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Wazuh-Elastic Training

Lab-Guide - Session 4

Wazuh 4.1.5
Elastic Stack 7.10.0
OpenDistro 1.12.0
Table of Contents

File Integrity Monitoring

Lab Exercise 4b - customize syscheck and trigger various FIM events
Suppressing FIM false positives when a server is in a maintenance window.

Vulnerability Detection
Lab Exercise 4c: Syscollector and Vulnerability-detector
Ensure your windows-agent is running a vulnerable package.
Configure vulnerability-detector
Look at the logs
See the alerts in Kibana

Rootkit Detection
How can Wazuh detect rootkits?
Detecting User-Mode rootkits with Wazuh
Detecting Kernel-Mode rootkits with Wazuh
User mode rootkits
Kernel mode rootkits
Prevention and mitigation of a rootkit
Lab Exercise 4d - Rootkit Detection

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

File Integrity

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Syscheck Lab Exercise

Lab Exercise 4a - customize syscheck and trigger

various FIM events
You may proceed with the following Windows FIM lab or if you prefer, skip it and advance to the
Alternative Linux FIM lab two pages further down from here.

Create directories we will be monitoring with syscheck

● Open a Windows command prompt as administrator
● Create two test directories
mkdir C:\apple
mkdir C:\orange

To configure syscheck for the Windows agent, replace the entire <syscheck> section in the
os="Windows" portion of /var/ossec/etc/shared/windows/agent.conf on the manager with
this simple configuration:

<directories check_all="yes" whodata="yes" report_changes="yes" tags="core,worms">C:/apple</directories>

<directories check_all="yes">C:/orange</directories>

The above enables syscheck FIM on Windows agents, such that a periodic syscheck scan of
C:/orange will take place shortly after the start/restart of the Wazuh agent, and then every
300 seconds thereafter. The C:/apple directory will be monitored in real time for all
possible kinds of file changes, while the C:/orange directory will only be periodically
scanned for changes. Changes to existing text files in C:/apple will trigger an alert that
includes the details of the actual text that was changed. Just don't restart the agent to force
a syscheck scan sooner when testing report_changes since that feature does not apply for
the very first scan after an agent start/restart so as to mitigate over-reporting of text
changes that may have accumulated while the agent was not running.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Notice that in Wazuh configuration files, Windows file and directory paths are always
expressed with forward slashes rather than the traditional Windows backslash. This is
because the backslash tends to be interpreted as an escape character by Wazuh. Wazuh
will find your Windows paths just fine even though it is using forward / instead of backward
\ slashes.

Note that syscheck scans may produce many events when enabled during OS updates, as
usually many files are modified/added/removed during an update.

After closing your modified agent.conf, verify it contains no errors with

/var/ossec/bin/verify-agent-conf. You could then restart your Wazuh Windows agent to
cause the new config to be picked up immediately, or just wait a couple of minutes for the
Windows agent to pick up the change automatically and restart itself.

In the Windows agent log, you should see a couple of entries like this accounting for the
new syscheck monitoring of your two test directories:

2017/12/07 03:42:18 ossec-agent: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:/apple', with options perm | size | owner |
group | md5sum | sha1sum | realtime | mtime | inode.
2017/12/07 03:42:18 ossec-agent: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:/orange', with options perm | size | owner |
group | md5sum | sha1sum | report_changes | mtime | inode.

At this point, add, modify, and delete files in these two test directories on the Windows agent,
and watch your search results in Kibana for the query text "apple orange" (without quotes), to
see syscheck events as they appear. Notice that alerts about changes in c:\apple\ show up
promptly, while alerts about changes in c:\orange\ are not reported until the next
every-300-second syscheck scan. You can force a syscheck scan sooner by restarting the
Windows agent, but still expect to wait a couple of minutes before the scan actually runs.

Here is an example debug message in agent ossec.log showing a syscheck event being sent to
the manager. Messages marked DEBUG only appear when debug logging has been enabled.

