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22, What color is it? ty =~ 1.VOCABULARY i) Listen and repeat. blue umbrella What's this? ated purse purple notebook pink folder ‘an orange and yellow green pencil brown sports bag MO vsaccavawritepenpenliese 2.READ “9 1 Usten and ead B, Match the people with the things. Gareth Oo Susan Oops! I'm so sorry. Ate you OK? Gareth Yes, I'm fine. And yout Susan I'm OK. Is this your blue folder? Gareth No, it snt. That's my blue folder over Gareth there Susan OK and here's your yellow folder. Now, — a where’ my pen? Gareth What colorist? Susan Its bine and yellow. Gareth Here itis Susan ‘Thanks. 3.GRAMMAR THE VERB be (it) - this, that Read the examples and write the short forms in the table, This is my purse. Ws red THERE as Oy ‘That isnt my purse. It isnt re. Yesitis What colors your pen? Isit orange? maps | toothbrush > toothbrushes country > count Read the examples. When do we use these and those? This is my camera. > These are my cameras, Thatisamap. > Those are maps. B, POSSESSIVE CASE - WHOSE? Read the dialogue. What color are jane’s ‘sunglasses? Mary Whose ate these blue sunglasses? Are they your sunglasses, Jane? Jane No, they aren't. They're Betty's. My sunglasses are orange. Grammar Reference p.125 4, PRACTICE ‘A. Write the sentences in the plural. 1. That is my dictionary, aa 2. This is a backpack. 3. That's Tina’ camera 4. My fiend isan actress. B. Circle the correct words. 1.Whose / Who's toothbrush is this? Is it Anne's / ‘Annet 2. My bes friends friends name is James. 3. These aren't my notebooks, They're my roommate / roommate's 4. Whose Who's Mr. Jones? Is he our new neighbor / neighbor's? 5.PRONUNCIATION “») A. Listen and repeat. What's the difference between a, band c? a. maps b.cameras «. toothbrushes fen and check the sound you hear. snaps [sl] cameras] wothbrushes zl pencils students Phones: tickets backpacks pens actresses 6.SPEAK Talk in pairs. Whose are the things below? Discuss asin the example, Whose is this cell phone? I think it's Greg's. Whose are these ..? think they're . 2 Family ties 1.VOCABULARY 3) Listen and repeat. STEVE'S FAMILY \ A Vi A (grandparents) vA father mother (parents) son daughter (children/kids) 2.SPEAK Present different people you know. ‘My mother’s/wife's name is Tanya. She's an architect. Sy 2% -READ “7 2 tka the pictures. What do you th people ae talking about? Listen, and find out. Tinda Yes Ido, Her name’ Sandy. Shean actress. Mrs.Lee This is my daughter and hes i Mr.Park What’ your daughter's name agi Mrs. Lee Sun, ‘Mr-Park Does she have any children? Mrs. Lee Yes, she hasa baby boy, Chin Mr. Park So, you'ea grandmother! Paula livia Paula Olivia Paula B, Read again and complete the : 1. Sandy i Linda’s 2,Sandy isan 3,Sun is Mrs, Lee's is Sun's Y¥es, Fhave two brothers and Really? That’ nice. ‘What about you? Vm an only child, Helshem(—___} WelYou/They have 1 don't have e/She/t does have WelVourThey don't have Do have? Does helsheft have? welyouthey have? Neh ldo, = NoIdon'. Yes hese No, helseft does Yeuweiyourheyd —-No,welyoulthey| | oesn't have = does not have ont have = dont have 5. PRACTICE ‘Complete with the correct form of the verb have. LA you kids? B:No\I 2, My husband two brothers, but he 3. Arls that Simone’ son? BB: No! Simone son. She a daughter. 1 brother ora sister man only child 3, A:Oh, no! We a camera for our tip. B your roommate AnYes, he Good ideat 6. SPEAK ‘A Talkin groups of five. Ask and answer questions using the verb have and the words in the box. ‘Do you have a brother? Yes, Ido. / No, I don’t. Dor eget to took atthe cxamples and to use be prompts given. Se B. Report the results to the class. Three people in my 9TOUp have vn 7.WRITE ‘Write sentences about some members of your fami 2d My favorite clothes fn 1. VOCABULARY ©) A-listen and repeat. 