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6 - 7)

We live in a plural society that is made up of many

different groups depending on the language, culture,
religions and beliefs. 

The languages of Spain.

- The official language of Spain is Spanish, but Spain has

different coofficials languages:

 1) Galego in Galicia.

2) Euskera in País Vasco and Navarra.

3) Català in Cataluña and Isles Balears.

4) Valencià in the Comunitat Valenciana.

- Spanish is a Romance language, which developed from

- Spain has many traditions and cultures. Some Spanish
festivities are, for example, San Juan or Christmas.
2. POPULATION (pp. 8 - 9)

- The population of a country is calculated using census

data. A census is a survey of every person living in a
country and it tells us how many people have been born,
have died and have moved to or away from the country
since the last census was done.

- There are many factors that affect the population of a


1) Birth rate: number of babies that are born for every

1000 people each year.
2) Death rate: number of people who die for every 1000
people each year.
3) Immigration: number of people who have come to
live in the country.
4) Emigration: number of people who have moved out of
the country. 
5) Life expectancy: is the average number of years that a
person is expected to live.
6) Fertility rate: the average number of children per
 -  These factors cause the population to increase or
 - Population density tells us the number of people living
in each square kilometer of an area. 

Population density =  total population                      

Area (km2)

 The total population of Spain is about 49.7 million

people. This population can be divided into various
groups, for example: age or gender.

 We can represent population using graphs and


 In Spain there are more females (51%) than males


 Spain has an ageing population because there are

more retired people and fewer people working. 

 Spain’s population has increased in the last 100

4. EUROPE’S POPULATION (pp. 12-13)

- Europe’s total population is about 738 million people.

- The country with the largest population is Germany,
which has over 80 million inhabitants.

- Population is densest in:

 Large cities
 Coasts
 Rivers

- Countries which are in the center of the continent are

more densely populated. For example: Belgium, the
Netherlands and Luxembourg. 

- Europe has an ageing population.

- The death rate is low thanks to medical advances.

- The population in Europe is growing due to


People may migrate due to wars or economic reasons.

They want to have a better quality of life.

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