2017/12/07 04:01:06 ossec-agent: DEBUG: Sending message to server:

2619179:0 c:/orange/nice.txt'

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Alternative Linux FIM lab

On Ubuntu systems (like linux-agent) do not have the auditd service installed by
default, and this is required for whodata to work, so install it now on linux-agent.

apt -y install auditd

Create on your linux-agent an /apple and an /orange directory:

mkdir /apple /orange /pear

On your manager, replace the entire <syscheck> section in

/var/ossec/etc/shared/linux/agent.conf with this:

<directories check_all="yes" whodata="yes" report_changes="yes">/apple</directories>
<directories check_all="yes" realtime="yes">/orange</directories>
<directories check_all="yes">/pear</directories>

Do a "verify-agent-conf" to confirm your change was valid. It should be pushed out


Make changes in the /apple and /orange and /pear directories and watch for them to be
accounted for in Kibana. Search for "syscheck".

Watch especially for the who-data fields. They start with "syscheck.audit."

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Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 6
Suppressing FIM false positives when a server is in a
maintenance window.

To avoid false positive noise created by changes that are made to a system's
monitored files during a maintenance window, you could simply add a new agent
group that disables FIM. Then you could simply member agents into this group
when they enter a maintenance window and remove them from the group when
their maintenance window closes.

For example, you could create a new agent group called fim-disabled and set the
content of its agent.conf file to be:


Note that upon membering an agent into the fim-disabled group, that will become
the last agent group in the agent's group list, and thus it will take precedence over
FIM settings defined in other groups that the agent is a part of.

When the maintenance window has passed for the agents you previously added to
this group, simply remove them from the fim-disabled group. The agents will then
automatically restart and will silently create a new FIM baseline.

Another possibly complementary strategy would be create an agent group called

maintenance and then set its agent.conf file to:

<label key="state">maintenance</label>

This would cause a new field agent.labels.state to be added to all alerts from any
agent you put into the maintenance group, only while it is in that group. Among
other things, this would allow you to use the following criteria in the integrity

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

monitoring dashboard to exclude FIM events that took place while an agent was in a
maintenance window.

not agent.labels.state: maintenance

You might want to consider what other kinds of states a given server might enter
and exit over time that would be meaningful to account for via agent labels in this

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 8


Lab Exercise 4b: Syscollector and Vulnerability-detector

Of the many software packages installed on your Red Hat, CentOS, and/or Ubuntu systems,
which ones have known vulnerabilities that might impact your security posture? Wazuh helps
you answer this question with the syscollector and vulnerability-detector modules. On each
agent, syscollector can scan the system for the presence and version of all software packages.
This information is submitted to the Wazuh manager where it is stored in an agent-specific
database for later assessment. On the Wazuh manager, vulnerability-detector maintains a fresh
copy of the desired CVE sources of vulnerability data, and periodically compares agent
packages with the relevant CVE database and generates alerts on matches.

In this lab, we will configure syscollector to run on the wazuh server and on both of the Linux
agents. We will also configure vulnerability-detector on the wazuh server to periodically scan the
collected inventory data for known vulnerable packages. We will observe relevant log messages
and vulnerability alerts in Kibana including a dashboard dedicated to this. We will also interact
with the Wazuh API to more deeply mine the inventory data, and even take a look at the
databases where it is stored.

For the full documentation concerning this feature, see:

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Ensure your windows-agent is running a vulnerable package.
Using Chrome, download and install this known-vulnerable back version of VLC:

Next restart your Windows Wazuh agent.

Configure vulnerability-detector
In /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf on the manager, find the <vulnerability-detector> section. At the
top of that section switch the <enabled> value from "no" to "yes". Lower down in the same
section, switch <enabled> from "no" to "yes" directly under <provider name="canonical"> and
<provider name="nvd">.

For the purposes of this class, only the Canonical and NVD feeds will be used for vulnerability
detection purposes. NVD is being used for Windows vulnerabilities. Debian and Redhat are
also supported by not needed for this lab. The other OS we use in the lab environment is
Amazon Linux which is not fully compatible with vulnerability-detector at this time due to
package version mismatches between Amazon Linux and Redhat making the Redhat CVE
source unreliable for identifying vulnerable packages on Amazon Linux platforms.