2.READ 7) A. Listen and read. Where would you fing text ike this? What isitabout? Whats in ya Perec IVS earn o~ shit > te J { } jacket-> youranswers. Thisismy favorite ress t ‘sntvery These are my nen stylish, but sneakers think Uke theyre very styish 3.GRAMMAR , ADIECTIVES The words in bold are adjectives. What do you notice about their form and position? ‘That Pshiet in jrammar Reference p.12 \ p.126 Toni Prego es are great, eta Caan eres se. That'sa nice T-shirt, Those shoes are stylish, Those are stylish shoes, shirts but they, Perr eens B. Read again and write T for True or F for False, 1. Alesha’ favorite dress is stylish 2. Alesha has new sneakers. 3. Alesha has only one leather jacket. 4, PRACTICE Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. b. Tom hasa = a. You have stylish sneakers. bier 3. a. These jeans are cheap. b. They are = 4.a, Thats a terrible shirt b. That 5. a, My boots are old bithave 5. PRONUNCIATION “9) A. Listen and repeat. What's the difference between a, band c? adhoes — beskin cheap 8. Listen and check the sound you hear shoes /fi_|_skirt/s/_| cheap /tf/ shin Teacher [Trench I fficer | 6. LISTEN © Listen to three dialogues and choose a or b 1. Mary has__ sneakers, b. purple 2. The dress in the store is expensive b.chea 3. Luke’stie is anew bold 7. SPEAK PAIR WORK Go to page 119. 2 Looking good T.VOCABULARY “‘y) A. Listen and repeat. eral opil clei} ——_ “ hair short | medium-length eal blond beautifull handsome Use the vocabulary in A —_A_ 8. Use the ry a to make true sentences ris is tal an) about your classmates. ‘has dark hai, sain 2.READ 9) ‘A. Look atthe picture from the movie Hairspray, chubby overweight ‘Who do you think the actor is? Choose a, by, a. Jennifer Aniston b,John Travolta eMikeMyers — () B. Now read, listen and check your answer, young) midile-aged/ old thos “Inhsts.— inhistos 3.LISTEN “y) ‘A. Look at the pictures and describe the women. Beto you ten, leok atthe petures cat B. Two men are talking about their colleague, Lind Who is Linda? Check picture a, bore C Read again and answer the questions. A.What’s Hairspray about? 2, Does Edna have mediumlength hair? 3.Is ohn Travolta overweight in real life? 4, What color are Edna's eyes? 4. SPEAK GUESSING GAME Go to page 119. 5. WRITE Sines ‘A. Read the e-mail below and add punctué and capitals. 1a, ‘cna | fem. [toger227@yahoocom —_] sutjece|My new roommate how's it going my new roommate is very nice her name is annie she's tall and chubby she has medium-length datk hair and green eyes she's trom australia and he's an english teacher B. Write a description of someone you recently met. Remember oc punctuation and capital lets in you wring, OCABULARY Cross out the odd word. Then add one more: ‘en notebook ~ green folder «camera ~ flashlight ~ cell phone ~train = ——— = 5. boy ~ grandmother ~sister—som =| 4 Sint ~ shoes = short = suit = po 5. tall —hair~ slim ~ chubby ~ ee ae 6 leather ~ purple —brown = white= GRAMMAR '. Wit the sentences inthe plural {That woman's umbrla is yell sgt ci asa nes cae choose aor sackets this sit sonst ‘Whose pens are lan’ bethis These 23. My hosband a brother, cdot ne edesnit have 4.____ sheave her passport with her? Do ‘Does 5 Areyour, in your backpack? ‘notebooks brnctebook’ (6, What color are your___sunglases? father bfather’s . Complete the blanks. ‘My names Eily and) aig family 9 five sons and one da sone and one daughter Myo) oe Kirsty and Hong brown ‘onal ait My hair is blond, she’ thee years old, Kirsty (3). + hair but all ny sons (6), Inusbund’s name is Jack. 7) too, Well, it's also gray HON communicar i" atthe cwestins #7 “Oe sutsthat your se have or 1 pei case? st 1 os ase ene eT 0 3 what oar 7" ese? az whose sues are HE 5, where are my F04 boots? overweight? 