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Essay- Why do people travel to other countries these days

It is a commonly held view that travelling abroad is part and parcel of

our everyday life. In this essay I am going to delve into the question
which the main reasons for this tendency are.
Firstly, nobody can dispute the fact that, when done right, a business
travel can have many benefits. For instance, it can be pretty hard to
establish new business connections while standing around the exact
same people every day. Thus, business meetings especially with
representatives of foreign enterprises and companies contribute to
the exchange of data and new ideas. I reckon that when surrounded
by people with innovative way of thinking, a businessperson can
easily implement their designs and projects into his own work
On the other hand, there is undoubtedly a wide variety of cultural
advantages. Having the ability to get in touch with new food, music
or arts, for instance, will benefit our better understanding of a foreign
culture, the expansion of our cognitive horizont and outlook of the
world. Consequently, the impact of living abroad has a great
influence on both society and the people who lived there for a
certain period.
By and large, travelling abroad has its assets both in terms of
business opportunities and cultural understanding. However I truly
believe that the business aspect the more significant is. A highly
successful business between nations has all sorts of positive
consequences - from increased employment opportunities to distinct
working approaches.

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