Restart the manager with "systemctl restart wazuh-manager".

Restart the linux-agent with "systemctl restart wazuh-agent".

Look at the logs

The vulnerability-detector module generates logs on the manager.

Note it may take 10 minutes or more for the CVE database downloads to complete after the
restart of the manager. Only after will vulnerability detection proceed.

Try "grep syscollector: /var/ossec/logs/ossec.log" on the manager and/or your linux-agent:

2018/02/23 00:55:33 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Module started.
2018/02/23 00:55:34 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Starting evaluation.
2018/02/23 00:55:35 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Evaluation finished.

and try checking the manager's log for vulnerability-detector activity:

[root@manager1 etc]# grep "vulnerability-detector:" /var/ossec/logs/ossec.log

2020/01/15 00:49:53 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5461): Starting
Ubuntu Bionic database update.
2020/01/15 00:50:07 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5494): The update
of the Ubuntu Bionic feed finished successfully.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

2020/01/15 00:50:07 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5461): Starting
Ubuntu Xenial database update.
2020/01/15 00:50:26 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5494): The update
of the Ubuntu Xenial feed finished successfully.
2020/01/15 00:50:26 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5461): Starting
Ubuntu Trusty database update.
2020/01/15 00:50:56 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5494): The update
of the Ubuntu Trusty feed finished successfully.
2020/01/15 00:50:56 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5461): Starting
Ubuntu Precise database update.
2020/01/15 00:51:10 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5494): The update
of the Ubuntu Precise feed finished successfully.
2020/01/15 00:51:11 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5461): Starting
National Vulnerability Database database update.
2020/01/15 00:54:24 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5494): The update
of the National Vulnerability Database feed finished successfully.
2020/01/15 00:54:24 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5452): Starting
vulnerability scanning.
2020/01/15 00:54:51 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: INFO: (5453): Vulnerability
scanning finished.
See the alerts in Kibana
Search Kibana for
location:"vulnerability-detector" selecting some of the more helpful fields for viewing like

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Expand one of the records to see all the information available:

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Look deeper with the Wazuh API:

Up to now we have only seen the Wazuh API enable the Wazuh Kibana App to interface directly
with the Wazuh manager. However, you can also access the API directly from your own scripts
or from the command line with curl. This is especially helpful here as full software inventory data
is not stored in Elasticsearch or visible in Kibana – only the CVE match alerts are. The actual
inventory data is kept in agent-specific databases on the Wazuh manager. To see that, plus
other information collected by syscollector, you can mine the Wazuh API. Not only are software
packages inventoried, but basic hardware and operating system data is also tracked.

Run "agent_control -l" on the wazuh manager to list your agents as you will need to query the
API by agent id number:

Wazuh agent_control. List of available agents:

ID: 000, Name: manager# (manager), IP:, Active/Local
ID: 001, Name: linux-agent#, IP: any, Active
ID: 002, Name: elastic#, IP: any, Active
ID: 003, Name: windows-agent#, IP: any, Active

On the wazuh manager, query the Wazuh API for scanned hardware data about agent 002.

curl -sS -k -X GET "" -H "Authorization:
Bearer $TOKEN" | jq

The results should look something like this:

"ram": {
"usage": 67,
"total": 1048176,
"free": 343996
"cpu": {
"cores": 1,
"mhz": 2400,
"name": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz"
"scan": {
"id": 707357457,

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

"time": "2018/09/06 01:02:13"

Now from the Wazuh Kibana App, click on the "Dev tools" in the upper right for an even more
convenient way to probe the depths of the Wazuh API. Explore possible Wazuh API
syscollector-related queries based on these examples:

GET /syscollector/002/os
GET /syscollector/001/netiface
GET /syscollector/002/netproto
GET /syscollector/000/netaddr
GET /syscollector/003/ports
GET /syscollector/003/processes?select=pid,name
GET /syscollector/002/packages

Take time to look over the online documentation about the syscollection section of the Wazuh

This is a powerful facility that puts all sorts of data, configuration details, and state information at
your fingertips once you know how to ask for it. With the right parameters, not only can you
query these data sources, but you can select, filter, sort, and limit the results.

