interval is less than 95%. On the basis of the above highest item found in this indicator is the third item,
result, it is found that the hypothesis is accepted while the lowest is in the first item. The highest is
since the leadership style variable has a positive sig- the item number 1 containing “My leader trusts that
nificant to service quality variable indicated by  = I will do the job right the first time and will persist in
0.798, P < 0.01. It means that the stronger the lead- doing it without error”; whereas the lowest is “My
ership style is, it will influence the service quality leader always trusts me when I promise to stake-
performance. holders to do something in a certain time, I will do
DISCUSSION Furthermore, another indicator is responsibility
Based on the data description, the highest indi- referring to the willingness to assist customers and
cator of the leadership style variable is transforma- provide prompt service. This indicator has 5 ques-
tional leadership which is 3.35. The results imp- tion items in which the highest mean value items
lies that leaders (dean, vice deans, heads of de- refer to item number 10 and 11, while for the
partments, and head of general administrative) are bottom refers to the item number 9. The same mean
considered having the leadership style perform- value is shown in item number 10 and 11 showing
ance.Meanwhile, the lowest indicator of the lead- that the staffs believe that their leaders trust them
ershipstyle variable is Laissez Faire. It is also su- to do the job with the responsibility. The lowest mean
pportedby the result of the item mean value which value, as shown in item number 9, indicates that
belongsto item number 28, which is “My leader av- staffs perceive that their leaders less encourage
oids mak-ing decisions”. The result of the item me- them.
an value is2.50. It supports the result of the hypo- Moreover, for the assurance indicator, there are
thesis testingthat leaders of the faculty being stud- four items. The highest mean value of these items
ied have leadership style as also displayed by the is item number 3, while the lowest is item number 2.
highest meanvalue result for the transformational The item number 3 refers to the belief of the lead-
leadership indicator. The highest mean value of ers that their staffs can be polite to the customers,
the transformational leadership items is item num- while number 2 refers to the leaders’ efforts of en-
ber 26, referringto the question of “My leader ar- suring the stakeholders that everything is going to
ticulates a compel-ling vision of the future”. The be safe in the transaction with the faculty. It implies
mean value of thisitem is 3.63, which is conside- that the leaders of the faculty being studied have
red good. Accordingto Wong (2007), a leader is a already trusted their staffs, yet they still need time
person who influencesa group of people to achieve and efforts to convince their stakeholders that all
certain goals. To influ-ence others means that the- services will be served appropriately. As for the
re should be a vision tobe shared with their emp- empathy indicator, it has four question items in which
loyees. Therefore, it is ob-vious that leaders have the highest item is the first item stating, “My leader
defined the vision for a longterm goal of the orga- must set convenient business hours for stakehold-
nization and set the goal as the institution dream to ers”. It implies that the regulation stipulated by lead-
be achieved in the future. Con-ducting appropriate ers concerning the allocation service time is quite
dissemination of vision will lead employees to do appropriate for both customers and supporting staffs.
their tasks in line with the stipu-lated vision. Thus, the service provided can be perceived as good.

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Andy Fefta Wijaya, Catrine Ana Prastyari, Armanu

Meanwhile, for the lowest question item refers terms of providing good attention and services to
to the second item concerning leaders’ belief on their stakeholders in which in this study the empa-
employees whether they can provide individual at- thy refers to the caring that the service providers
tention to customers or not. Through the result of give to the stakeholders or customers. In contrary
the statistical analysis descriptive of these indica- to empathy, the reliability shows the lowest value,
tors, it is seen that both the highest and the lowest although the score is at a good level, which is 3.66.It
are considered good. It means that leaders have can be inferred that employees believe the service
shown their empathy and caring to their staffs well. quality is good, but they feel less confident in the
Moreover, based on the overall mean values of all consistency and dependability of the company’s/in-
indicators within the service quality, it is quite stitution performance. To cope with this, leaders
clear that the mean value of the empathy indicator should put their trust in the staffs and give them
is the utmost. Therefore, it can also be inferred more rooms to explore their capability. Also, lead-
that supporting staffs who provide the service ers should be more sensitive to every single prob-
directly to their stakeholders understand and lem faced by their stakeholders and give an appro-
realize that the stakeholders are the primary priate solution to them through their staffs. There-
customers of their faculty and they want to fore, they can provide better service quality to the
provide them the best services. stakeholders.
The last indicator is tangibility referring to the Furthermore, in line with the discussion of the
need of the physical facilities, equipment, person- statistical data above, the result of the Partial Least
nel, and communication material aspects which por- Score data analysis also shows that leadership vari-
tray the service figures that customers use to ex- able has the significant influence on the service qual-
amine the quality. This indicator consists of 5 ques- ity indicated by  = 0.798 and P < 0.01. Therefore,
tion items. All the items within the tangibility indica- the hypothesis can be accepted. Furthermore, the
tor achieve good level for their mean values, except result of this study supports the study of Jabnoun
for item number 3, which only reaches 2.71 (fair and Rasasi (2005) in which the service quality is
level). The third question item contains a question found to be positively related to the leadership style.
“the equipment provided is old with out of date tech- It also supports the main notion of Trivellas and
nology”. The result of the main value of the third Dargenidou’s study (2009) that different leadership
item implies that the faculty being studied does not roles are connected with different dimensions of
provide sufficient technology that can accommo- higher education service quality. Also, Ugboro &
date their needs of providing good service quality. Obeng (2000) stated that service quality is re-
In contrary to the lowest, item number 4 is consid- lated to the climate of organization involving leader-
ered the highest stating that “the leader provides an ship commitment, employee empowerment, and all
internet connection to support your job”. Its mean efforts focused on service quality. It shows that a
value reaches 4.10, implying that staffs perceive that leader has a role in affecting the process of the ser-
leaders through their policy have already provided vice quality provided by his/her employees. This
sufficient internet connection to support their em- study result also supports the finding of Trivellas
ployees’ job performance. Through this statistical and Dargenidou (2009) who state that the success
analysis descriptive, it is shown that the internet of the change of the quality management system
connection provided is sufficient to perform their and its transition depends on the leader’s capability
job. in facing and solving problems. It can also create a
Based on the statistical analysis of each item culture strategy that is supported by all the mem-
and the mean value, empathy indicates the highest bers of the organizations. Therefore, based on the
average value. Supporting staffs believe that their analysis, it is seen that the leadership style indeed
leader can provide convenient business hours and has an impact on the service quality in HEI, espe-
fulfill the needs of the stakeholders. Also, they can cially at the social faculty being studied. In line with
also perceive that their leader gives them trust, in the result, the positive result of the path coefficient


The Influence of Leadership Style on Service Quality In Higher Education: ...

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cation system management in HEIs. It can be an Milakovich, M.E. 1993. Leadership for public service
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