00000 6. 1sGrah 2, who hasa flstight? a.Noits Deli’ pes black and 8% No heli a. They'e my mothers ce Here they ate Tony. Yes, he dos. Complete the questions. seis Ae Se ally 1s Gary’ brother’ jacket two brotha jp aac! Kelly Yes he does Ther ames ar ob ard Pi ee Kelly Phil isin his 2 a ee ee Kelly No, he doesn. He has blond har. Jan know Pill He'sa student at my shook 6. Answer the questions. 1. Do you have any brothers or sisters 2, What do'you have in your backpack?” {3 Does your grandmother have a cll phone? 4. What color are your eyes? 5. What are your favorite clothes? 6.Are you tal Te Mom, Mum, Mommy, Mummy, Mama or Ma? ‘These ae all names for mother and they are all common inspoken language. Notieris more common in write Tanguage. Mom, Mommy, Mama and Ma ae American English and Mrtand Mumny are rth Elis Moray ana Munanyare mars cide jad, Daddy, Papa, Pop or Old man? ‘Daddyis also a name children Papa, Pappy and Pop are America English and they are ol-ishioned (Old man is both American and British English, and it can also husband. irandma, Granny, Gran, lan or Nanna? Grandpa, Granddad, Gramps or Grandpappy? Grandparents hae os of diferent names, t00, Grandmother and grandfather are usally written language. Children usually have four B, Read again and write T for True orF ‘grandparents, soit is common to have a Grandpa for False, and a Granddad, so there's no confusion. : 1, Monomy is usally spoken Engi Also, some grandparents are Grandpa John ot Morey aes ea 2. Children usually call their father Daddy. Granny Ruth, so they are different. In the US.A. ‘many children have parents from different J 3 Old mais. father and a husband countries, In this case itis common for them to : i J 4. A child’ father fathers only called Grandpa have an Abuelo and an Abuela (Spanish) ot an Opa v a ance 5. Opa is Spanish for grandiather, Px con rnd more infomation on ths tpn te Sten’ Area at wax > What's your daily routine like? How busy are your do you do in your spare time? » Do you prefer spending time at home Flip through the module and find... ‘uo girls getting ready to go jogging > a woman doing a street survey a giel who's tired of housework |] >a TV guide » Gary Silver's daily routine (eure cs ec > to tell the time > to talk about spare-time activities > to talk about your daily routine » to talk about your likes and dislikes » the days of the week > to say how often you do things > to talk about TV shows > to write about your and other people's daily routines 3.4 what time is it on? 1.VOCABULARY 9) ‘A’ Match the clocks 15 with phrases a-e. Then listen and cheek your answers What time is it? eI ive fry, ts thyce-thirty. bitethree-okfive. _«. (Us three filteen dutseh a Tes three oéock ssin the TV guide below? peat, Can you find any ofthese show B.Listen and re —— eS HOO Yankees ws. Red relly show Sox basebal IZ 530 vio wonestobe uy 2-SPEAK » oe i Look at the TV guide wee. ip etaikn _ fee! |) hat tne te na ane its on ate ctl toe the weather awe 3.READ “9 A. isten and read What does the man want ta watch? JIE What's on? “Top Chef W's really good. Lets watch i. No, thanks. I don’ watch reality shows. OK, there's good documentary on later Oy, Hike documentaries. Me too. ‘What time i it on? ats. And what time sit now? 13:00, 4.GRAMMAR phils anal eee PRESENT SIMPLE (I, you, we, they) Affirmative and negative Read the examples. What do you notice ‘about the formation of the negative form? 1 ts th Grammar Reference p.126 Tike / watch sitcoms. Dave Wait a minute! Where's the remote control? There’ live football on Channel 5. Melissa Oh no, not again! I don’ like football. B. Read again and write D for Dave, M for Melissa or B for Both. 1, atch reality shows : 2, Tike documentaries, 2 3, Like football, J 5.PRACTICE Read the sentences