Wazuh Web UI visibility into Vulnerabilities and System Inventory data

Make sure to take a look at the Vulnerabilities dashboard (WAZUH -> Modules ->
Vulnerabilities). Also drill into a specific Wazuh agent in the Wazuh Web UI and from there click
on Inventory to get to a dashboard that makes a nice presentation of the broader set of items
inventoried on that agent.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

Rootkit Detection

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Rootkit Detection

A rootkit is a program that can hide itself as well as running processes, file or network
connections from the host where it is running. The malicious program can change access
rights of files and directories and its aim is to run “incognito”, meaning in the background for
as long as possible. The purpose for the intruder is to gain full access to the victim’s system
all the time. The only precondition is that a rootkit needs to be installed with root privileges
in the first place. This might be the biggest challenge for the attacker. We distinguish
between two kinds of rootkits:

● User-mode rootkit: A user-mode rootkit covertly replaces common UNIX binaries or

libraries with infected versions to hide its existence and to gain root privileges if

● Kernel-mode rootkit: A kernel-mode rootkit operates on the system level and

modifies or replaces the kernel which may have been affected in the boot process.

The typical characteristics of a rootkit are:

● stealth-functionality: it aims to hide the traces of the intruder by manipulating

processes, open files and network activity
● backdoor: it aims to gain remote access to the target system, e.g. through a SSH
● sniffer: it also has the possibility of wiretapping and intercepting various system
components, e.g through the network or a keylogger.

How can Wazuh detect rootkits?

Without using a host-based intrusion detection system it is almost impossible to detect

rootkits on a system. Simple file integrity checking alone is not going to detect a rootkit.
Wazuh monitors changes of files, directories and commands by performing file integrity
checks on these files. Wazuh’s syscheck module compares current checksums, so called
hashes, of files with
known “good” hashes. This means with the initial installation of Wazuh (agent or manager) a
first syscheck run is triggered and creates a database with checksums of all files and
directories that should be monitored. What should be monitored is specified in the

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

ossec.conf, Wazuh’s main configuration file. The directories on UNIX systems that are hashed
by default include:

● /bin
● /usr/bin
● /sbin
● /usr/sbin
● /etc
● /boot

Basically every directory that includes binaries, if modified with malicious code could
contain a rootkit. The /etc directory contains all the config files that are necessary to run
programs. The /var filesystem is not included because it usually is the place where all
systemwide log files are stored, monitoring this directory would cause a lot of alerts
because log files usually change very often. Every time a file changes it automatically
generates a new checksum.
The interval of each syscheck is 43200 seconds, which translates to every 12 hours. The
interval is measured in seconds but is easily configurable in the Wazuh config. Wazuh’s
rootkit detection module looks specifically for traces of rootkits, malware, and trojans on
configured systems.
There are two other configuration files responsible for detecting a rootkit within Wazuh. The
rootcheck module which works similar to the aforementioned syscheck module
continuously parses the following text files during a rootcheck analysis.
Below is an example of how a typical config for Rootkit detection looks like


rootkit_files.txt it contains a list of file names known to be user mode

rootkit_trojans.txt it contains signatures that known rootkits have
embedded in the binary file, by default the binaries in
/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin are searched.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

The rootcheck module extracts strings from binaries and uses a Regular Expression (RegEx)
to identify a match. Wazuh uses a signature-based approach because many rootkits contain
a unique string in trojaned versions of Linux utilities. As previously mentioned the intention of
a rootkit is to hide its existence and any traces for as long as possible. Therefore popular
scenarios would be to modify the “ps” or the “netstat” utility. The ps command displays a list
of the current running processes, a modified version would hide the rootkit processes
running in the background. The netstat utility displays all open network connections, a
malicious version could hide outgoing connections to a Command & Control (C&C) server,
being the target server of the intruder. Additional signatures of new rootkits, can be added at
any time to the rootkit_trojans.txt file. The rootcheck module generates an alert if “there’s a
discrepancy in information about a file, process, port or network interface.
The interval of the rootcheck module may vary from the duration of the syscheck module,
they act independently.

Following is an excerpt of the rootkit_files.txt

# T.R.K rootkit
usr/bin/soucemask ! TRK rootkit ::/rootkits/trk.php
usr/bin/sourcemask ! TRK rootkit ::/rootkits/trk.php

# Volc Rootkit
usr/lib/volc ! Volc Rootkit ::
usr/bin/volc ! Volc Rootkit ::

Below is an example of the rootkit_trojans.txt

ps !/dev/ttyo|\.1proc|proc\.h|bash|^/bin/sh!
netstat !bash|^/bin/sh|/dev/[^aik]|/prof|grep|addr\.h!

The Wazuh rootkit detection engine performs the following checks:

1. Read the rootkit_files.txt which contains a database of rootkits and files commonly
used by them. It will try to stats, fopen and opendir each specified file. We use all
these system calls because some kernel-level rootkits hide files from some system
calls. The more system calls we try, the better the detection. This method is more
like an anti-virus rule that needs to be updated constantly. The chances of
false-positives are small, but false negatives can be produced by modifying the

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

2. Read the rootkit_trojans.txt which contains a database of signatures of files
trojaned by rootkits. This technique of modifying binaries with trojaned versions
was commonly used by most of the popular rootkits available. This detection
method will not find any kernel level rootkit or any unknown rootkit.

3. Scan the /dev directory looking for anomalies. The /dev should only have device
files and the Makedev script. A lot of rootkits use the /dev to hide files. This
technique can detect even non-public rootkits.

4. Scan the whole filesystem looking for unusual files and permission problems. Files
owned by root, with write permission to others are very dangerous, and the rootkit
detection will look for them. Suid files, hidden directories and files will also be

5. Look for the presence of hidden processes. We use getsid() and kill() to check if
any pid is being used or not. If the pid is being used, but “ps” can’t see it, it is the
indication of kernel-level rootkit or a trojaned version of “ps”. We also verify that the
output of kill and getsid are the same.

6. Look for the presence of hidden ports. We use bind() to check every tcp and udp
port on the system. If we can’t bind to the port (it’s being used), but netstat does not
show it, we probably have a rootkit installed.

7. Scan all interfaces on the system and look for the ones with “promisc” mode
enabled. If the interface is in promiscuous mode, the output of “ifconfig” should
show that. If not, we probably have a rootkit installed.

Detecting User-Mode rootkits with Wazuh

Wazuh performs several tests to detect rootkits, one of them is to check the hidden files in
/dev. The /dev directory should only contain device-specific files such as the primary IDE
hard disk (/dev/hda), the kernel random number generators (/dev/random and
/dev/urandom), etc. Any additional files, outside of the expected device-specific files,
should be inspected because many rootkits use /dev as a storage partition to hide files. In
the following example we have created the file .hid which is detected by Wazuh and
generates the corresponding alert.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

# [root@manager ~]# cd /dev
# [root@manager /dev]# touch .hid
# [root@manager /dev]# ls -a /dev | grep '^\.'
# [root@manager /dev]#

Afterwards we restart the wazuh-manager using systemctl restart wazuh-manager to force

rootcheck to verify this folder and take a close look on the alerts.log by issuing this

# [root@manager /dev]# tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.log

** Alert 1460661371.476343: mail - ossec,rootcheck
2016 Apr 14 19:16:11 manager->rootcheck
Rule: 510 (level 7) -> 'Host-based anomaly detection
event (rootcheck).'
File '/dev/.hid' present on /dev. Possible hidden file.

We can see that Wazuh detected our fake hidden file, by scanning the /dev file system for
hidden files which usually are not supposed to be there.