and change them into the ie 6.SPEAK Talkin groups about the TV shows you like and don't like. 7 don’t like talk shows. I watch sitcoms. Me too. ——_ 3D Are you active? ; ‘mad Monday A.VOCABULARY ieee Fag A.Listen and repeat. Which fhe acts below ave active 296 yesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday fo 2.SPEAK Talk in pairs, oe go dancing on Thy What about you? 11go dancing onthe weekend, T —~ go dancing ‘on Monday/Sund ‘onthe weekend! avs goshopping —readthenewspspergo‘othegym™ 3.READ ©) ‘A. What do you think the two gi are talking about? Listen, read and find out. Seeman ns = | Anna — Hi, Sophie. Are you ready? Sophie Give mea minute Anna Do you go jogging aly on Sundays? Sophie No,1 dont go on Saturtayg ‘What about you! ‘Anna _ only go jogging om Suny fy Tm not very active watcha kad DVDs and I ead magarnes What ese do you 1 goto the gym and aye When do you play? I play on Tuesdays and Thais alter work OK. Ready now? Yeah, Lets go! i 4.GRAMMAR 6.LISTEN &) PRESENT SIMPLE (YoU, we, they Listen to/a woman answering questions fora Questions * they) survey and check the correct boxes. Read the examples. What verb short answers? doyoursein | ( CIES A: What do you do in your spare time 1B: We go to the movies, Yes da Doyo ayaa Yo, _ Grammar Reference p.126 5.PRACTICE ‘Complete withthe Present Simple of the verbs in parentheses. Give short answers where possible. Dan When you ane gmt wit 1 (9) on Mondays an Fridays after work, Dan you__ (play sponse will Ye, Dei Gay ‘baskerbal on the weekend Dan You veryactive! you (@0) dancing con the weekend, oo? Will No, 1 (hangout) with ends at home 7.SPEAK Talkin pairs. ‘Ae you active? Yes, lam... / No, Pm not What do you doin your spare time? 3C Daily routine 1.VOCABULARY ®, Listen and repeat. ad take a shower hhave breakfast/ lunch/dinner havea cass Work from. (0. yy ‘goto bed get home 2. SPEAK Talk in pairs. | get home in the afternoon. get home in the evening. {nthe morning/atteroon/evening ‘at night cri 3.READ “9 {Look atthe picture and the ttle of thet What does Gary Silver do? Does he wor. ste, ead and check our gt Gary Sverisa radio DJ for KACL 97.2F¥. His show is on every night, so his daly routine a little unusual, Every day he gets up at three ‘o¥lock nthe afternoon. He takes a shower, bu then he doesnt have breakfast, he has lunch He relaxes forthe rest of the day and has dinner at about ten o'lockin the evening Then he goes to work. He starts a tpn. and finishes at 6am, He gets home at about seven in the morning and he goes to bed, pead again and compl sentences with the correct time. 4.GRAMMAR PRESENT SIMPLE (he, she, it) Affirmative and negative Read the tables. What do you notice about the formation ofthe third person singular (he, she, it)? 5. PRACTICE Complete with the Present Simple ofthe verbs in parentheses finish) at 5:30p.m. 6.PRONUNCIATION ~) ‘Listen and repeat. What's the diference between a, band asus breads B. Now listen and check the sound you hear. 7.WRITE ‘Think of someone you know well (mother, father, wife, husband, best rend, ec.) and wit few sentences comparing your dally routines. Qig e a A 1.VOCABULARY ‘y) Listen and repeat. takes i ) 4.READ <>) ‘A. Look at the pictures. Linda Jones is doing a survey about transpo ‘Match the two columns. Then list —————— ‘read and check your answers. } walk rides indonesia aoe Man reporter Woman architect 2.GRAMMAR ‘ADVERBS: OF | FREQUENCY cookat the graph read he examples. Wat do you rotice about the position of adverbs of frequency? ainays: —— ee = My wife never walks to work Julie doesn't usually ride her bike to school obec is always at work in the morning Grammar Reference p.126 | | | Linda Jones Excuse me, do you 3, SPEAK Man Yes man architec. “akin ait. Tink about how you gto work, schoo, nae neil . Linda Jones How do you gt. wal eee SSS Man My sister usualy g Tow do you get to work? Linda Jones Does she work with a ‘usually toke a taxi, What about you? Man Yes, she does ee 5.GRAMMAR PRESENT SIMPLE (he, she, it) uestions ead the examples. What's the difference between the two questions? Hove doves Jane get 1 school every day? She walks Yes, he does. Does Brian dive to work Noe doesn't vammar Reference p.126 J Linda Jones Excuse me, how do you get 10 work? Woman Idon’t havea job actually. Ym a college student. My husband works, Linda Jones: How does he get to work? Woman Hettakes the subway, then, he takes the bus, Linda Jones Does he ever take a taxi? Only when be's late Linda Jones [ see. Thank you. Woman B. Read again and complete. |The man works 2. The mans gives hima ride to work, 3. The woman doesnt have a(n) 4. The womans sss two modes of transportation to get to work 5. The woman’ husband to work 6. PRACTICE Complete the dialogue. Mrs, Drake give you a ride to work? Mrs. Wilson No sual gets up lay Mrs, Drake work inthe Mrs, Wilson Yes, Mrs, Drake What time ____ tart work? Mrs, Wilson Atte. Mrs. Drake Wow! And re home after six in the morning? Mrs. Wilson Yes He gets 7.PRONUNCIATION |") AA Listen and repeat. What's the difference between aand b? a. Doyou work? —_b, How do you get to work? B. Listen and repeat. Is the intonation rising * or falling %? L.Doyouhaveacar? 4. When do you go to 2. Does he ridea college motorcyelet 5.1 she a docte 3. Where ae you 6. What time does the 8.LISTEN Lsten toa dialogue between two friends and choose aor b 1, Who is never late for class? Zoe b. Luke 2. What time does Zoe get up? a. At a.m, b.Atsa.m, 3. How does Zoe get to her college? a, She takes two buses b, Her sister gi and the subway, her arrde 4. Who has.a car? b.Luke’ brother 3@ Athome 1.VOCABULARY ") A Listen and repeat. Do you do hous ework? ‘lean the house doe dishes ‘ron my clothes B.Say what housework you iways take out the trast always doand never cook what you never do, ——— o takeout the trash vacuum 2.READ “9 1. Look atthe girls inthe picture. B. Listen and read Wendy's diary and check your ansug, What is their retationship? ——————————— , February 16% L-ear’t stand my new roommate, Alison! She doesn’t help with the housework at all On Saturday mornings, she gets up early but she doesn’t stay at home. She goes to the ‘gum. Then she hangs out with her friends all day. They often come over and make a mess, They eat-and watch DVDs for hours. Of course, Alison never does the dishes. Then on Sundays, she sleeps all day, | usually do all the housework, so | don’t go out with my friends hate weekends! cook wash the car C.Read again and write T for True or Ffor False. 1. Alison sometimes does housework 2. Wendy and Alison hang out on the weekend, 3. Alison’ friends do the dishes on Saturdays 4, Alison stays at home on Sundays. 5, Wendy thinks weekends are great. 3.LISTEN “) A. Listen to two different women talking on the phone and answer the questions below. Choose aor b, 1. Who is the woman? John’s mother b, Joseph's mothe 2. Who is the woman? @.Ms Steinberg ba cleaner B. Listen again and put a vor a %€ in the boxes, John Ms. Hudson vacuums O does the laundry oO irons clothes Oo does the dishes ) cooks oO 4.SPEAK Goto page 120. 5.WRITE Sires ‘A. Make sentences by putting the words in the correct order. 1. brother / takes / my / subway / the 2aat/ Lucy (6:15 3. don't shows / watch /1/ reality 4. ytball/ Bens / play’! friends don't finish /at/1/ midnigl be / work . Write a short paragraph about what you do on Saturdays. oO oO * Rema check he ward ran your wing (cue! + vet, adverts of fequerey). + Remember wseprpostion oie ooo. (eg. a7 obec, thera, on Stuy atomoen) ooo

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