Detecting Kernel-Mode rootkits with Wazuh

There are two separate Wazuh modules that run on every agent, those are called Syscheck
and Rootcheck. These modules perform various tests that help in detecting both user mode
and kernel mode rootkits. While Rootcheck performs most of the checks, syscheck is key
when looking for user mode malicious binary files.
Below is a table for Wazuh’s detection methods for user mode and kernel mode rootkits:

User mode rootkits

Regular hash comparison of files in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin/ etc

and others

Rootcheck Detecting hidden files Command System Call

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Scan /dev for anomalies

Detecting Hidden
Command System Call

Process hidden by
ps setsid(). getpgid(), kill()
trojaned ps

Detecting Hidden Ports Command System Call

Pors hidden by trojaned

netstat bind()


● Known rootkits signature check - rootkit_trojans.txt

● Search in strings of binaries for signatures
● Anomalous file permissions/ownership

Kernel mode rootkits

Detecting Hidden Files Command System Calls

Files hidden by intercepting sys stat(), opendir(),

calls readdir()

Detecting Hidden Processes Command System Calls

Process hidden by intercepted sys setsid(), getpgid(),

calls kill()
Detecting Hidden Ports Command System Calls

Ports hidden by intercepted sys

netstat bind()

Other Command System Calls

Database of known rootkits - stat(), fopen(),

rootkit_files.txt opendir()

This shows that Wazuh uses system calls to detect both User mode and Kernel mode
rootkits. Particularly interesting to use will be the system calls setsid(), getpid() and
kill() as those are used to detect hidden processes from the process listing utility “ps”.
Rootcheck attempts to detect a rootkit by issuing those system calls and comparing the

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

results to the output from ps. Rootcheck calls setsid(), getpgid() and kill() for all
process IDs and if any of them finds a process that is not listed by ps then rootcheck logs an
alert about a possible user mode rootkit or a “trojaned” version of the ps utility.

A kernel mode rootkit makes changes to the kernel with the goal of intercepting system
calls. It can manipulate information sent to and from the user mode tools. Wazuh is a user
mode application and thus also relies on data passed to it from the kernel. The rootcheck
module looks for possible intercepted system calls that may be hiding files and processes.
In the picture below we can see that Wazuh looks for the existence of hidden files used by
known rootkits.

The list of files from known rootkits that rootcheck attempts to locate can be found on the
Wazuh manager in /var/ossec/etc/shared/rootkit_files.txt
The rootcheck module tries to open each file by using the system calls opendir(), chdir(),
stats() and fopen(). We can see that rootcheck is able to open a file with the opendir() and
chdir() system calls but unable to do with stats() or fopen(). This may be an indication that a
rootkit has intercepted the stats() and fopen() system calls. Following this, rootcheck
would report a possible kernel level rootkit based on that discrepancy. However, this
detection method will have limited success since the file names must be present in
rootkit_files.txt or rootcheck will fail to detect this.
We have previously mentioned that rootkits try to hide its existence by manipulating the
process listing. A user-mode rootkit would replace the original “ps” binary with a modified
one that is capable of hiding its existence. However, this would not be very efficient because
Wazuh’s syscheck module would detect this bogus binary during the file integrity checks or
it may be detected by the rootcheck module when comparing the output from the ps utility
to the output from three different system calls that query running processes. As shown in
the table above we can see that processes hidden by a kernel mode rootkit would be

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

detected by the system calls getsid(), getpid() and kill() and comparing their outputs.
Rootcheck cycles through all possible process IDs. If getsid() finds the process but getpgid()
or kill() don’t then it may indicate a kernel level rootkit which has intercepted a system call.
Resulting from this, Wazuh will automatically generate an alert for the suspect process.

Prevention and mitigation of a rootkit

As previously mentioned in order for a rootkit to exist, it requires root (administrator)
privileges to be installed. To prevent a rootkit from existing on a system, it is essential that
the administrator or root user only installs packages that are known to be harmless. A
compromise of Linux core packages, such as ps, netstat, stat utility is very unlikely, because
a modification would be noticed during regular code reviews. If the distributor of a new
package or Windows executables provides a checksum (sha-2/md5) to its package, it is
recommended to validate the hash before installing the desired package. This is essentially
what the syscheck module does and guarantees the downloaded package has the same
content as its origin. If Wazuh or any other HIDS detects a malicious file as a rootkit, it is
recommended to remove the file and replace it through a new installation of said binary.
When in doubt it is recommended to contact the WAZUH mailing list or to file a bug report
for a potential false-positive alert.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Lab Exercise 4c - Rootkit Detection

In this exercise you will safely implement a kernel-mode rootkit as a proof-of-concept for
Wazuh rootkit detection. This rootkit is able to hide itself from the kernel module list as well
as hide selected processes from being visible to "ps". However, Wazuh will still detect it
using the system calls “setsid()”, “getpid()”, and “kill()”. This makes Wazuh a
very effective Linux rootkit detection application by looking for general low-level hiding

For this lab the Diamorphine kernel module has already been compiled for you and is
waiting in /tmp/diamorphine.ko to be inserted.

1: Log on to your linux-agent# system and become root.

2: Download, build, and load the rootkit kernel module and put it to use
git clone
cd Diamorphine
sed -i 's/asm\/uaccess\.h/linux\/uaccess.h/' diamorphine.c
insmod diamorphine.ko

The kernel-level rootkit “diamorphine” is now installed on this system! By default it is hidden
so we wouldn’t be able to detect it by running “lsmod”. Only with a special "kill" signal can
we make diamorphine unhide itself: Try it out:

[root@agent Diamorphine]# lsmod | grep diamorphine

[root@agent Diamorphine]# kill -63 509
[root@agent Diamorphine]# lsmod | grep diamorphine
diamorphine 13155 0
[root@agent Diamorphine]# kill -63 509
[root@agent Diamorphine]# lsmod | grep diamorphine
[root@agent Diamorphine]#

In the case of Diamorphine, any attempt to send kill signal -63 to any process whether it
exists or not, will toggle whether the Diamorphine kernel module hides itself.

This rootkit also allows you to hide a selected processes from being seen by the "ps"
command for example. Here we will find the pid of rsyslogd and then hide it. Your rsyslogd
pid will be different than the one in this example. Substitute the correct pid for 535 below.

[root@agent Diamorphine]# ps auxw | grep rsyslog | grep -v grep

root 535 0.0 0.3 218744 3736 ? Ssl Dec07 0:00 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

[root@agent Diamorphine]# kill -31 535
[root@agent Diamorphine]# ps auxw | grep rsyslog | grep -v grep
[root@agent Diamorphine]#

3: Next configure your linux-agent to run rootcheck scans every 5 minutes and to disable
syscheck FIM and policy enforcement scans to make the lab less noisy. To accomplish this,
replace the entire <rootcheck> section in /var/ossec/etc/shared/linux/agent.conf on
the manager, with the following, Also, in the <syscheck> section, set <disabled> to yes.
Then restart first the manager and then the agent with the "systemctl restart
wazuh-manager" & "systemctl restart wazuh-agent" commands.


Now our next rootcheck scan should run shortly. It should notice the rsyslogd process
which we have hidden with Diamorphine and alert about it.

4: Pay close attention to ossec.log on your linux-agent. You will see the following
information being displayed then the rootcheck scan runs:

2016/04/09 14:15:49 rootcheck: DEBUG: Condition ANY.

2016/04/09 14:15:49 rootcheck: DEBUG: Going into check_rc_dev
2016/04/09 14:15:49 rootcheck: DEBUG: Starting on check_rc_dev
2016/04/09 14:15:49 rootcheck: DEBUG: Going into check_rc_sys
2016/04/09 14:15:49 rootcheck: DEBUG: Starting on check_rc_sys
2016/04/09 14:15:49 rootcheck: DEBUG: Going into check_rc_pids
2016/04/09 14:16:07 ossec-agentd: DEBUG: Sending agent notification.

We can see that the rootcheckd process is running some check on the /dev filesystem
(check_rc_dev), as well as running some syscall checks (check_rc_sys) as well as, and this is
probably the most interesting part for our rootkit, running the checks on the the process id’s

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

5. Also try to find the same event in Kibana by searching for "".

6: Remember, if you run the same "kill -31" command as before against rsyslogd, the
rsyslogd process will become visible again. The subsequent rootcheck scan would no
longer alert about it.

7: Remove the rootkit from your linux-agent# since we don’t need it any longer.

rmmod diamorphine
kill -63 509
rmmod diamorphine

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